


9 years, 8 days ago



Basic Information
mid thirties
Reactive Loyal
Lives on the outskits of a large city
Theme Song
English mostly, talks in Java sometimes to annoy others
Ritika, well, she's a damn good mother. Even if she and her children get the fire department called on them once a week, her kids sure are happy. There's still an edge to her too. It's been softened over the years, but it's stil there. Take care around her.
― The Storyteller

Ritika is a hacker whose been everywhere and done everything. Her younger years were filled with her working on both sides of the law, building up a fortune from shadowy people she doesn't talk about anymore, and building weapons in her basement. Nowadays, she's got a wife and two kids, as well as an adoptive brother. Hasn't changed her much.


Ritika is a gray Plumie, with a few orange and blue markings. Her feathers are blue with black spot sporting an orange ring. Overally though, she's not particuarly remarkable. Or at least, she wouldn't be if it wasn't for her eyes. Ritika has hetrochromic eyes, one sporting a orange pupil and black scleara and the other with a blue pupil and normal eye whites. Still, most people don't see this, since Ritika prefers to keep one eye closed at a time. She doesn't talk about it with strangers, often wearing sunglasses to prevent others from noticing, but her eyes are more different from each other then just being different colored. Her blue eye is fairly normal, but her orange eye has five cones. This allows her to see two additional colors compared to everyone else, and thousands of new shades in between. When she has both eyes open at once, it can mess with her head and cause a migraine. Usually she just keeps the blue eye open, but sometimes she switches it up and uses her orange one.


Since she's had kids, Ritika hasn't chilled out one damn bit. She's not risking her life like when she was a kid, but she's still taking on jobs from all sorts and building death machines in her basement for fun. It's just now she's got two little minions to help her make giant fireballs in the driveway. She's certainly given Fabel and Corbin enough heart attacks, though no close calls. Ritika loves her kids, and she does make sure they're safe, she just refuses to put them in bubble wrap. Surprisingly though, she's the more strict mom, making sure the kids are being kind to each other and laying down the law when it comes to boundaries. Though she's also the most protective of the kids when it comes to other plumies. The school's PTA lives in fear of her after she overheard a parent make fun of Silvius for using sign language.


When Ritika was young her life was fairly normal. She had a father who was alright, and a mother who loved her. She got her first laptop when she was seven years old and it was a piece of junk. Her dad had been told to throw it out but had brought it for her to play pretend on. Ritika got it working again with the determination only seven years old have, a few books on computers and parts from the junk drawer. It was jet enginge loud when it was running, it had to be kept on a desk at all times and it overheated during the summer but she loved it. With that laptop she learned to code. By the time she was 13 she was working part-time at a local computer repair store run by a friend of her mom's. She loved it more then anything, and she soaked up computer knowledge like a sponge. Before her parents knew it she was building little machines and even computers of her own. She was also taking on side jobs, just little things like making websites or small programs. As she grew older, her projects got bigger and bigger. And, well, a little less legal. Ritika got into security, first just bug hunting for fun and profit. Then making viruses for fun, nothing that did much harm. Then maybe taking a side job or two to make something a bit more dangerous. By the time she was a legal adult she was working for forgien government agencies, taking risky missions and getting tangled in webs of danger for the hell of it.

For Ritika, the danger was as important to her as the money. Once she had accumulated enough wealth to be set for life, it became mostly about the thrill. Here for a good time, not a long time was her motto and Ritika lived by it. She kept taking risker and risker jobs, pushing further and further, looking for a limit, a boundry, anything.

Then, on one morning in between seasons, when time didn't feel real, the sky was gray and the weather just was, Ritika got a phone call. It was her mother, and Ritika picked up while working on her lastest job. Her mother called her often to chat about her week, the new flower's she's planted, about when Ritika might visit home again or vague details about where Ritika was currently. Their converstations could trail on for hours. Ritika didn't mind, she really did love her mother after all. This time though their converstaion was short. Ritika's father had passed away. For one awful, awful moment, Ritika thought it might have been her fault. Someone outsmarted her and found out who she was, took revenge for something from her past. But no, it had been a hemorrhages. Just bad luck, nobody could've seen it coming. He was dead before the ambulance got there.

Ritika went home. She finished up the job and rejected any future offers. A week later she helped bury the man she'd shared a home with. It was strange, because she was sure that she was supposed to be sad. It wasn't like she was happy, she would undo it if she could somehow, but the whole experience left her feeling empty and blank. She had never known her father very well, he wasn't a bad father per say, but he'd had to work a lot of late nights and never really connected with Ritika. There was a part of her that felt like she should've been sadder about what happened, the best she could do was try not to think about it much. After that she stuck around in her home city for awhile, mostly to help her mother out with all the little things that had to happen when people died. It was there that she met Corbin for the first time, she was 19 and felt like she had been an adult for years. He was 17 and wanting to feel like one at all. They became friends quickly, Ritika didn't like most people, but Corbin was bright and friendly and there when she was at her worst. Corbin was happy to have someone who listened to him, pushed back, and made him feel like an equal.

Eventually Ritika started her work back up again. She didn't really have much else to do, and she missed it. She kept in contact with Corbin though, telling him about all of her adventures. The two grew closer, and eventually with some convincing from Corbin, Ritika hung up her 'really illegal and dangerous hat'. Her work was often still dubious, but risking her life had lost a lot of it's appeal now she knew her mother had no one else and that she was worrying her friend. Ritika bought herself a proper home, and while she still traveled a lot, it was nice to have somewhere to go back to.

Corbin got Ritika into a lot of hobbies, like keeping plants, sketching and soccer. One of her favorite activites she picked up from him though was hiking. It became a daily thing for her, and one day she met a strange girl out in the woods. Fabel had been out hiking herself and the two of them end up hiding from a heavy rain under an outcropping together. One thing lead to another, and before Ritika knew it she was head over heels for this girl who was so sweet and kind in ways she could never be. After three years togther, Ritika found her eye constantly caught by rings in windows they past and she ended up asking Fabel to marry her out in the same forest they had met in.

Ritika had never thought she'd be a mom. It wasn't that she didn't like kids, she actually did, and she had always thought it might be nice to have some of her own someday. But it had been one of those things she was sure would never actually happen. Too busy, to many dangerous around, her house was too small. With Fabel though, things fell into place one after another, and after a lot of preperation, they had their first daughter, Melati. A few years later they welcomed their second, Silvius. Ritika found out that she loved being a mom just as much as she loved all her work before. It came with a lot of trials, lots of long nights, drama with school PTA (and local police sometimes) but she wouldn't trade her kids for the world.



  • Security Expert
  • Mechanical Engineer (Self-taught)
  • Firearms General Use
  • Lockpicking
  • General Combat

Unique Abilities

  • Software Engineer - Ritika has built all sorts of programs, though she specializes in virus creation.
  • Social Engineering - While she's generally a rather hard person to get along with outside of her family, Ritika is actually incredibly charming when she wants to be. It's gotten her out of more situations than she can count, and into just as many.
  • Spy work - It's been awhile since she's done field work, but Ritika has significant training and experience in spy work. Every now and again she still takes a legal job for it and still has it down.



"Rikita? God, I'm not sure how I'd begin to describe everything we've been through. She's been with me through everything, partners leaving, my family falling out of touch, a bad boyfriend or two, pretty sure she might've killed someone for me at some point. Her kids are basically my nieces at this point. Still though, be careful around her. She doesn't take kindly to strangers."
― Corbin

Corbin and Ritika are as close as close can be. They are adoptive siblings, and they've been through everything together. The two of them balance each other out just as much as they enable their nonesense. The two have been friends for a long time, and Corbin was the reason that Ritika stopped risking her life even before she had met Fabel. Now Ritika's got kids, Corbin's taken on the role of an uncle to her children and helped Ritika thorough a lot of the trials of being a mom.


The third was Ritika herself, her eyes were alight with a loving look that Fabel didn't think she had ever seen before, and there was a soft smile on her normally frowning face. And then Ritika spoke and Fabel could hardly contain herself for long enough to let the other finish.
― A Proposal

Fabel and Ritika met on a rainy day, hiding under an outcrop together. Fabel brightened up her life, and Ritika was never quite the same after she met her. The two of them fell in love slowly, both on unfamilar ground and feeling their way around. They learned to support one another, to accept each other's quirks, to make the other person better and to make themselves better for it. The two of them are still as in love as the day they got married. As the first day Ritika looked up with her orange eye and saw something amazing. As the day Ritika finished rebuilding Fabel's tree house. As the day Fabel gave Ritika a plant she'd be searching for for ten years, that Fabel herself had spents months hunting for out in the woods. Now the two of them are parents together, learning and adjusting and figuring things out and neither of them would trade it for the world.


Melati is Ritika's eldest child, and the similarities between the two of them are clear in personality if not in apperence. Obviously Melati loves both of her parents, but her and Ritika definately spend more time together working on whatever weird project they've come up with. Sometimes Ritika can get a little too loose with what she lets Melati get away with, and they can certainly butt heads when Ritika does put her foot down, but for the most part they work together really well. Ritika loves her elder daughter and wants her to succeed in her field, even if she does worry about Melati's lack of confidence sometimes. It is hard for her to understand why her daughter doesn't just speak up in her own defense, but she tries her best to remember that Melati is her own person and not always as confident as her or her sibling.


Silvius and Ritika look quite alike, but are furhter apart in personality. Where Ritika is often talkative and firm, Silvius takes after her mama and is quite quiet. She does her best to work with her daughter's prefered forms of communication and the two usually talk through texting or sign language. At the very least she can get her daughter's dislike of interacting with most other people, that's something they both share that Fabel and Melati don't. While Silvius tends to spend a little more time with her Mama since both like quietly working together, she and Ritika have their projects together. In particular, the two of them have been working on AIs since Silvius started to learn code. Silvius loves her mom, and Ritika loves her younger daughter even if she has some trouble getting on the same wavelength as her sometimes.


  • Online she goes by the handle The-Cake-Is-A-Lie. Despite the connection between her eye color and her handle, nobody has made the connection between the two yet, and she has worked for organiztions actively hunting The-Cake-Is-A-Lie before.
  • Although her past activities haven't been entirely (mostly) legal, Ritika struck a deal with the NSA not too long before deciding to ask Fabel to marry her. She turned over some information and services and nothing from her past can come to haunt her.
  • Ritika's orange eye makes her able to see past almost all forms of camo, something that came in handy a lot when she was younger.