

6 years, 10 months ago


Maldov  {Palleth / City life}  He/Him Superstitious Russian vigilante. Part time paid assassin. PARKOUR!....but like....heights bad...

Pretty much Maldov is a bit of a trouble maker. Keeps finding himself in dangerous situations. He was technically created as a bodyguard for his owner (A gang boss type) and was deep in gangs and illegal activities. He learned quite a lot from his time with his owner till there was an "accident" that killed him. Maldov cared quite a bit for his owner as he viewed him as a father. Full of rage and malice, he began infiltrating gangs and attempting to ruin them by releasing information, stealing money, sabotaging any sale/transport of illegal contraband/goods etc. ANYTHING to try and find out who murdered his father. He ended up doing this for so long that he just eventually did this out of habit and it became a job. He also ended up being a mercenary for hire as well. This grem is rather full of himself and his irritation fuse quite short. He is a loud mouth and show off. Tends to keep to himself but very social and talkative. Happy-go-lucky and carefree in his actions though that gets him in trouble often. Likes to pick fights, even when its not in his favor. Very prideful and doesn't like to lose or to admit he's lost. Will try and push through anything, has the will to do so for sure.  He's a bit of a superstitious guy as well, he has certain things he does automatically to rid of evil/uncomfortable energy (kind of like throwing salt over your shoulder, finishing drinks you are given, etc.). He has a bit of a Russian-like accent as well. He's very good at parkouring although he's afraid of some heights. Mostly just doesn't look down really. otherwise he is pretty comfortable with what he does. He's also INCREDIBLY horny like all the time....he's been around quite a bit with a whole slew of other people, grems etc. He uses his charm and well... his "Charm" to get him deeper into some gangs/factions when he can. any information he can get he will get no matter how he gets it. He LOVES attention.  Through out his life he as done quite a bit to try and take down some smaller gangs and factions who were out there selling illegal things. This got him in trouble with Dallas (got the shit beat out of him) however and he ended up owing quite a bit to Dallas and so he's been given to Marco, his current boss (and partner now but don't tell Dallas....) to deal with him and make him pay up the damage he caused with taking down smaller factions that Dallas owned.  I did have plans to have him be a fighter at some point also but im not quite there yet. I have quite a few AUs as well with him. I have quite a bit of information on him. He has alot of people he's connected to in some way or another as well. He's been through a LOT.

actual animal: Racoon
Anthro: Cheetah