John "Astral" Adler



7 years, 5 days ago

Basic Info




Human Militia (DPS)


Mid 70's, though appears early 50's, late 40's thanks to Eldritch influence


Felt like drawing more backstory stuff for my characters because hey, why not? Sometimes I can design things for myself and not just for sale, right? what a surprise ;P Anyway, this is Astral! He is (hopefully) rather obviously Christoph's father.

Unlike Christoph's alleged claims to humanity, Astral is pure human, born and bred. Astral's given name was John, but he changed it since he wanted to be more "cool" to impress his Eldritch son. After all, Astral just sounds so much more spacey and unique, right??? Clearly there is only one option here.

Regardless of whether you call him John, Astral, or whatever else you want, he is...well, in truth not that interesting of a person. Before his fated meeting with Madrigan, Christoph's mother, John worked as a mechanic of sorts for the human militia that was set up in the area near Jared's hometown to "protect" it from nonhumans. He primarily specialized with the merging of magical and mechanical items, though these things rarely worked out exactly as they should, leaving John with more than a few scars from near-miss explosions and various bits of shrapnel from said explosions.

John always found himself fascinated with the Eldritch species, particularly their reality warping abilities, and spent most of his life dedicated to studying them, along with their powers. It isn't entirely known how he came into possession of the "Leviathan's Eye", but it likely has something to do with his tumultuous relationship with his wife, the mindflayer-type Eldritch Madrigan.

With the "Leviathan's Eye" implanted into his lower neck, John is able to emulate many of the powers inherent in the Eldritch species, allowing himself to pass relatively well amongst the otherwordly creatures, even going so far as to be a con artists of sorts in order to gain more knowledge of their species and societies. Using the "Leviathan's Eye" takes a great toll on John's body, and while he can materialize various tendrils and horrors from the eye on his neck, they are more wisplike and less solid than a born Eldritch's tentacles would be.

His skin has become more ashen as a result of his experiments, and the unstable Eldritch magic now contained within him tends to clash a bit with his own inherent magic, which can leave him sickened for days or even weeks at a time. However, none of this seems to bother John that much, as his implantation of the eye has provided him access to technologies beyond what he would have ever discovered on his own, and his various cons and schemes have continued with gusto. Coincidentally, it was during one of these con schemes that he was using to mine for new info on Eldritch technology that he encountered Madrigan, and the rest is, as they say, history. The two fell in love, (or at least as much as a multi-dimensional tentacle monster can experience love) and ultimately created a single child, Christoph.

Soon after, Madrigan took off to planes and realities unknown, and John, or Astral, as he soon renamed himself, took the role of single father. Despite this, Astral takes quite well to fatherhood, and has done the absolute best he can in his situation in raising his Eldritch son, despite the fact that the situation as a whole is unconventional at best. He's not sure exactly what percentage of his boy is human in even the slightest, but in retrospect, it's really not anything he worries too much about. It is unclear as to whether Christoph's appearance is a result simply of Astral's genetic contribution to his child, or perhaps because of the fact that Astral was the primary humanoid form around him since birth, but Christoph greatly resembles his father, albeit considerably more youthful in form.

He is good friends with Victoria, Jared's mother, and often left Christoph in her carewhen he went off on research expeditions when Christoph was too young to be on his own. As a result, Christoph and Jared have known each other for nearly their entire lives, and Astral and Christoph are both valued family friends of the Masters family.

TLDR: Magic squid weeaboo finds a way to become part space squid and has a magic space octopus for a kid.


~Madrigan (Wife):

~Christoph (Son):

~Jared (God Child):

~Victoria (Friend): (TH page not set up yet)

~Godric (Friend):