Plaig (Plaig Welles)



3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Egyptian Locust




He / Him


The head of a force known as the Rolling Gorge and known as the "Scourge of the South". His sole goal is to expand his barren kingdom in endless conquest, though recently his efforts at chaos seem to have escalated.

Used to be cousins with Abe, and the two got along well enough. Though after Abe became proficient with his magic, Plaig started to grow a sense of inferiority within his heart. Constant comparison to Abe and belittlement by his side of the family was eventually too much for him as he became even more desperate for any acknowledgment. None know how, but Plaig eventually managed to gain a magic of his own through unknown means, but those means seemed to amplify the worst aspects of his identity. As a result, he lost control and would wipe out his entire family line, leaving only him and Abe as the sole survivors of their family line. Plaig then left Arthodia to lands unknown.

Plaig, after some time of disappearing, returned to Arthodia with an army behind him, later known as the Rolling Gorge. The intruders would pillage and conquest all they can, eventually establishing themselves near the bramble forest. Because of their antics, they have become an active threat and enemy to the Podian Kingdom and the Lighted Capital. In more recent times, however, their efforts would escalate through the assistance of some kind of outer influence.

Plaig was a rather reserved insect, unsure of his own self and ambitions. Though Abe always looked after him and urged Plaig to keep hurdling on, Plaig always harbored some jealousy towards Abe because of his talents. As the "Scourge of the South", he is a sadistic and ruthless warlord, seeking endless conquest and to eradicate everything not under the name of the Rolling Gorge. Any sense of his old self had worn away, only retaining incredible self-hatred. Despite his ways of senseless conquest, Plaig is a opportunistic and cunning individual, taking his time in trying to weaken the defenses of the kingdoms that oppose him. He often targets the Podian Kingdom, due to the queen's lack of experience in conflict.

  • The magic he holds allows him to conjure swarms of tiny locusts and change the shape of those that surround his body. Often utilizes the swarms by commanding hordes of them into sawblade-like shapes
  • Caddy is his second in command, though none know how they met or where they met
  • Seems to have a stigma against Ellie for some reason