Indigo Lazuli



3 years, 2 months ago



Indigo Lazuli

Name Indigo 
Species Siren
Age 17 to 25 tbh
Gender Female
Pronoun She/Her
Sexuality Unchosen

Book Int.

Street Int.







Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ullamcorper rutrum consequat. Proin at nisl pretium, viverra sapien vel, iaculis tortor. Nulla fringilla lacus nec arcu sagittis facilisis. Nulla luctus vestibulum aliquam. Proin ac gravida ante. Aenean sagittis arcu at nisi posuere, in cursus orci interdum. Vivamus malesuada libero eros, eu sodales lacus consectetur in. Nam accumsan pulvinar elit, non interdum quam rutrum non. Suspendisse aliquet, mi non pellentesque rhoncus, sem erat consectetur erat, ultricies scelerisque magna leo at eros. Suspendisse ac lacus diam. Quisque feugiat malesuada risus a accumsan. Fusce neque orci, efficitur at sagittis quis, cursus et nunc. Aliquam interdum aliquam auctor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Nunc accumsan, dui a tempus efficitur, nisl quam faucibus nulla, ac ultricies ipsum eros ac lorem. Maecenas mollis et turpis ut interdum. Vestibulum et diam at felis maximus hendrerit et tincidunt elit. Praesent eu lorem at nulla pharetra sagittis sed eu turpis. Integer tincidunt mi ac nulla sagittis ullamcorper. Nam tincidunt libero orci, vel dictum nunc sodales sit amet. Proin nibh orci, suscipit vitae arcu id, fermentum blandit neque. Vestibulum nunc lacus, laoreet quis mauris quis, viverra porta felis. Integer ultrices iaculis venenatis.


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Max Lazuli
NameRelationship Here
NameRelationship Here


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  • Their skin is soft blue because they are born of water cells merging and fusing into a human forme, rather than born like normal. 
  • Eyes are always pale; kinda glassy and see through, because they are just cells.
  • Must be very in control of their emotions or they will just turn into a puddle.
    • This is also why their closed don't appear wet; as they are in control and able to absorb the liquid.
  • Feather earring from [insert a witch here] to help her retain her humanoid form easier.
  • A heart choker.

Indigo is a rebel that wants to experience the human world to the fullest. Completely in control unless someone pulls off her earring or her choker; two things she loves very much. If she gets flustered, embarrassed or overwhelmed, she tends to begin to what looks like.. simmer and bubble, before either exploding into a hot water mess, or simply splashing to the ground as a puddle.