Aria [Genshin]



Character Name


Starry Voyager





7RY1pcG.png Claymore


fXz8sQ9.png Hydro

Real Name Aria
Model Type Medium Female
Birthday March 9th
Constellation Sidereus Nuncius
Special Dish spcvRqY.png Déjà Vu
How to Obtain Event Wish

Additional Titles

  • Nomad
  • Goddess of the Rising Tide

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This page is currently under construction. Please check again another time.

Aria is an original Hydro character in Genshin Impact.

An enigmatic presence from another world, Aria wakes up in Teyvat one day with no real explanation as to how she got there, or – more importantly – how to get back. Through a series of unfortunate events, she ends up as the unwilling vessel of a minor goddess, and now wanders Teyvat in search of answers.

Contents [hide]

1. Gameplay Info

1.1. Ascensions and Stats

1.2. Talents

1.2.1. Talent Upgrade

1.3. Constellation

Gameplay Info

Ascensions and Stats

Ascension Gem Normal Boss Weekly Boss
Brilliant Diamond
Juvenile Jade
Dvalin's Sign
General Enemy Talent Book Local Specialty
Whopperflower Nectar
Ballad of Freedom


Icon Name Type
0oil5rF.png Summer Rain Normal Attack

Normal Attack:
Perform up to 5 consecutive strikes.

Charged Attack:
Drains Stamina over time to perform continuous slashes. At the end of the sequence, performs a more powerful slash.

Plunging Attack:
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

PDDsPjA.png Saltwater Spirit Elemental Skill
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.
XlDW3Px.png The Depths Elemental Burst
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.
qRJehR4.png Oceanfront 1st Ascension Passive
Increases duration of Saltwater Spirit by 4s
IASY8i4.png Abyssal 4th Ascension Passive

All party members within The Depths will have their ATK increased by 15% for 10s.

ATK Bonus gained this way cannot exceed 15%

PtGSEdz.png Swan Dive Utility Passive

Decreases swimming Stamina consumption of your characters in the party by 20%.

Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.


Icon Name Level
02wYxoS.png Flower Moon: Dance of Cecilias 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
02wYxoS.png Sturgeon Moon: What Lies Below 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
02wYxoS.png Thunder Moon: Storm On the Horizon 3
Increases the level of Saltwater Spirit by 3
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
02wYxoS.png Harvest Moon: Wicked Approaches 4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
02wYxoS.png Blue Moon: Hell or High Water 5
Increases the level of The Depths by 3
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
02wYxoS.png Blood Moon: Folie à Deux 6
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

A mysterious outlander from a world beyond the stars, and reluctant vessel of Vinea, goddess of the rising tide. Aria has spent centuries wandering Teyvat, collecting her fair share of allies – and a few enemies – along the way, mostly thanks to her uncanny ability to show up in places where she's least expected... or wanted.


Contents [hide]

1. Personality

2. Appearance

3. Official Introduction

4. Character Stories

4.1. Character Details

4.2. Character Story 1

4.3. Character Story 2

4.4. Character Story 3

4.5. Character Story 4

4.6. Character Story 5

4.7. Character Story Header

4.8. Vision

5. Namecard

6. Constellation

7. Character Mentions

7.1. Character Voice-Overs

8. Trivia

8.1. Etymology


An enigmatic presence from another world, who currently serves as the vessel of goddess Vinea after accidentally unsealing her. The Fatui have her officially listed as a 'Descender' in their records.

—In-game character attributes and profile page text.

As a child, Aria’s parents would often joke that her uncanny ability to somehow find herself in places she’s not supposed to be in would eventually land her in trouble one of these days.

This holds especially true one warm afternoon, when she inexplicably wakes up in the ruins outside Old Mondstadt, and her insatiable nosiness leads to her unsealing a minor goddess who’s been trapped there since the days of the Archon War.

Resourceful, adaptable, and independent, Aria is always quick to try and make the best of a bad situation. She isn’t one to be easily rattled, firmly believing that sometimes you just have to throw everything at a wall to see what sticks – and if one solution fails, then it’s time to pick up the pieces, go back to the drawing board, and start again.

However, there are times when even her most creative solutions falter. When faced with a wall that refuses to give, Aria has no qualms about getting her way through brute force, no matter the ethical implications. Trivial details like morality are an afterthought at this point. You either have to find a way, or make one – and if they will not bend, then they will break. That’s all there is to it.

If you ever have the misfortune of bumping into her, at first glance Aria seems nice enough, all sweet smiles and disarming charm and quick wit. But once you’ve peeled back a few layers, you’ll find that the shadow of Vinea is never far behind, always lurking just under the surface.

She’s blunt and sarcastic, with a razor-sharp tongue and the kind of audacity that only comes from five hundred years as the vessel of an immortal being. Vinea’s disdain for humans and superiority complex have taken their toll on Aria’s psyche – made her cynical and jaded, made her too fearless for her own good, made her view the people and situations around her with a kind of detached fascination, like a scientist peering at specimens in petri dish.

She wonders sometimes if her curiosity and drive to uncover the mysteries of this new world are taking her further from the person she used to be – pieces of her slowly eroded away over time, until she’s unrecognizable to the people from her old life.

And if – or when – that happens, she wonders if she’ll even care.

She’s met countless individuals in her multiple centuries of travel, both mortal and otherwise. She has little patience and does not suffer fools, so she keeps most at arm’s length.

Yet, there are still those who’ve managed to chip away at her exterior, and carved themselves a place in her heart. When it comes to the precious few she loves, Aria is fiercely loyal, going above and beyond to ensure their well-being, regardless of what it costs her.



Aria uses the medium female model. She has long platinum blonde hair, partly held back with a bow. Her original eye colour was violet, but ever since becoming a vessel for Vinea, one of her eyes has turned blue, outwardly making it seem like she has heterochromia.

She wears a cropped halter top with a high neck and multiple cut-out details. Over it, she wears a cropped blue jacket, with fur around the collar and sleeves, held together with a large yellow bow over her chest. Her hands are covered by black gloves, with large gold bracelet cuffs over her wrists.

Her shorts are black with gold and blue details, and over them, she wears a loose belt with a dangling blue charm that she received as a gift from Dainsleif. It glows upon entering ares with dim light.

A half-cape is attached to her waist with gold fastenings, ruffled tails with gold and blue trinkets are attached to them. A large black bow sits on her back, with long ribbons dangling from it. The blue ribbon tails glow when using her abilities.

A black thigh-high stocking covers her right leg, held in place with tight black belts. She wears black knee-length boots on both feet with gold buckles.

Official Introduction

Integer vitae sapien libero. Pellentesque vel iaculis sem. Duis volutpat est nibh, fermentum dignissim dui dignissim vel. Mauris tempus purus vel sollicitudin sagittis.

—Character who said quote

Quisque dictum mi at orci porttitor condimentum eu id sem. Aliquam mi mauris, varius id pharetra semper, feugiat vitae leo. Nulla blandit vehicula lacus, quis tincidunt justo. Quisque ultricies, est sed semper consequat, magna ante sagittis lacus, at porta lacus sapien et ante. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent posuere lobortis rutrum. Mauris ac massa leo. Suspendisse scelerisque tempor aliquet. Donec quam erat, imperdiet ac est porta, fringilla dignissim mauris. Sed quis aliquam sem. Nunc vel interdum urna. Sed aliquet ligula non tincidunt semper. Sed bibendum nisl vel eros luctus ultricies. Donec mattis turpis risus, sed congue enim convallis ut.

Character Stories

Character Details

Ut molestie, mi in vestibulum condimentum, ipsum nunc consectetur odio, a cursus nunc ex at elit. In suscipit vestibulum ante quis convallis. Donec commodo lectus non pharetra aliquam. Sed imperdiet, tortor vitae maximus varius, risus tortor ultrices tellus, eget accumsan felis erat vitae felis. Donec placerat tincidunt volutpat. Curabitur interdum mi eget lectus malesuada, ac facilisis velit varius. Integer laoreet orci quis laoreet pretium. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris efficitur, sapien ac sodales cursus, tellus risus euismod tortor, at scelerisque dolor ante id nisl. Pellentesque rhoncus commodo hendrerit. Vestibulum sed tincidunt dolor, vitae accumsan felis. Curabitur molestie varius blandit. Vivamus ac leo scelerisque, mattis erat ac, dapibus odio. Vestibulum ultricies lacus nisi, eget volutpat sem malesuada ac. Curabitur eu quam lectus.

Character Story 1

Item_Companionship_EXP.pngFriendship Lv. 2

Fusce ac neque imperdiet eros maximus tincidunt vitae vitae nibh. Suspendisse condimentum leo nunc, vitae fermentum ligula aliquet at. Aenean at nulla orci. Ut vel rutrum urna, eget aliquam justo. Praesent convallis nibh eu purus scelerisque, tempus imperdiet nisi condimentum. Praesent pellentesque arcu id sodales facilisis. Integer eleifend consectetur nisl, et vehicula nisi. In id faucibus purus. Proin mollis, nisi nec tincidunt mollis, sem lorem tristique risus, eu vehicula est diam non sapien.

Character Story 2

Item_Companionship_EXP.pngFriendship Lv. 3

Suspendisse a finibus orci, non mollis arcu. Cras cursus ligula a mauris dictum vulputate. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam iaculis eros non convallis bibendum. Sed non faucibus purus. Curabitur dignissim, est in laoreet lacinia, nulla lectus consectetur nisl, sit amet aliquet felis tellus ut nibh. Curabitur neque dolor, varius ut quam eu, pretium dignissim massa. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla vel dolor et massa commodo tincidunt faucibus at leo. Suspendisse et nisl in urna molestie sagittis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla facilisi.

Character Story 3

Item_Companionship_EXP.pngFriendship Lv. 4

Morbi nec vehicula eros, id porta sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Donec eget commodo sapien. Aenean erat leo, ultricies quis orci quis, commodo tincidunt nunc. Donec quis tempor lorem, sed fermentum arcu. Aenean et diam id tellus euismod tincidunt et quis odio. Mauris sed lorem bibendum, volutpat tortor imperdiet, interdum lorem. Sed vulputate elit eu ex varius auctor. Quisque interdum nibh sit amet dolor maximus, id posuere mi varius. Nam luctus arcu eget ultrices ultrices. Maecenas nibh quam, dignissim nec ante at, bibendum malesuada urna. Phasellus id velit vel libero molestie condimentum vel id erat.

Character Story 4

Item_Companionship_EXP.pngFriendship Lv. 5

Phasellus scelerisque odio nunc, ut luctus tortor varius non. Sed vulputate elit vitae dolor pellentesque luctus. Aenean sollicitudin risus sed metus pulvinar convallis. Pellentesque turpis erat, semper pulvinar scelerisque ut, auctor eu justo. Etiam laoreet eleifend rutrum. Donec feugiat est non tellus condimentum pretium at at velit. Donec suscipit malesuada elit, mollis rhoncus dolor mattis eget.

Character Story 5

Item_Companionship_EXP.pngFriendship Lv. 6

Fusce eget erat vitae tellus cursus imperdiet. Donec at nisl vel mi posuere dictum. Donec lacinia eros lorem, quis accumsan odio bibendum vitae. Suspendisse ornare tellus sed ipsum fermentum, eu lacinia ante commodo. Aenean diam dolor, blandit vel ultrices in, eleifend ut est. Aenean sed sem et eros molestie consequat. Nunc tristique lacus ornare erat elementum feugiat. Praesent ornare aliquet ipsum ac suscipit. Nunc vestibulum scelerisque lacus nec accumsan. Maecenas tristique purus mi, venenatis cursus dui placerat ut. Donec porta laoreet maximus. Pellentesque volutpat eros ut ipsum viverra pretium. Mauris aliquet lacus vel ex congue ornare. Duis ac porta tellus, eu volutpat lectus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus ut massa metus.

Character Story Header

Item_Companionship_EXP.pngFriendship Lv. 4

Aenean pellentesque metus id urna pretium sollicitudin. Curabitur tempor, sem ut lacinia aliquet, ex enim mollis massa, at condimentum massa nulla id eros. Aenean non enim quis mauris porta porta. Donec viverra dui libero. Phasellus posuere condimentum hendrerit. Maecenas posuere at arcu a fringilla. Nam leo augue, egestas sit amet fermentum laoreet, aliquam eget erat. Duis non purus mollis, maximus turpis nec, scelerisque mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


Item_Companionship_EXP.pngFriendship Lv. 6 • UI_Quest.webp Story Quest Title

Vestibulum semper, erat et luctus pharetra, metus arcu pellentesque leo, sit amet aliquam velit elit quis nisi. Nam lacinia, dui vel rutrum faucibus, leo ante malesuada leo, vitae volutpat massa ex ut nisl. Mauris nisi urna, euismod eu ante at, cursus vestibulum elit. Proin eu porttitor mauris. Cras venenatis mauris nec accumsan accumsan. Nam sodales velit lorem, in congue nulla tincidunt eu. Ut sapien mauris, bibendum vehicula fermentum eu, fringilla a dui. Sed in ante pretium, condimentum tortor in, eleifend ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam at tellus arcu. Proin nibh tellus, lobortis eu finibus ut, fermentum a est. Ut suscipit velit sit amet pretium ultrices.


Namecard Title

Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Character

Aenean ut sodales massa. Integer id eros a enim dapibus iaculis ac eu erat.


Constellation Name

Story Chapter:
Story Chapter Title


Character Mentions

Character Voice-Overs

Character Voice-Overs
27630636_NPXImS4I6NEZhmo.png Character Name Character's dialogue about character here.
27630636_NPXImS4I6NEZhmo.png Character Name Character's dialogue about character here.
27630636_NPXImS4I6NEZhmo.png Character Name Character's dialogue about character here.
27630636_NPXImS4I6NEZhmo.png Character Name Character's dialogue about character here.
27630636_NPXImS4I6NEZhmo.png Character Name Character's dialogue about character here.


  • Text
    • Subnote
    • Subnote
    • Subnote
  • Text
    • Subnote
    • Subnote
    • Subnote
  • Text
    • Subnote
    • Subnote
    • Subnote


  • Text
    • Subnote
    • Subnote
    • Subnote
  • Text
    • Subnote
    • Subnote
    • Subnote
  • Text
    • Subnote
    • Subnote
    • Subnote
Contents [hide]

1. Story

2. Combat


Title and Requirements Details
Hello Dialogue goes here.
Chat: Topic 1 Dialogue goes here.
Chat: Topic 2 Dialogue goes here.
Chat: Topic 3 Dialogue goes here.
When It Rains Dialogue goes here.
When the Sun Is Out Dialogue goes here.
When the Wind Is Blowing Dialogue goes here.
Good Morning Dialogue goes here.
Good Afternoon Dialogue goes here.
Good Evening Dialogue goes here.
Good Night Dialogue goes here.
About Character Dialogue goes here.
About Us: Topic 1 Dialogue goes here.
About Us: Topic 2
Item_Companionship_EXP.png Friendship Lv. 6
Dialogue goes here.
About the Vision
Item_Companionship_EXP.png Friendship Lv. 4
Dialogue goes here.
Something to Share Dialogue goes here.
Interesting Things Dialogue goes here.
About Character
Item_Companionship_EXP.png Friendship Lv. 4
Dialogue goes here.
About Character
Item_Companionship_EXP.png Friendship Lv. 4
Dialogue goes here.
About Character: Topic
Item_Companionship_EXP.png Friendship Lv. 4
Dialogue goes here.
About Character: Topic
Item_Companionship_EXP.png Friendship Lv. 4
Dialogue goes here.
More About Character: I Dialogue goes here.
More About Character: II
Item_Companionship_EXP.png Friendship Lv. 3
Dialogue goes here.
More About Character: III
Item_Companionship_EXP.png Friendship Lv. 4
Dialogue goes here.
More About Character: IV
Item_Companionship_EXP.png Friendship Lv. 5
Dialogue goes here.
More About Character: V
Item_Companionship_EXP.png Friendship Lv. 6
Dialogue goes here.
Character's Hobbies Dialogue goes here.
Character's Troubles Dialogue goes here.
Favorite Food Dialogue goes here.
Least Favorite Food Dialogue goes here.
Receiving a Gift: I Dialogue goes here.
Receiving a Gift: II Dialogue goes here.
Receiving a Gift: III Dialogue goes here.
Birthday Dialogue goes here.
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
Icon_Character_Ascension_Unlocked.png Ascension Phase 1
Dialogue goes here.
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
Icon_Character_Ascension_Unlocked.png Ascension Phase 2
Dialogue goes here.
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
Icon_Character_Ascension_Unlocked.png Ascension Phase 4
Dialogue goes here.
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
Icon_Character_Ascension_Unlocked.png Ascension Phase 6
Dialogue goes here.


Title Details
Elemental Skill Dialogue goes here.
Dialogue goes here.
Dialogue goes here.
Elemental Burst Dialogue goes here.
Dialogue goes here.
Dialogue goes here.
Opening Treasure Chest Dialogue goes here.
Dialogue goes here.
Dialogue goes here.
Low HP Dialogue goes here.
Dialogue goes here.
Dialogue goes here.
Ally at Low HP Dialogue goes here.
Dialogue goes here.
Fallen Dialogue goes here.
Dialogue goes here.
Dialogue goes here.
Joining Party Dialogue goes here.
Dialogue goes here.
Dialogue goes here.

List of Character Outfits

Character has ? Character Outfits:

Icon Name Rarity Type Obtain
27630636_NPXImS4I6NEZhmo.png Outfit Name Default Unlocked upon obtaining character
27630636_NPXImS4I6NEZhmo.png Outfit Name Icon_5_Stars.webp Themed Character Outfit Shop

Character Name

Category Companion
Icon_Housing_Companion_Companion.webp Companion
Rarity Icon_5_Stars.webp

Adeptal Energy


Adeptal Energy per Load


Character In-Residence

Character can be invited as a Companion into the player's Serenitea Pot after obtaining them and completing the World Quest Idle Teapot Talk.

Contents [hide]

1. Favorite Furnishing Sets

2. Idle Quotes

3. Dialogue

4. Special Dialogue

4.1. Furnishing Set 1

4.2. Furnishing Set 2

Favorite Furnishing Sets

If a character's favorite furnishing set is placed in the same realm as the character for the first time, the character will automatically teleport to the furnishing set. Interacting with the character will initiate a special dialogue, after which the character will teleport back to their original position. Character has ? Favorite Furnishing Sets:

Furnishing Set Image Rewards
Furnishing Set Name 27665170_qIbafRAtxT6B37v.png
Furnishing Set Name 27665170_qIbafRAtxT6B37v.png

Idle Quotes

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Quote...

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Quote...

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Quote...

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Quote...

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Quote...

(When the player is nearby)

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Quote.

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Quote.

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Quote.


Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

(Unlocks at Friendship Level 7)

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

(Unlocks at Friendship Level 4)

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

(Unlocks at Friendship Level 7)

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

(Between 6:00 and 19:00)

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

(Between 19:00 and 6:00)

Icon_Dialogue_Idle.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Special Dialogue

When a character is invited to or invites themselves to their favorite set for the first time, the character will provide a reward. They will provide a reward for each of their favorite sets.

Inviting them to the furnishing set again will replay the dialogue, but no further reward will be given.

Furnishing Set 1

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Furnishing Set 2

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.

Character: Dialogue goes here.