


6 years, 10 months ago


Please read the flat color drawing's caption, it explains a missing detail.

 Maergin - ma-er-gin (like grin but no r, but not gin as in ginseng)

She's probably my best, and favorite drawing atm.

Yes, yes. My art is trash. I'm slowly learning but it takes a while ;w; (send critique etc my way please! It'll help this self taught a thing or two~)


On one hand there's two rings and a bracelet, on the other hand there's a glove w/ a gem in it. The side that shows her eye has a star marking there and her eye is indeed closed. In the middle of her forehead, there's a half circle marking there. (hard to see due to hair blocking it) She has a horn sticking out, : x and a spike thing in the middle of her head. (extracted from my dA)

The other half of her face is regular, there's nothing fancy to it. However, the side with the star marking, it's firey red eyes. Whilst on the normal side, she has electric/shocking/vibrant blue eyes.

She is always barefooted. She likes the feel of the earth after her lightning spells strikes it. She despises the Sorcerer of Nature (non-existant) as he thinks he can bend her to his will.

She controls anything ranging from lightning to sun beams, anything light related really.