Aaron MacCròin



Gender: Male
Age: ??? (Looks in early 20s)
Birthday: July 27th
Height: 5' 7"
Dragon Form Height: 7' 2"
Hair color: Dark Red
Eye color: Amber
Dragon Scale Color: Dark Red
Genie Type: Modern
Sexual Preference: Straight
Job: Former Server, Traveling Helper/Hero with Claudia
Loves: Grilled Lamb Chops, Warm Summers, Good Challenges
Hates: Authorities/Authority figures. Feeling Chained Down, Snowcones

   Aaron is a Scottish American living in the city in a single apartment, living day by day off of his simple job. Hardened by the rough streets at a young age, born from a family tree of dragon-people, and bathed in a rebellious attitude.  He's a strong man both in strength and mind while also keeping his emotions close to his chest. His irritation with his position in life has made him come off as bitter, and he's most known for his loud outburst to his coworkers and his job though happen rarely in actuality. 

   When desperate for money and to pay the bills, he often takes jobs that involve his dragon-man form, a monster for hire most of the time. His flight, strength, and natural fire often make him a tough opponent or even a nightmare to deal with. Whatever cuts or bruises he takes, to him the bottom line of having a roof over his head makes the deals worth it no matter the stress nor pressure. But the constant struggle as the years go on has left him mentally struggling but trying his damnest to hide it. During one of his last dangerous job involving his Dragon form, he ended up meeting and getting involved with a job Claudia was doing at the same time. After the mission and almost sercumbing to his heavy wound, he fainted in a field of grass as Claudia was trying desperately to heal him and to make sure he lives. 

   After this, Aaron decided to join Claudia on her little cross country lifestyle. Slowly he began learning the world of magic, what his bloodline gives him, and finally feeling good about where his life is going. As well as developing feelings for the freed genie. Now he's known as brawns of the duo as the two continue their journey to make the world a bit better.