Xanthos Casanova



3 years, 1 month ago




Xanthos Casanova




Non-binary (They/he)




Obsculithe (Aephiria)




December 11th








One with passion for history & the art of villany, Xanthos serves as Procyon's right-hand. they are very dedicated to their goal to becoming a villain. They may not be very bright, but they are able to ramble about their passions for hours. Xanthos tends to be emotional and even dramatic, especially when it comes to their interests. They also firmly believe that heroes are overrated, thus they made it their goal to become a good vilain under Procyon's mentorship.



Xanthos may be dumb, but they are very dedicated to their goals and will do anything to reach them, even if it means bringing other people down. This may be also seen as stubbornness, but they do not confirm nor deny it.


They may not know much, but they get very passionate over the few things they know about (mostly Egyptian mythology & the arts of being a villain) and will talk about them for hours. This also fuels their dedication to reach their goals.


Xanthos can be considered as a moron, as sometimes they will misinterpret what people say in a way they end up doing the complete opposite of what was expected of them. They rarely get called smart, and they’re okay with it, as they believe people simply do not understand what’s going on in their mind. Xanthos also do not believe things in general should be complex, thus they will always try to simplify things as much as possible.


They can also be considered as an extra person. Xanthos likes to blow things out of proportion just for fun and will overreact on purpose at times, even if it annoys people around them. This is mainly due to the fact they want to be used to being more outspoken, as they weren’t allowed to fully express themselves when they were with their family. They do want to be part of a play eventually, thus they’re practicing by annoying those around them.


A bad example of a noble

Xanthos was born as part of the Casanova family in Obsculithe. While they were known for their charisma and knowledge, Xanthos didn’t have these traits, which made their family consider them a mistake. Despite this, they were still treated well by most of the family, making them go through everything a noble kid has to go through. They went to school like everyone else, but they were only really interested in history & art, which was considered fine, but...

Even if they were being taught several times how to act like a noble, nothing seemed to really stick, making their family feel hopeless about them. Thus, Xanthos was left behind by most of their family, forcing them to fend for themselves. By that point, they knew they had to actually learn what they have to learn. They spent many of their years alone, observing how other people act, and proceeded to copy them.

By the time they were a lot older, Xanthos was very dramatic and knowledgeable about the things they were passionate about, but unfortunately they were still quite simple-minded.

You know, maybe being a hero is too overrated

Observing all the different people they came across made Xanthos realize that they really don’t want to understand how love works at all. They believed that affection is too complicated, especially since they’ve never really had any affection for anyone since they were always seen as a mistake.

Xanthos had never thought about becoming a villain until he learned of the existence of Procyon Greyford through directly meeting him when he was looking for people to help him renovate his mansion. Not really knowing what to do at that point, as they’re not bright enough to get a proper job, Xanthos accepted to help the prince.

Idolizing the Greyfords

As they spent more time with him, though, they saw how villainous Procyon really was and it was at that moment they knew: heroes were too plain for them. Since then, they followed Procyon everywhere he went and tried their best to act like him. Their passion & dedication allowed them to stay closer to their idol, although he didn’t see them as a right-hand at all, but rather a butler who is very loyal to him.

With Procyon’s hatred for his younger brother, Sirius, came lots of Xanthos’ antics in taking him down. While these antics ended up successfully bringing Sirius down to his lowest point, Xanthos also grew more appreciative of…his Overdrive. They might be dumb, but they were able to connect the dots between Sirius’ Overdrive & the times when the two brothers reunited. Since then, Xanthos has been obsessed with the interaction between the two, not only because of the simplicity of it, but also because of the sheer amount of negative emotions both brothers have towards each other. Some might say they are too obsessed with it...










Basic abilities

Xanthos isn’t particularly strong or tough, but they have above average speed. They can use their tail to launch themself towards people. They might not be fully able to properly plan which strategies to use in what situation, but they have a lot of them under their sleeves.

Snake Self

Being a snake demon, they can summon as many smaller snakes as they want. These snakes can wrap themselves around people and release their venom by biting them. They also seem to have a habit of wrapping themselves around Xanthos. They don’t mind, though. Not only that, but Xanthos has a snake tongue and it’s what they mainly use to smell prey. They can smell with their nose, but they have a preference for flicking their tongue to smell those around them. They also hide long fangs that can shoot paralyzing venom to the people who get bit by them. If absolutely needed, Xanthos is able to transform into a terrifying giant black & white snake. It normally happens when they’re pissed off, but sometimes they will transform into one for fun, especially if they want Procyon to ride on them…but of course he always refuses.



  • Villains
  • Studying other people
  • History
  • Anything "abnormal"


  • Boredom/monotony
  • Those harming their snakes
  • Other servants
  • Their family

  • Uraeus is the upright form of an Egyptian cobra. While they're not any sort of royalty or deity, it's still a nice alias to have.
  • They find interactions interesting to observe, but will not dig deep as to why certain relationships are the way they are. Xanthos enjoys observing relationships with obvious connotations, like the one between Procyon & Sirius. In fact, they will say it's their favorite dynamic ever.
  • Xanthos has decent cooking skills and will make tacos for you if you give them a good evil laughter.
  • They were never a good student at school. In fact, they were only good at history & art to some extent.
  • The wings on their back is only for shows, they cannot actually fly with them.


Height 176 cm/5'9''

Hair Black & white hair ih a ponytail

Eyes Gold slit pupils with black sclera


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Not Optional

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Other Notes...

  • The amount of snakes on them can vary, but you must at least keep the ones on their arms.