Saffurion £55



3 years, 1 month ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)

Basic Info

Original Value



NUMBER (?)      Owner: Puddle                                    Species: Dwarax
Name: Saffurion
Age: 3 years
Birthdate: August 29
Bloodline: N/A 
Upload Date: pending
Sexuality: heterosexual
Gender: male
Status: single
Parents: n/a (adopted by Almach)
Cubs: N/A

Personality: Loves exploring and has gained a stubborn streak thanks to Kantor. Like learning about different plants and animals they come across but typically gets distracted too easily to recall any of it. Rion doesn't understand the majority of spirit-talk and what the Shifa is about, but he understands helping others like how Kantor and Almach helped him.
History: The tiny dwarax cub was found stuck in a hole too small for him by Baruuk, Almach's adopted cub. Feeling an instant kinship to one another, the two became fast friends and Baruuk promptly brought him home and told Almach he had a new brother. Almach, being the lanthrax he is, was perfectly happy with this. Baruuk instantly took over caring for his new brother, making Almach and many of the Al Shifa think Baruuk had dwarax blood somewhere in his parentage.

Saffurion was exploring and got lost in the caves of his home as usual, but had always prided himself on being able to get home - eventually. That was until he explored further than he'd ever been and discovered a pair of angry granthrow who seemed to have something against him in particular. The little cub ran for his home cave, but was cut off, picked up and tossed into the trees, hitting a large tree with a yelp. Terrified, he took off running in a random direction, anything to get away from them. Unfortunately, he got himself stuck in a fallen log by trying to wriggle into a hole so they couldn't get him. The two laughed when they caught up to the blue cub and batted his tail around like it was a toy until they got bored. Bruised in pride and back end, but thankfully nothing broken, the cub tried to back up and found he couldn't. The batting around of his rump had caused what he had used to get into the hole to fall to the ground, leaving his legs dangling in the air. All the grunting and wriggling did nothing but hurt his back further and he began to wail for help.

Luckily, the little cub's cries attracted Baruuk and nothing else nefarious. The larger granthrow cub helped Rion get free from the horra-bibble fallen tree and took him home to Almach to get the bruises and scrapes fixed. Too much information and too little memory kept anyone from being able to find Rion's home cave. Baruuk promptly adopted him for a little brother, much to Almach's amusement. The lanthrax willingly welcomed little Rion into the family with open paws.

The two boys are constantly getting into scrapes and as they grew older, those scrapes turned into friendly scuffles and tussles. Surprisingly, it was usually the sturdy little dwarax who came out on top the majority of the time.
Random facts: 
--- Still likes exploring and occasionally, the two boys will poke their noses into any caves to see if anyone's home. Rion never goes very far in because Baruuk is afraid of going too deep, but Rion hopes one day to find his family again.

Stats: STR – 3 | RES – 6 | WIS – 4 | CHA – 2 | DEX – 5
Traits: Ears: UC | Tails: R | Fangs: C | Size: C | Eyes: R
Mutation: N/A                                                             Special Base: N/A

Owner: Puddle                                     Species: Dwarax
Name: Saffurion
Birthdate: August 29
Bloodline: N/A 
Upload Date: pending
Parents: n/a (adopted by Almach)
Gender: male
Favorite toy or game: playing catch or chase with his big brother and new daddy
Personality: shy and relatively quiet. Loves exploring and has gained a stubborn streak thanks to Kantor. Like learning about different plants and animals they come across but typically gets distracted too easily to recall any of it. Rion doesn't understand the majority of spirit-talk and what the Shifa is about, but he understands helping others like how Kantor and Almach helped him.
Random facts: 
--- Likes exploring, but looks before he leaps now.
--- Has a tendency to hide when large granthrows come around.

Stats: STR – 3 | RES – 6 | WIS – 4 | CHA – 2 | DEX – 5
Traits: Ears: UC | Tails: R | Fangs: C | Size: C | Eyes: R
Alt Traits: Horns: UC | Wings: n/a | Glowies: n/a | Feathers: n/a
God Trait(s): n/a
Sleeping Rot Traits: Mushrooms: N/A | Flowers: N/A | Plants: N/A | Branch Horns: N/A | Wooden Limbs: N/A
Mutation: N/A                                                             Special Base: N/A