


3 years, 4 months ago



About                                 Birthday - May 1st

Glenn is a manipulative man obsessed with marketing, human psychology and how to best trick people into doing what he wants. He plays the stock market for fun and usually has insider info. On weekends he enjoys lounging around his apartment, watching the shopping channel or news and laughing as if they were sitcoms. He's also a parasitic crab who took control of an innocent mans life and body but I'm sure that's not important.

His previous host was a stray dog, but he abandoned that body once he found a human with an accounting job. Due to his previous host life of being a stray dog living on the streets forced to live off rotten food and scraps, Glenn is living the high life living alone, taking baths almost daily, and dining on fresh meals.
He has a far calmer disposition than his appearance and attitude lets on.



  • Roaches
  • Cats
  • Coffee

Masterlist #1247 [LINK]

DESIGN NOTE: Parasite flesh does not have to be absolutely accurate40154492_6TgTQXAejh0OvQT.png?1632686703


Personality                       Theme

Glenn loves indulging himself. After living on the streets as a dog, he's very impulsive in doing things that make him happy. He's lucky that he's taken control of a human that has the paycheck to support his expensive whims. Everything Glenn does is usually a means to benefit himself. Any act of generosity or kindness is usually to manipulate the other person into doing something for him in return. Frankly, that kind of makes him a nice person in a way? He'd probably never admit that though. He is not very social, often going out of his way to avoid any social obligations unless it’s to get something he wants. 

Despite the bags under his eyes and perpetually scruffy facial hair, Glenn prides himself on keeping clean and smelling great. He's not a germaphobe by any means but after living covered in mud, mats, and ticks you grow quite an aversion to anything smelly, sticky, or prime for an insect breeding ground. He's become very spoiled with his new life and refuses to eat food from others homes or low rated restaurants.

At his office job, he takes on the personality of his original host to blend in. This persona is the polar opposite of what his personality is really like. He smiles, greets everyone in the morning, asks if anyone needs help, returns hugs, and essentially everything else you would expect from a big teddy bear of a man who's great at their job. It's mentally exhausting but he always gets the most gifts at the Christmas parties so Glenn's not going to stop any time soon.


  • Dislikes physical affection.
  • The epitome of every asexual stereotype.
  • Can do math in his head easily.
  • When undisguised, his left hand is the only hand with a crude thumb. It's uncertain why he developed this mutation.


  • Killed his original dog host.
  • Killed the original Glenn.
  • Would kill again probably.
  • Selfish.
  • Terrible at directions.



  • Seafood (specifically crab)
  • Floral patterns
  • Eucalyptus Mint scents

Artist permissions

Gift Art is always okay, no need to ask.
Feel free to do whatever you feel would look cool! 
No matter if that's chibi, pixel, nasty, joke art, eye strain, character interactions, bloody gore, candy gore, goof around with their anatomy, etc. 
If there's anything you're unsure about feel free to message me!
DO NOT DRAW emeto/vomit or NSFW! Thank you~

Value Tracker

Free FTO Raffle MYO: $0

Creation Total: $0

Commission Tracker

Commission Total: $65


Character Creation

This section serves as a record of how and when this character was created and how they've developed over the years. This is something mostly for myself to look back on but if you find it interesting, cool!

Mignyan are a closed species owned by susling.

Original Crab MYO was created by mithorama and obtained through a Children's Day FTO Raffle on May 4th 2021.
Host design was created by AngelSami on September 7th 2021. Designed approved to Masterlist on September 19th, 2021.
Mignyan was traded to AngelSami in an adopt trade on September 23rd, 2021.
giphy.gifCreation and transaction history aside, I LOVE THIS LITTLE MAN. His stupid little parasitic claw hands make him look like a featherless baby bird. Glenn is my first Mignyan so I stumbled into the species by sheer accident. I had no knowledge of mignyans until I made the host design for the original crab.
I feel like the crab was designed with a very set idea in mind. What with the cute star brooch, watery eyes, and colorful teeth. Meanwhile, my nasty little hands came in with "scruffy man with raptor hands loves stocks and soft pretzels". The heart wants what the heart wants. I'm so not sorry mitho.
This oc doesn't realize that I love him so much. Would gladly hold hands with him and kiss him on the forehead.



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