Cinna "Cici" Monn



3 years, 4 months ago


Name Cinna Monn
Nicknames Cici
Species Faun
Gender A Social Construct
Pronouns They/Them
Height Tall
Birthday May 2nd
Age 15ish?
Orientation Unknown
Occupation Hexide Student
Coven Alchemy
World ★The Boiling Isles

SUMMARY: 34390116_8YnQDTru0lTGZwn.png?1717678053
    Cici is the definition of geeky, they absolutely LOVE playing table top roleplaying games and card games. They have a mind for numbers, and a habit of getting hype focused on whatever they like. They absolutely love to talk to people, but can be a little oblivious when it comes to how to participate in things like small talk, that doesn't mean they wont try, but it doesn't often end well. They can be rather clueless and oblivious to a lot of things, especially when it comes to possible harm they could be getting themselves into, especially when it comes to their potion making.
    Although it was hard to choose a Coven, considering how it felt like a life choice, Cici was drawn right away to alchemy. Though they WANTED to be as strong as a barbarian with the construction coven, or tricky and skilled like an illusion rouge, but they didn't quite have the strength or stealth for either, alchemy on the other hand, was all about adding up the perfect amount, something they'd always been naturally skilled in, and rather than challenge themself, they stuck with that, but they don't regret it, potions are fun!


    Cici was born to a very big family of fauns who worked in farming and gardening, a very dangerous yet important job in the isles. When Cici was little, they worked with plants just like the rest of their siblings, learning all their names and what they looked like. However, the hard labor aspect always eluded them. As hard as they tried, they could never run quite as fast, or lift nearly as much as their siblings. Along with that, they tended to be a magnet for disaster. Cici rarely looks where they're going, and has a tendency to get distracted and do silly things like walk into holes, or burn themselves on the edge of a pan, or trip over their own robes.
    When they found out about magic, they got nearly obsessed with the idea. They were awestruck by the idea of joining the emperors coven and becoming a master of magic. Thought, due to their age they ended up getting obsessed with magic GAMES instead, becoming enthralled with card games and table top RPG in the meanwhile. When they were finally able to enroll in Hexide, they were absolutely thrilled.
    Cici never really had a problem with the school work, finding it interesting and easy, though the social aspect caused them to struggle quite a bit more. They weren't afraid to approach people, that was never the issue, they just struggled to keep their friends. Their talkative, rambly, clumsy natured tended to ward people off, especially since becoming their friend essentially meant keeping them from danger.


+ Always has SOME sort of potion on hand
+ Can calculate numbers in a snap, and measure things with surprising accuracy by eye
+ Faces the world with a positive attitude, they sound very upbeat (even when they're not)
+ Will be absolutely AMAZED by the smallest thing if it relates to something in one of their games
+ Doesn't like to break the rules, they're very afraid of upsetting the emperors coven and wrecking their chances of ever getting in
  - Surprisingly not much of a rules lawyer when it comes to their games! Big fan of the 'rule of cool'

+ Flowers and plants, admires their varying properties
+ Conlangs
+ Table Top Role Playing Games
+ Snakes
+ Numerical results
+ Dumbed down puzzles
+ The dark, thry trip enough when they can see
+ Most natural elements (water, fire, cold, strong winds) they're made for the indoors