[Kebanzu] Oran



3 years, 1 month ago
Trade Listing
For Trade
For Offer


A sweet sunset sea lad!  He lives on a secluded island without a name in Riptide Territory with his mother, spending most of his days swimming and prancing about with his beachside critter friends while his mother hunts large aquatic game by the shores!  The island is so small that he can go from one end to the other and still be back for supper, but Oran's always searching for new nooks and crannies to explore with his gang of crab bubbies that only just tolerate him flinging them all onto his back and running off!  Oran is an excitable and eager lad, but this enthusiasm for life can make him a little naive and overbearing at times.  

The only other person he knows in the whole world is the friendly ferryman who comes by once a week to pick up their game to sell at the market.  Oran never gets to go, of course, and he's always wondered what life off the island is like.  Oran has always been led by curiosity and hope, but those things are liable to get him in trouble one of these days

Masterlist entry: https://www.kebanzucrossroads.com/character/Keb-2814

Officially looking to part with all of my Kebanzu in this folder, oh I just haven’t used them in ages and I’d love to find them all wonderful homes with people that will use them!  I’m mostly after CS and/or one-offs from my favorites and preferences, but I’ll also very tentatively consider art/customs!  I’m also more than happy to do multiple/all of them for the right offer, or even add CS/one-offs of my own to the mix for offers I really like!  Feel free to ask me about anything you like and goodness these will be open until they’re all gone!  also please don’t ask me about resale, I will never resell any of them unfortunately!