the weaver



3 years, 1 month ago


cw spider imagery, body horror

The Weaver and the Watcher were two normal twins who grew up in the Winding Thickets, once named Silksong and Spidersight in life. But little is known of their story, as it took place generations ago, and it is told in urban legends by elders to the kits in all the colonies.

The story goes that the two of them spun webs all across the colonies, doing whatever they pleased as long as they got their way, no matter what it took. While Spidersight watched and observed the colonies for information, Silksong took his threads and spun them into a web of her own design. In return for the information, Silksong would allow him to remain at her side, benefitting from the same things she did as she climbed higher and higher in the ranks with him. Though Spidersight never cared about the power, he agrees so from the top with his sister, he has a better vantage point to see everything he wishes.

After their death, they festered in the Caverns for years, vengeful and bitter that they couldn't move on and continue their work just because it didn't align with the ancestors values. So over time in the dark for years, their forms twisted and contorted into a perfect reflection of the monsters they were on the inside.

Though they do prefer to be together, they can exist separately and spread their own individual influence. As a whole, they represent the thousand eyes and thousand legs of a spider, but to some, they may just fear the ever-watching eyes or the weaving of their legs, so they conform their tactics to their targets accordingly.

the weaver: a monster of many legs, weaving webs and puppeteering those around her. the watcher’s sister, in agreement to exchange information and plans. whether it is out of siblinghood or the weaver’s manipulation is unclear. she needs to be in control by nature.