Lucia Andrés



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




"try me, asshole"

mischievous resourceful self-assured daring


Name |Lucia AndrésNicknames |Kaisa, Lucy, Rójo (Río)
Age |23Gender |female
Height |6'2"Relatives |Hugo Carmino (father), Camila Andrés (mother)
Birthday |04.09.1998Nationality |Spanish
Alignment |lawful netural Theme |bad influence


  • sports
  • working out
  • crushing people's hope
  • driving


  • Mondays
  • cleaning up after herself
  • her blonde hair
  • doing nothing


  • always travelling
  • kick-boxer
  • grew up with her widowed mother
  • used to have really long hair, dyed half black



Write whatever you want about the character here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque velit nisi, venenatis a est interdum, consectetur malesuada magna. Integer laoreet sagittis dui sed tincidunt. Mauris id purus ligula. Ut sit amet lorem gravida, tristique lectus nec, varius mi. Praesent sit amet sem eu lacus finibus posuere sed a nisi. Morbi eleifend fermentum vulputate. Integer eget nulla rhoncus, congue neque quis, finibus massa. Aliquam ut mollis metus.

Nulla eu blandit nisl. Quisque nec nulla eu lorem aliquet commodo. Vestibulum maximus laoreet lacus a sollicitudin. Nam vitae libero tempor, aliquet libero congue, tincidunt libero. Etiam elit neque, vehicula et interdum vitae, sodales et libero. Aliquam pulvinar vulputate sapien, id lacinia orci cursus eget. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel quam at ante blandit lacinia. Pellentesque eget arcu lacus. Quisque sit amet mi dui. Vestibulum vel nulla ut nisl pharetra scelerisque. Maecenas diam purus, ornare a volutpat non, efficitur vitae neque. Nunc faucibus purus a ante pretium lacinia. Phasellus quis rutrum tellus, in efficitur velit.

Vestibulum pulvinar ullamcorper mi, vitae varius magna sollicitudin eu. Integer lacinia non risus eget eleifend. Duis cursus tortor sit amet tortor malesuada, at mattis quam viverra. Ut vestibulum nulla erat, at porta ex vestibulum a. Ut vitae nisi egestas odio semper consectetur. In in finibus leo. Ut at aliquam elit. Proin venenatis pretium faucibus. Etiam quis metus eu metus dictum imperdiet et sed augue. Aliquam vel nulla nisl. Nam non erat non augue aliquet tempor. Integer vitae vestibulum sapien. Donec volutpat dapibus ligula non rhoncus. Nunc dignissim mauris urna, in eleifend odio ullamcorper placerat. Phasellus imperdiet felis sollicitudin, ultricies neque et, tempor odio.


Rhiannon Dawn

[ girlfriend ]

Lucia's closest friend and confidante as well as girlfriend. The two met online in their early teens and always kept in contact. Their constant, daily conversations, to comments on each other's posts, to gaming late into the night, meant they formed a connection stronger than any of their real life bonds. They'd been talking about moving out together for years, mainly as a fun, childish fantasy growing more and more serious the older they became, so by the time they both were legal adults and Lucia had a paying job, the answer was simple. Lucia packed up and moved to England. This only strengthened their bond and now the two are inseparable.

Río Becia

[ childhood friend ]

After her father died, Lucia and her mother moved to a low-end flat in Vigo. It was small and stuffy and Lucia wanted nothing more than to be free in her own space, so she spent most of her childhood playing outside in the streets. That's where she met Río Becia, a kid whose home was the streets. The two spent many a summer night running down the streets of Vigo, doing stupid dares and trying not to wake the neighbours with their contagious laughter. They both held a fiercely rebellious streak, which reflected their shared hatred for authority and need for independence. When they met Zyste Creu together they bonded moreso over their shared hatred for the man. When Río finally moved away, they thought they'd never see each other again. Their goodbyes were short and casual, neither one of them wanting to make a big deal about it, but if she thinks about it too hard, she'll find herself in a witsful state, mourning both her childhood innocence and the boy she once knew.

Zeus Caras

[ childhood enemy ]

The three of them (herself, Río & Zeus) met when Lucia was 11, in a dance competition she'd used her saved up pocket money to get Río into. They became an odd trio of sorts for the short time the competition went on and Zeus was in Vigo, despite hating what each other stood for. They were kids, not yet ready to form fully fledged political opinions on one of their peers (in hindsight, that's the only explanation Lucia can think of as to why they hung out together). Zeus seemed curious about a way of life so different to one he lived and clearly found joy in the reckless independence that came with sneaking out and trivial theft. When their paths would cross over the years, however, this odd "frenemies" relationship morphed into something much darker. Their beliefs and values differed too much and, without the friendliness of childhood innocence to support them, their hatred began to boil for one another. Although Lucia hasn't seen him in person for years now, she'll still sneer at the mention of his name or his latest Vogue article.
