Basic Info












Wolf Spider + Silver Striped Hawk Moth


Age: 21

Gender/pronouns: He/Him

Species: Wolf Spider/Silver Striped Hawk Moth Hybrid

family: Husband of Nettle (Belongs to Scis) and father of Taffy

Vex is a funny, trusting and super independent bug. He is proud of who he has become and sees himself as a great husband and father. He is resilient and does a good job at keeping the two he loves most safe. He can be a little stubborn at times, but most of what he does is for good reason. He is the only one that goes out and makes Geo (Hallownest Currency) to support his little family, and he would like it no other way. He wants the other two to stay home and safe. He works quick and simple jobs around Hallownest to provide food and other small things. If he struggles to find a trustworthy market, he hunts for the food himself. Vex is a quick learner. He built his own home in Greenpath from the ground up. He just loves relaxing and hanging around his family, even if he can be a bit bossy at times it is always out of love.

Vex grew up with his parents in Greenpath, being raised well and taught to fight at a young age as he was young during the height of the infection and needed to protect himself from rabid bugs. Unfortunately, he lost his parents to the very thing they were teaching him to fight against. Vex's parents were killed by a bloodthirsty infected group of bugs, leaving Vex alone to run away from the incident. He ran all the way to Deepnest to find a place to hide, not yet processing that his parents were gone. After a few nights alone in Deepnest, eating small dead spiders and sleeping in abandoned dens, he met another lonely and scared young bug, Nettle. It appeared he was stuck in a similar situation. At first, the two bugs were pretty frightened of each other, but grew a bond while trying to escape together as they were being chased around by larger, hungry bugs in Deepnest. They found a way through the Fungal Wastes that eventually lead the two young bugs back to Greenpath. In Greenpath, Vex decided to stick with Nettle and show him around. The two learned quickly they needed shelter and got to work making a small hut that would gradually grow in size and security as they got older as well. Their bond only got stronger as they grew into adults and decided they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, grateful they both were able to escape Deepnest long ago. Vex cherishes and loves Nettle more than any bug he has ever known. Not long after, they welcomed their son, Taffy. A small bug they wanted to protect and raise on their own. Unlike their own parents, teaching them to go out and fight as kids, they did not want this for Taffy. They wanted Taffy as safe as possible so they teach him to stay inside, and they will go out and get everything that is needed. Vex gifts Taffy and Nettle often with fruits, cloaks and little trinkets every time he goes out to find quick jobs to do to earn enough geo to buy meat from small markets in Hallownest. One special detail about Vex is his ability to express his emotions with his large flowy antennas. They kind of act like large bunny ears in a way. His goals are to simply keep his two favorite bugs in the world alive, healthy and happy.


  • Has an obsession with bells, often decorating his own outfit and the other two with bells sometimes. The bells are also used on Taffy so they can hear his whereabouts

  • He had a very beloved pet mosscreep when he was younger, unfortunately losing it to the infection

  • His real name is Vexton but he seems to get really angry when called that

  • Knows how to hiss and growl, can seem quite scary but fighting will always be a last resort 

Voice Claim: TBD

Song: TBD