[GS] Guppy Swamp (The Tackle Shop)



3 years, 22 days ago




Your one-stop shop for MYO tickets and Guppy Swamp Fishin'!...and Foragin'!


 MYO Tickets:                                                      

A couple of notes about MYO tickets before you browse: The type of ticket allows for that trait rarity, and all rarities beneath it, to be used during creation. 

ex: A Fancy Guppy bag will allow for Rare, Uncommon, and Common traits to be used on your MYO Gupuppy, but not Legendary. A Bucket o' Shark Chum will allow for Uncommon and Common traits to be used on your Swampstomp MYO. 

ALSO BE AWARE: MYO TICKETS ARE NOT EXCHANGEABLE OR INTERCHANGEABLE. A Bucket o' Chum cannot make a Gupuppy, and a Bag o' Guppies cannot make a Swampstomp. If you wish to turn your MYO ticket into another type, you may trade, or use a converting potion. 

To purchase a ticket, leave a comment in the following format:

I want a MYO!
Username: (Make sure this is the same one you registered your Bank Account with)
MYO Ticket Type: (Bag o' Red Guppies, Bucket o' Chum, etc.) 
Payment type: (In Crawlees/Roleepolees/USD*)

We will reply to your comment when the transaction has been completed! Please use this reply as your proof of purchase when registering your MYO.

*if purchasing for USD, you must be at least 18 with a valid Paypal account. Payment info will be DM'd.


Bag o' Guppies- 150C or $15 - 10/10

Common Gupuppy MYO Ticket


Bucket o' Chum- 250C - OUT OF STOCK

Common Swampstomp MYO Ticket


Bag o' Red Guppies- 300C or $20 - 5/5

Uncommon Gupuppy MYO Ticket



Bucket o' Shark Chum- 500C - OUT OF STOCK

Unommon Swampstomp MYO Ticket


Bag o' Fancy Guppies- 500C or $35 - 5/5

Rare Gupuppy MYO Ticket


Bucket o' Monster Chum- 700C - OUT OF STOCK

Rare Swampstomp MYO Ticket


Bag o' Diamond Guppies- 800C or $50 -  2/2

Legendary Gupuppy MYO Ticket


Bucket o' Treasure Chum- 1100C - OUT OF STOCK

Legendary Swampstomp MYO Ticket

Fishin' and Foragin':                                                      

Fishing and foraging can give you ingredients that can then be used to create potions. Potions are typically used in order to upgrade/change traits or mutations.

When you're ready to send us on our way, leave a comment in the following format:

I want to Fish/Forage!
Username: (Make sure this is the same one you registered your Bank Account with)
Trip Type: (Just the shallows, Stick to the path, etc.) 
Trip Length: Short/Long/Express/Extended
Total price: (In Crawlees/Roleepolees)

We take payment up front, so make sure you have the right amount in your balance!

A reminder about currency:

1 Crawlee(C)= Base unit
1 Silver Roleepolee(R) = 10 Crawlees
1 Golden Toad(T) = 10 Roleepolees/100 Crawlees
1 Diamondback(D) = 5 Golden Toads/50 Roleepolees/500 Crawlees 


Just the shallows... - 

(Common and Uncommon)

Short trip: 5 Crawlee(1 item)
Long trip: 10 Crawlees(5 items)


Stick to the path...

(Common and Uncommon)

Short trip: 5 Crawlee(1 item)
Long trip: 10 Crawlees(5 items)

To deeper waters!

(Rare and Legendary)

Short trip: 1 Roleepolee(1 item)
Long trip: 5 Roleepolees(5 items)


(Rare and Legendary)

Short trip: 1 Roleepolee(1 item)
Long trip: 5 Roleepolees(5 items)

Combo Packs:                                                      

Short on time? That's okay! I can always get my little helpers to go out on your behalf and bring back all sorts of goodies for you to rummage through!

 The only catch is they need a day or so to go out and collect your spoils. Tell you what, provide the provisions, and in one single day's time, ya'll come on back and we'll have your Fished-and-Foraged goods all doggie-bagged for ya! 

Canopy Lilies and Quiet Water - 

(Common and Uncommon)

Express Package (24 hours): 30 Crawlees
(10 items; 5 foraged, 5 fished)

Extended Package (48 hours): 50 Crawlees
(20 items; 10 foraged, 10 fished)

Old Swamps and Slime Bogs - 

(Rare and Legendary)

Express Package (24 hours): 5 Roleepolees
(10 items; 5 foraged, 5 fished)

Extended Package (48 hours): 10 Roleepolees
(20 items; 10 foraged, 10 fished)