Yoshino Lamatina




   Smol bean

Yoshino Lamatina
July 11


• Vampire-Nivili Hybrid (Snake-Type)
• Loves: reading
• Hates:
• Has a habit of making bracelets out of his candy (especially out of candy strings)
• Prefers books over social interactions
• Can disappear for a day if he was with people for a long time the other day
• Drinks animal blood because his body gets weaker without it but tries to keep it a secret because he is ashamed of his vampire properties
• Is stronger and sturdier at night for the same reason
• Took fighting classes at Arcaid because (like his parents) he thought of himself as fragile and thought this was even more reason to be able to defend himself. They did not refuse to teach him because he is the black prince.
• He currently holds the title of the black prince as his older brother has no children and he is the only other remaining child of his parents.

• Has an allergy against bee stings


Yoshino is the youngest child of Padron and Gale, the king and god of Nivilja. He grew up under Gale being the king of Nivilja and Padron as the black king. As the son of the highest royalty of Mirala, his life has always been safe and prosperous. His relationship with his parents has always been affectionate and soft, especially he and Padron have been close. A lot of distance built up between them due to the fact of how busy they are in their positions. He spent a lot of time alone at home in his childhood and even more in his teenage years. He saw himself as a huge disappointment to them as he is the only child of them that was declared unable to use his powers. Yoshino got the incredible healing powers of Padron in a fleshly body that uses way too much energy in the healing process and tends to knock him out fairly quickly. That in itself wouldn't be too much of a problem but his body is constantly trying to heal the smallest problems and isn't reacting well on the rest of his powers. He also inherited Padron's other powers but his fleshly body can't perform the unnatural things that his father's synthetic body is capable of. In reaction, Yoshino's body tears itself apart every time he uses his powers. It doesn't take long for him to lose consciousness. Padron and Gale didn't want him to use his powers and he was only allowed to go to theory-based classes at Meleni. He got the intellect of Gale and the diligence of Padron, due to that he was an A-grade student. Another reason was his desperate attempts to make them proud without being able to become a strong fighter. There has always been an air of sadness to him unnoticed by his parents. Only noticed by the few friends he had before the accident. He still had a warm and loving upbringing. An accident occurred only a year after the tragedy of his sister Mirage's death. Hit by a car his body went into a loop of healing and destruction and held him in a comatose state for years. No one knows what exactly happened to him in this state but he came out seemingly as a different person. Quieter, openly sad and withdrawn. He has spent the last year at home and didn't really interact with anyone outside his family. His grandfather tried to convince him to become part of his team before but he refused. Yoshino only changed his mind after meeting Perish and Cano.



Padron Lamatina

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu ultrices mauris, vitae efficitur eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent gravida vestibulum venenatis. Vivamus semper justo ipsum, quis aliquet arcu gravida a. Pellentesque at ipsum efficitur, mattis ex eu, imperdiet metus. Sed facilisis lacus nec justo luctus accumsan. Ut feugiat arcu eget lacus viverra, vitae vulputate risus faucibus.

Rhett Gale-Lamatina

Their relationship has always been a little more distant than Padron and Yoshino's. Yoshino still loves his father to no end. He knows that he will always be honest to him (no matter what happens) and values this greatly. It has been hard for him to hide his feelings from Gale. Both of them are aware of how clever and sly the other is and tend to see through the other's game way before anyone else does.

C-Botin X3 "Hyde"

bestfriend/team partner
Probably due to his father being an android, Yoshino always saw him as a  conscious, feeling being after he accidentally got a soul. He thought it was wrong to imprison Hyde when he now has feelings for the first time, feelings he can't even comprehend. Fascinated by the rawness of his new emotions and his lack of understanding them, the desire to protect him arose in Yoshino. He felt a strong connection to another being that was unable to understand, control and felt disconnected from his feelings.  They soon formed a strong bond beyond that. Yoshino felt it was way easier to connect with the almost brutally honest robot he gave the name  Hyde to. Both of them are unusually close to each other (going as far as sleeping in the same bed) but their feelings are of mutually platonic nature.

Perish Trems

close friend/crush
Yoshino was

Phelia Sawyer

cousin/close friend
Phelia was born after Yoshino's accident so he only got to know her after he was awake again while she has already heard a lot about Yoshino from both her mother and her uncles. They started out not interacting much even after Yoshino joined the team but after they were forced to kill her mother and Yoshino's aunt they shared their first intimate, emotional moment. Yoshino was the only one who got to know her as who she was before the grief of losing her "other half" completely consumed her and knew the loving side of her that Lia was so familiar with. He was the only one who could understand her pain and share it with her in the team. It was difficult for him since he is deadly afraid of his emotions and getting too close with other people but he overcame it and she highly valued him showing her his vulnerability. She made an effort to get closer to him afterward and as Yoshino started to become better they became genuinely close.