BEE-0001 'Kevin'



3 years, 8 days ago


hilariously outdatedish lol help

Bee Brothers


BEE-0001 and BEE-0002 are a duo of unique Imposter units designed for The Overseer of Theta-III to study deep learning neural networks.

Unlike typical Imposters, they did not replace any existing entities, and they did not play a specific role in aiding Theta-III; instead, they were placed in a natural environment so their performance could be monitered. They are not instructed to do things and are instead left to do whatever they please.

They were released into the city of Las Vegas and, seemingly overnight, they had established a well-known and exceedingly popular casino, appropriately dubbed the Bee Brothers Casino. Part of the appeal was the promise that anyone could challenge either of the Brothers, and that no matter what, they wouldn't lose.

According to the world, they are twins known as Kevin and Eli. Nobody quite knows where they came from or who they were before being casino co-owners. Very few know their names. Those who meet them are swept away by their charisma and ability to manipulate the mind; they know what you're thinking before you think it. They come off as strange and eccentric, but it's impossible to pin down exactly what is strange about them.

They spend their days managing the casino, playing card games and performing on stage. They are remarkably talented showmen and visual magicians, greater than any organic entity. Established gamblers of their own, their massive fortune and influence was won through gambling; the rest is icing on the cake.

In addition to their day jobs, the Brothers have a role in the criminal underworld. They are masters of tax evasion and the trafficking of various things through their casino. They do play more of a traditional Imposter role here, being Theta-III's eyes into the mafia on this side of the world. No matter what happens they are always one step ahead of law enforcement, making them invaluable allies and not ones to cross.



BEE-0001 and BEE-0002 are identical android units apart from external appearance. For full functionality they are to be kept together at all times.

Both units employ deep learning algorithms to understand their environment. They create connections between different sensory input unlike any organism or machine based on organic life. Combined with their noteworthy processing speeds, this form of knowledge enables them to exploit any system and outperform any organism.

Upon release, they were given a basic understanding of society and a concrete loyalty to Theta-III. The path they took was fully determined by the environment they were released into.

Any piece of stimuli that can be perceived is perceived by these incredibly sensitive units, from the common senses to various digital signals. Their antennae aid in sensing these signals. Utilizing near field communication, the duo shares a hive mind wherein the knowledge of one can be instantly accessed by the other, but only if they are in range. Less important information, such as cell phone signals, is sent to a separate 'backbrain' for further processing, leaving the primary 'brain' to focus on immediate tasks.

In terms of build, the units focus most on fast processing of a plethora of information. Though built with Theta-III's patented metal, they are not designed for feats of strength. They have a level of flexibility to them compared to other attack- or precision-oriented units. Their primary method of attack is mental assault, though their stingers can function as weapons if absolutely necessary.

Both units are capable of flight, although their body weight to wing size ratio does not compute.

The units' wing veins contain the TLV-3 serum, allowing flight at higher speeds than is natural to make up for their weight. They give off a faint glow, amplified by the UV light of their casino.