Basil (onhold)




Art/Lore 2023/6/5 do not remove this line until told to.


"Any sufficiently advanced bullshit is indistinguishable from magic."
NB (she/they)
"The Grandmaster"
Angel reincarnate
  • Fruit-flavoured ice pops and soft drinks
  • Really crappy anime shows and equally awful movies
  • Carnivals
  • Listening to video game OSTs while working
  • "How do you know the world is real" it doesn't matter it literally does NOT matter
  • Jokes about putting her in soup
  • Dusty chips
  • Music snobs (#1 pet peeve)

  • Friendly to pretty much everyone. Despite her job revolving around passing verdicts to her clients, she's fairly non-judgemental as a pal.
  • Casual to the max. Doesn't care for formality whatsoever; will break whatever rules or codes she thinks are stupid and unnecessary.
  • A creative soul; enjoys artistic self-expression. Paints as a hobby, has tried digital art but just doesn't like how the interface feels.
  • When it comes to her own life, she tends to overthink and procrastinate on making decisions. Friends find her "annoyingly indecisive" on very little things, such as what mall to visit or what shirt to buy.
  • A massive showboat. Loves being the centre of attention; often dresses strangely or can be found doing somewhat unorthodox things.

An easygoing, good-natured individual, Basil's known around the neighbourhood for her detailed and "scarily accurate" readings of the future-- products of the "mystical wisdom" she somehow pulled out of the stars. Despite the shady reputation of her profession, Basil's got almost nothing but praise to her name. Her stuff is so legit that you'd be surprised (or not surprised whatsoever) to learn that there's nothing magical about Basil's predictions at all-- she's just really, really good with statistics.

Money isn't the motivation behind her magical lie-- she could easily make just as much cash as a professional data analyst or something. The truth? She's just a total nihilist who thinks "cheating the system" is fun and regards objective reality with complete and utter apathy.

Despite her disdain for what's "real", she doesn't believe in just doing whatever she pleases without care for consequence. There's a reason she puts genuine effort into analyzing information her clients give her to generate a valid conclusion; lying about where she gets her readings from is one thing, but giving potentially harmful advice is another.

In her belief, things are only "true" in a practical sense so long as believing in them is useful; the actual reality doesn't matter if it doesn't affect an individual's choice. Morals exist because they keep society running; pleasure is better than pain because people enjoy the former and avoid the latter, so on, so forth. Nothing's true-- things are only practical. So long as her practices are actually helpful to people, she might as well be an actual magician.

Basil's doesn't care much for going down in history or leaving something behind so much as she just wants to have fun. In her opinion, the desire to have remembered is completely baseless; what her name ends up being attached to is completely irrelevant to the world's function, and after her passing she'd be too dead to care what others think.

Why does she like helping people, then? It promotes a nicer world to live in for everyone, of course... The reality that she's one of the few that can prevent the world's apocalypse, though, will put her kindliness to the test.


  • Known to be a bit of a vulgar talker with the buds she's good with. Often comes up with some... fairly original insults.
  • Dislikes both masculine and feminine honourifics. (Jokingly) requests for her friends to refer to her as "Basil, the unfettered", "Oh wise mystical one", or equally ridiculous titles. (They never do.)
  • The rabbit ears are real. They don't do anything, though. She can resemble a lop rabbit if she feels like.
  • Uses her hat as storage for various objects. Supposely her wallet's one of them.
  • The wand does "glow"! It's a completely normal stick of wood, though. It's just got a really shiny blue rock on its tip. Basil claims it has a calming aura that helps her work.


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