


3 years, 18 days ago


"Do you want to see my mushroom collection?"


Name Saira Bakir
Breathing Style Spore
Rank Hashira
Age 21
Height 4'11"
Gender Demi-Girl
Pronouns She/Her/Hers They/Them/Theirs
Orientation Pansexual
Relationship Status Single
Zodiac Aquarius

Status Alive
Designer Calicatto
Worth --










She's fairly lean, but toned. Her arms are her most muscular feature adn she depends on them often. She also has freckles all around her body in nearly random clusters.

She sticks to a simple and consistent wardrobe, you'll often see her recycling the same outfits over and over again. She's not one for fashion but does lke a particular style.



She spends a lot of her time studying and working. Whether it be developing her breathing style, or in general training, she is often working hard to the point of overworking herself.


Even though she likes to be included in social events, she isn't really sure how to start and continue a conversation. Because of this, she tends to stick to herself, but will gladly chat with anyone who approaches her.


She will light up if you ask her about her research or other things she is very passionate about. She can go on long tangents leaving little space for others to talk over her. She tends to get lost in her own thoughts, sometimes giving her a reality check about her rambles is necessary and she doesn't get offended by it.

Personality Stats

























Favorite Color Neon Pink
Allignemnt Chaotic Good
Sun Sign Aquarius
Moon Sign Sagittarius
Rising Sign Cancer
Smash Main Inkling
HP House Ravenclaw
Personality Type ISTJ-T
Favorite joke?

Oh, okay! Why did the mushroom get invited to the party? ... Because he's a fungi! But, why didn't he get in? ... Because there wasn't mushroom!

Who’s your favorite animal crossing villager?

Margie the elphant, I like elepahnts a lot and we share the same zodiac sign which I think is cute.

What superpower would you have if you could choose?

It may not be a traditional super power, but I would love the ability to have a superhuman-like memory. It would be so much easier if I could remember every detail from textbooks I read for my research instead of having to read it again or look though my notes.


Saira grew up as an only child due to her mother having serious complications after her birth. Saira being the only biological child her parents were going to have put a lot of pressure on her. Her parents built themselves from nothing, they credit their success to their hard work and dedication to academics. They did not want their only daughter to live the lives they had once led prior to their success. For this reason, they planned to put her through the most rigirous academics they could muster to give her an even greater oppertunity than they had. They raised her like any other child up until she had to end up going to school, they decided it was best if she went to an elite boarding school where she could get the finest education. This boarding school was in another country and away from anything she was ever familiar with. But she respected and cared for her parents a lot and went to the schools she was assigned without any rebellion.

Saira was fairly sheltered growing up, and did not socialize with many children her age before school. When the time finally came for her to attend school, she had a hard time making friends or keeping up in conversations so she usually ended up on her own. Despite her lack of social life, she took it in stride and put a lot of work into her studies. She was diligent and out-preformed many of her peers at a young age. Her parents praised her for this and were very proud of her.

Throughout her academic career in K-12, she ended up being isolated from her classmates more and more. Growing up as the foreign exchange student that never talked to anyone else shaped a reputation that stuck with her even as she became more outgoing. The few mutuals she did make never truly became more than that. These years were particularly lonely for her, as she barely returned home and only kept in touch with her family though letters. Their praises about her grades is what kept her afloat. That was until she started to not preform as well as she used to. She was still an explementary student, but she wasn't excelling in comparison to her peers as she did when she was younger. Her confidence started to dwindle as she began seeing herself as a failure with no other means of support.

Even so, she pushed herself to graduation and was finally able to return home. Finally being back did not give her as much relief as she expected it to. Her parents felt like strangers and the burden of even higher education was the only thing on her parent's mind. She had gone through so much work and turmoil just to be faced with having to leave again and work harder in something she felt like she was failing at. Saira felt like there was no escape and decided to take a very calculated risk. She told her parents that she was accepted and going to a prestigious college, a notion that did not surprise the parents, but it was all a lie. Having never been a trouble child, her parents took her word without asking for any proof. In reality, when she left home she was going on a personal journey to explore herself. Being an adult, she knew that even if her parents found out, there was no way they could legally stop her. Though, she still did not want to disappoint them and risk their resentment and decided to lie as they were the most valued people in her life.

While on her travels, she took various odd jobs to stay afloat to try and find something she was passionate in but nothing ever seemed right. One day, she ran into [Hashira Leader] accidentally, she had no idea who they were or anything about demon slayers but when [Hashira Leader] offered a stable job position for her she could not refuse. They wanted her to do research on wisteria to find ways to utilize the flower against the demons. [Hashira Leader] needed someone who specialized in biology in order to even begin this project and saw the perfect spark in her.

Saira stayed in a simple research position for a few months living on the land where the Hashira trained. She would get to know the Hashira little by little and showed a bit of interest in the training. She began to join training sessions on her free time and found herself to be fairly affluent with a weapon. She had never previously tried many physical sports/activities before and did not realize how much she enjoyed them. She trained for about a year until she was ready to begin killing demons and climbing the ranks. Wanting to prove her usefulness beyond her intelligence, and striving for a purpose, she rose to the top very quickly. At the same time, she continued the job assigned to her by [Hashira Leader] and had created a breathing style that acclimated to her better using her research.

  • Biology
  • Alcohol
  • Sweets
  • Parties
  • Responsibility
  • Too much physical contact
  • Animatronics tbh
  • Strong smells
  • She makes her own moonshine
  • She has a high metabolism which helps her avoid gaining weight from her constant drinking and addiction to sweets.
  • Saira learns best from reading/studying
  • Theoretical pokemon team: Goomy, Muk, Koffing, Breloom, Aromatisse, Shiinotic
  • Attachment Style: dismissive avoidant
  • Became a pillar through promotion from the hashira.
  • She is a vegetarian.

Spore Breathing

Spore breathing is a branch of wind breathing. The Spore Breathing combat and breathing style mimics how fungus and spores can affect their hosts. It takes a lot of studying in plant and fungal biology to create attacks for this technique. It has been crafted over a few years by Saira and is still in its early developmental stages. This style is best used from a distance rather than close quarter combat. The main use of this style is by creating strong gusts of wind through strikes of the staff. The staff has small pockets filled with a specialized wisteria fungus that is nearly imperceptible during battle. The spores are carried by the wind created by the staff with the intent to either hit the target or around the target. The spores can both land on the skin and be inhaled, because they are wisteria-based, spores they will slowly affect a demon's capability to fight. It is dangerous to continue fighting her in one area as it fills with more spores released by the blade as the battle continues. The effect is slower than insect's poison but increases exponentially as a fight continues.

In ordinary battle, a demon's ability to last while battling the effects of her spores can vary. It greatly depends on their power and personal abilities so there is no way to truly pin down an estimate. For low powered demons, it seems to take a heavy toll on demons after 10 minutes of being exposed. Based on this, it would take significantly longer to effect a mid or high leveled demon.

Currently, the wisteria spores can stay active airborne for about 5 minutes before becoming ineffective and spores can only be released for approximately 20 minutes during battle before she runs out of supply within the sword. Refills take about 1-3 minutes which would be very inconvenient to do in the middle of a battle without backup so she still relies on strength and skill. This is why she is best battling from a distance so she has the time to refill if she has to without concern of being attacked. She resorts to wind breathing when her spores run out. The spores can also only have a lifespan of about a week before dying off and becoming ineffective, so long distance trips are worrisome unless she is delivered supplies quickly by crow.

The weapon for spore breathing is a staff. The staff is carved out of wisteria wood which is mostly just done out of the sake of availability. It does not do anything in battle since it does not have the flowers.

The breathing style is better for support, best used in teams. She is working on making it efficient on independence.

Alternate Universes


She's the spore hashira and is simply chilling in life. She developed her own breathing style called Spore Breathing.

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