


6 years, 10 months ago



"Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself." - Lao Tzu

Name meaning: 
"Big rock"
2nd November
Occupation | Rank: 
Clan leader - "King"
eating, chilling on his "throne", watching fights, "adult stuff" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
not getting his will, disobidience, weakness, underestimating his power
Voice example:


  • brutal and violent
  • god complex
  • moody and choleric
  • stubborn
  • unforgiving
  • planning and strategic
  • cruel



  • Height: pretty big ~2,50m
  • "body builder" type
  • pretty heavy
  • rough skin with scarf-skin like scales on back, arms and legs
  • ram horns
  • thick claws on hands and feet
  • lower jaw with slightly overbite and tusks
  • wings useless due to his weight

Clothes | Accessoirs

  • golden tunnel earrings


Na'Gor rules with carrot-and-stick policy, means as long as his clan members do what he wants they have a nice life. If not, well, he has several ways of punishment. Na'Gor is a cannibal and enjoys demostrating his strength before he eats his victims. Don't be fooled by his body, under some layers of fat there are many strong muscles. Even though Na'Gor is not a good runner, he is very deadly over short distances. His right hand is Lem'Disnar who is the only one Na'Gor fully trusts. Even though he is not very nice to him. Na'Gor secretly sees Lem as his friend.

"Na'Gor is a big, fat scumbag and a pretty gory character *pun intendet*. Actually a character one should hate could I?"

Na'Gor was born into a very poor family in Az'Azaks clan. His mother already had two children (twin girls) and actually didn't want another one but things happened. His father was a mercenary from Fernaru'Mocks fathers clan. He was a big and strong fella (bodybuilder type) but left Na'Gors mother.  So she was all alone with 3 kids. to feed. To achieve this his mother applied for a "job". She got one as tunnel digger, which was easy to get. Tunnel diggers always need people and you don't need any special requirements. The job is very hard and dangerous though but you get some food as loan. Usually poor, lower class Urdrak families work in the tunnels.

Na'Gors older sisters soon started working too because the loan their mother get was not enough. Like his father Na'Gor was blessed with a strong, muscular body but such a body demands a lot of energy. Na'Gor was always hungry and his mother had troubles keeping him away from their food stock. 

When he was old enough, Na'Gor started working too. He was a great help for the tunnel diggers and got some extra rations. However it was still not enough to eat. When times were very hard every food supply was used among the diggers even recently died Urdraks were eaten then. And times were always hard for tunnel diggers. 

It was a matter of time till Na'Gors mother collapsed from exhaustion and malnutrition, her health was steadily decreasing and the day came her children had to say good bye. Sadness spread in the remaining family but life had to go on. But the other diggers demanded her as food so there was no other choice than giving up their dead mother and forgot what happened. 

As hadn't things been worse enough Na'Gors sisters died soon after in a collapsing tunnel. However their bodies could not be found under the pile of rocks and dirt. When sadness faded from Na'Gors mind a deep anger took its place. Only working harder could help him forget and soon the new tunnel system was done. A big ceremony was planned where king Az'Azak himself would look over the system. This day was the firts time Na'Gor got in touch with him and the Urdraks from the upper class. Az'Azak was impressed by the good work of the diggers and honored them with an invitation to his "palace" (the biggest and fanciest cave). Na'Gor was overwhelmed by the wealth of the upper class when he got there. Only one thing he could not understand: why didn't they share their wealth with others? There were a lot poor Urdraks who would need their support! Angered by these unfair balances he decided to bring a change. Na'Gor started to unite tunnel diggers against the upper classes and brutal fights spread among Az'Azaks kingdom. In the end Na'Gors resistance lost and he fled with the remaining tunnel diggers into exil. There he founded a whole new clan with the goal of erasing Az'Azak and the whole upper class to share his land with the "poor".

Over time Na'Gor gained more and more clan members, sometimes by words, sometimes by force. Most members saw him as savior because he once was as poor as them. From all gloryfying Na'Gor soon started to feel superior and grows habit of killing none believers who stand in his way. In his clan no potential food resource was wasted and cannibalism established well, like it was in his past.

Not even his madness grew but also Na'Gors weight and hunger for power. His whole beeing lead to fear and fascination in his clan and members declared him as a god like entity which has to be praised and feared. 

Now Na'Gor plans to make the whole island his own, where all of his supporters may live an all his enemies will be food.


This moodboard and all the images shown in here, are only for personal use. All credits go to the original artists.



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