


2 years, 11 months ago



Little Man . With Little Plans . Apathetic

"In a world governed by might and claw, my power lies in the unspoken. A nudge here, a word there, I shape their stories in my image. Amidst the cacophony of life, I am Scarlet'Star, the silent director of fates, etching scars onto the canvas of their lives."

Name Scarlet'Star
Called Scarlet'Star
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Age 25 moon
Height 7.6 inches
Race Cat
Role Leader
Demeanor Austere
Element N/A
Gemstone Ruby
Flower Poppy
Season Winter
Tarot The Devil
Designer ScarletStarSimp
HTML Pinky


  • Murder
  • Winter
  • Mushrooms
  • Manipulating
  • Stormy Days


  • interests and hobbies
  • Gaining power
  • Mushroom hunting
  • Fighting
  • Killing


  • Losing
  • Sweets
  • Kits
  • Heat
  • Sunny Days



Scarlet'Star is a composed and self-assured tomcat, embodying a silent demeanor brimming with quiet confidence. However, he grapples with the complexities of a split personality—a darker alter ego that infuses his actions with a hint of unpredictability. This dual nature endows him with a knack for manipulation, often twisting the truth to his advantage or as an escape mechanism.

An unwavering conviction in his own judgment dominates his thought process. He unflinchingly voices his perspectives, unmindful of the abrasiveness they might carry. Yet, his pragmatism allows him to adapt when necessary, catering to others' viewpoints if it secures their favor.

Narcissistic tendencies occasionally eclipse Scarlet'Star's better judgment, particularly when it comes to conflicts. His dogged persistence rarely permits him to retreat from a fight, unless faced with undeniable futility. While he's fully conscious of his actions, he often harbors a latent desire for transformation and self-improvement.

His penchant for challenging fellow cats stems more from a thirst for knowledge than mere bravado—he uses these interactions as opportunities to gauge their strengths, perhaps even incorporating useful tactics into his own repertoire. To outsiders, his demeanor might appear apathetic and stern, and his difficulty empathizing with others often manifests as sarcasm at the most inopportune times.

Scarlet'Star's struggles extend to the emotional realm, particularly when it involves others. He finds it challenging to harbor genuine concern for anyone beyond himself. His introspection often leads him to solitude, where he sits quietly, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts as he watches over his fellow cats.


Scarlet'Star demonstrates a remarkable capacity for rapid learning, transforming experiences and setbacks into tools for improvement, constantly iterating on new strategies such as counterattacks. His ability to adapt swiftly in critical circumstances is unparalleled, always conjuring innovative solutions on the fly. He harnesses the power of his physiology to enhance his performance, increasing his blood circulation to amplify both speed and strength. This augmentation, while powerful, can rapidly drain his stamina.

His auditory senses are finely tuned, superior to those of his counterparts. Often, you can find him flattening his ears to filter out environmental noise, focusing his attention on essential sounds. His resilience is another standout trait; possessing a pain tolerance far exceeding that of an ordinary cat. Minor injuries and even deep gashes barely register, allowing him to continue his pursuit undeterred.

When it comes to initiating combat, Scarlet'Star excels. He relies on his remarkable speed to seize the initiative, leveraging his formidable upper body strength to incapacitate foes swiftly. His vision, though merely above average, serves him well. The faintest movement at considerable distances does not escape his notice, providing him with a slight advantage over his adversaries.



Friendly Reserved
Calm Irritable
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Humorous Serious


Scarlet'Star has an uncanny ability to mimic the fighting styles of his adversaries, a talent he discovered during his numerous challenges against fellow cats.

He's known to retreat into solitude during his free time, silently observing the behaviors of other cats, a habit that reflects his inherent desire for continual learning and adaptation.

Despite his stern and often harsh demeanor, Scarlet'Star harbors a surprising fondness for nature, particularly during the dawn and dusk hours when the world is in transition.

Scarlet'Star's split personality doesn't just reflect in his behavior; it manifests physically in his eyes, which morph from a calm gaze to a fierce, intense glare when his more sinister side surfaces.

His preferred way to test his abilities is killing at night. Scarlet'Star feels that the silent darkness fine-tunes his senses and presents the ultimate challenge to his exceptional skills.





Beepollen is a quiet cat. He often keeps to himself, but can be a joy to be around. He's compassionate and a good listener. While he is extremely anxious, Beepollen does his best to work around it. His mind swirls with possibilities and what-if scenarios. While his mind is often drowning in itself, he does have a good understanding of the world around him. He loved his family and tries his best for them, it often leads him to find his own ambitions. Beepollen can be snarky when he's in a good mood. He's dilligent in his work and leaves no stone unturned, it makes him a wonderful teacher. Though Beepollen has been plagued with asthma since he was a little boy.




A loyal and over trusting kittypet tom. He would do anything for those he deeply cares about even if it costs his life. He is overall a weakling but is trying to work to improve himself to protect those around him. He tries to look at things beyond what they seem before judging others too harshly.




A kind and loyal she-cat. She would drop everything to answer the call of her brother. She is diligent in both her work and in her observations of other felines. She struggles with her strong sense of empathy and desire to help others. It often blocks her logical thinking and leads her into dangerous situations. Frost can be extremely ambitious in her dreams and will never forget about them. She is always thinking of new ways to accomplish things and make her way to the her goals. She has a soft voice and is easy to talk to.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.