


3 years, 3 days ago




BB, Bell Bell

Appears late-20s

Nonbinary (she/they)



38,000 lbs

Quirky, spacey, and generally not really sure what's going on most of the time, Bonnabelle is just here to enjoy life. She's easily pleased and loves simple, almost childish things. Cute stuff makes her cry. She considers pink to be a personality trait. She collects stuffed animals and tacky earrings. Simply put - she does what makes her happy!


Bonnabelle loves being around people, but since she's introverted, she's pretty shy until she warms up to someone. Once she does, though, she never stops talking! Her cousin Tex is her best friend and the two of them are thick as thieves. Bonnabelle also has some memory issues, so she might forget your name a few times - sorry about that! She also tends to forget that she's lactose intolerant...she's drunk her cargo and regretted it later a fair share of times.

She has a crush on Coco and is trying to teach herself French so she can talk to the engine. It's not exactly going well, but she's determined!


Originally built as a boxcar, Bonnabelle wasn't on the rails for very long before she was converted into a milk car. She worked as that for a good number of years before being made mostly obsolete by refrigerated semi-truck trailers. She mostly does short trips these days, transporting milk to local fairs and the like during the summer. There's been some talk of converting her back to a boxcar, but Bonnabelle absolutely refuses - she likes her job as it is! Her favorite part is seeing all the animals at the fair. Sometimes if she's lucky she gets to stay long enough to see them being judged!

Bonnabelle doesn't quite fit in with the freight or with the coaches, but she's friendly with both groups. Whenever she runs into Tex - which doesn't happen often, since they work in different parts of the country - she drops whatever she's doing to go hang out with him. Sometimes literally. There's been so much spilled milk and she's definitely cried over it.

When the big championship race came by, Bonnabelle participated from the sidelines. She knew there was no chance of her getting picked to race, given how slow she is, but it was fun to daydream about it. Especially after she saw a certain beautiful French engine...


  • Her favorite plushies are cows!
  • She loves strawberry themed and flavored things
  • Has joint pain issues and often has to take naps because of it
  • Star sign is Virgo and MBTI is INFP


Milk car

Design Notes
  • Big nose, broad shoulders, small chest, thick thighs
  • Earrings can say 2%, 1%, SKIM, or have strawberries
  • Eyeshadow above and below eyes
  • Cow print on gloves, pads, and spats
  • Pompoms on skates
  • Wood panels on bodice

Hair can be worn back or to one side. Any short alternate hairstyle is also acceptable. Yoke is optional. The bells can be drawn in either a cowbell or traditional shape. Body of skirt is stiff and worn over a crinoline. Real-life counterpart is a wood-sided boxcar.

song title // artist

"It's so cute I wanna cry."