Kegan (Soldat 05)



2 years, 11 months ago


Kegan/Soldat 05/K
20 Years
Gunman/A.A.H.W Technician


Observant• intelligent• hateful• dedicated

"05, stand here."

They placed him next to a much shorter, much more frail looking grunt, who stabled himself in crutches, two moon boots on his legs up to his thighs. He had bandages thickly wrapped around the left side of his face. 05, or, Kegan, as he called himself, stared down at the exhausted man that he idled by. To be really honest, he felt bad for him. He must've been some sort of defect. But why hadn't they disposed of him yet?

Doctors and agents began to surround the smaller grunt, swaddling him in a restraint jacket as he stared lifelessly down at the floor. He didn't hesitate nor object to the poking of needles or harsh treatment he was being subjected to. He didn't look nor seem like a threat. Why were they putting padlocks on his strait jacket?

They began to unwrap the bandages on his face. Oh my god. What?

They revealed a red, swollen, glassy eye underneath. It stared poorly down. He looked like he was about to cry. 

"What is your name?" A voice over the intercom boomed.

The shorter man winced at the loud noise. 



  • Rain
  • Composing music
  • Steampunk
  • Junk craft


  • Having his things taken off of him
  • Crowds
  • Arguments
  • Margo.


Kegan/05/K is a 20 year old AAHW soldat unit. His origin begins how most soldats came to be.  Created in a batch in a lab. His batch was intended for more on-hand tech tasks such as operating machinery, coding, hacking, etc. Not much else stands out. He is skillful in long-range combat with firearms, not very good at close-hand, so they often use him as a watchdog/sniper sort of unit. He often spends his time on a lookout far over a few buildings. He doesn't get much done, but he still gets paid, which is a win win for him. Though, he doesn't enjoy being bored constantly, so sometimes, he sneaks off to go see someone
He created his blue monocle because he thought it looked cool. He also doesn't want to be particular to the rest of the soldat units. He wants to be recognizable, basically. For more than one reason. The agency doesnt really allow it but he claims it "enhances his performance."
It does not. He can't see shit out of that eye either way.
He is not tragic
He's just tragically bored

He doesn't really like himself but it's always something he throws under the rug and refuses to work on.




Custom monocle (He made it himself)

His hair is pretty much consistently the same

He bejewled his uniform

His gloves and boots are an oddity

Ayo out here wit da Deimos backpack huh

He cannot see out of his left monocle it is useless he just wears it because he thinks it looks cool

Hes actually pretty ripped but is humble about it


-Likes steampunk and clockwork stuff
-Likes those stupid lights in jars/collecting tiny rocks/fairy lights
-Knows quite a bit about hairdressing
- He plays the bassoon
-Sticker collector
- He was never taught how to write
- He likes the colour purple
-He made Lud's goggles for him
-So bad at close hand he cannot dodge for shit
- Generally pretty dense but he tries his best

- His favourite food is fish fingers




Kegan acts as a moral and mutual support system for Lud, being his rock in a way. He enjoys supporting him and is always willing to. He loves him with his entire heart



fucking loathes his dumbass

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