
2 years, 11 months ago



male ♥ straight ♥ single

♥ About

-- novice ♥ 335 sunsets (11 months) ♥ not open to breed ♥ Blue with White

Moss and Pond were both adopted by Snow, a nurse who's a former loner and was never able to have kits of her own. Despite knowing that she isn't their true mother, Pond likes to pretend that he's her flesh-and-blood son. Moss is a little indifferent and knows she doesn't look the same as either of them, but she loves her family.

When the two siblings became novices, Moss made the decision to leave the syndicate. Pond misses his sister dearly, but he hopes that she's happy.

♥ Relationships

Snow -- A loving she-cat that never had kits of her own, but still cherishes the two siblings like they are. (adoptive mother)

Mosspaw -- A stubborn and headstrong she-cat who is sure of herself and her ultimate destiny. (sister)

♥ Edits

-- None

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