
2 years, 10 months ago


Avi, Avillous, a shapeshifter.

- Species information -

Bearing a hivemind structure, the DU or Dimensional Unicorns exist to survive. (Yet go into routines of searching for entertainment and take-over) They fall into a category that rivals human intelligence, as the different lifestyles play a roll. They are more intelligent in some ways, but humans would never know. These creatures blend into different worlds and societies, shape-shifting and learning faster than light when needed. They know more about how others live than their own structured system.

Loners are hunted by bounty hunters, or straight up special forces. Those who leave the hive put the hive at risk. Many have missions to leave, but they are trained and ensured with weapons of mass destruction before-hand. Those who leave without a mission are dangerous.

Their species uses their horns to open wormholes into the other dimensions, but if broken or harvested- other species could use the horns themselves- potentially ruining thousands if not millions of systems put in place to prevent this.

Research is what many teams of unicorns do, studying other worlds or ending all life in a solar system if need be. The "higher ups" manage the information cartel and what the DU actually do with the societies they find or destroy. Some theorize that the worlds destroyed are put into use, by giving the empty but fertile world a few queens to repopulate and merge the worlds with their own vast (potentially grown by themselves) galaxy.

Many planets are used for breeding, where many queens populate one world and make more soldiers/DU's in general.

Queens are females, and they are born much less often than males. The females are valuable, males less so but still hunted if they become loners.

If a queen was ever to become a loner, the hunting team chasing her would be massive. Queens do not need males to reproduce per say, but without them they would go extinct. It's unknown why Queens need males around them to produce offspring.