[$10] Sandfang



2 years, 9 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
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Tribe Snapwing
Gender Female, She / Her
Age 34
Birthday July 11
Occupation Pirate

Value $10+ (Not For Sale)

A strong-willed dragon enjoying life on the high seas of southern Narathura. In her younger years she trained in the Snapwing military and had the plans and potential to reach high places. But she was unsatisfied - this wasn't the life she had dreamed of. It lacked intensity, and her beliefs clashed with her superiors.

So she quit. In quite a dramatic way, too, involving a lot of chaos and confusion, some missing valuables, and a stolen ship. Sandfang earned herself the title of pirate shortly after her departure, and in the decade or so since the event she has been frustratingly uncatchable.

Sandfang has discovered that she enjoys the life of a criminal much more than a good, law-abiding citizen. Every day is a new thrill, and she is no longer bound to anyone or anything - just herself. While her records list petty thefts and countless nuisances, Sandfang's antics rarely cause real harm to other dragons. She's reactive and free-spirited who can and will do whatever she pleases - she's not a monster. In actuality, Sandfang owns a small trading and shipping company that, for the most part, abides by standard practices. Sandfang harbors a love for the sea and plans to spend her entire life on the water. Perched on the bow of her ship, taking in all the scents of the spray, scales warmed by the sun, and practicing a giddy, villanous cackle.

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