

2 years, 11 months ago


"I'm feeling bored. Care for a game? "

Lord Chronos

Name Tohma Zheng
Called Lord Chronos
Age 27
DoB July 17
Gender Male
Height 6'2
Race Human (UK/CN)
Role Head Manager
Song Name
Owner @ Encregen
Designer Encregen


  • Toymaker
  • Psychology
  • Research / Investigation
  • Chess


  • Classical Music
  • Women
  • Chess
  • Children


  • Animals
  • Animals
  • Beastcaller's Beasts
  • Animals


Tohma is a man who grew up wealthy and bored. He grew bored of the people around him. So he took on a new hobby: hunting children. He would gift them with all they could ask for to lead them to his manor where he would hunt dozens of them for sport. They're surprisingly intellegent put together. He must investigate more. After abandoning this hobby, Tohma, now titled Lord Chronos, opened the The Ashcrest Showcase of Oddities and Extremes, where he showcased the inhumane in humanity.




Tohma Zheng was born fortunate. He was raised in a wealthy, noble family where he was trained in many skills: etiquette, business, sociology, psychology, it doesn't end. He was a prodigy in his family and was intended to be the heir to the family's wealth. But frankly, Tohma was bored. He had learned everything and seen it all and he found no interest in working in the way of adults who's only care is money. So his interests drifted. The most interesting thing Tohma found was the psychology of mankind. All sorts of them. Elders, men, women, childen. He wish to see how they react to different forms of stimuli. But not just normal stimuli. He wished to view them while under pressure. While in fear, despair, agony. At age 17, that's when he picked up a more dangerous hobby.

Tohma took advantage of his own land when he turned 18 and created a playground for himself. A town setting with supplies for survival and a clock in the center. He set up a game to keep himself entertained. His game is simple. From dawn to dusk, the participants are free to do as they will with his land, with the only exception being leaving the plot. The clock in the center signals the time span of each phase. After dusk, it's his turn to play. He would descend on the town and hunt the humans for sport. Give them a reason to feel fear, anger and grief. It was perfect. Then he would invite all sorts of playthings over to test. Starting with men-- no, they were too boring. Hardly any expressions, only the will to survive. No fun. Then came the women. They were fun. Emotional and yet physically weak. But too easy to kill. As if they had been taught to cower by society. What a waste. But very attractive. He has had his fair share of fun already with them. There's no need for more. But then, he tried his game on children. They were perfect. They are small beings of potential. Not physically strong-- no, if he caught them, it was over. If he caught them. They were agile. Quick to run if it only means surviving. It was amazing to see the intelligence come out in times of desperation. Children can be smart! Smarter than adults! They were emotional, as all children are. But so very determined. Especially when they change emotions so quickly. To see the built trust he had with them fade into despair as he hunted. It as exhilarating. So, he would gain the trust of these children from all over. Gift them with all a child could want. Then he'd bring them back to his land to let the game begin.


This game would continue until his mid-20s. By now, he had taken on the title of Lord Chronos from his players, for the strict time limit he gives them. It's fitting. But it isn't long before he too gets bored with this game as well. Of course, no survivors can escape. So after cleaning up the land entirely in a night, he returns to his normal affairs, getting away with his crimes. Then he takes on The Ashcrest Showcase of Oddities and Extremes. A circus to showcase the most interesting forms of humanity... and... non-humanity. He hosts the showcase on his name, leaving the job of ringleader to Deadmeat, once an attraction, now a trusted staff member. Though he still suffers through his urges to hunt, he has done well to suppress such desires. To the public eye, at least. Isn't that all that really matters?

To curb his once hobby, Tohma has taken on toymaking and chess as a hobby. He is quite popular with women and children. He's become quite well known for the gifts he makes for children. Old habits die hard, after all.


Lord Chronos was created for the discord server "The Ashcrest Showcase of Oddities and Extremes."

Lord Chronos' design and story is inspired much by The Promised Neverland.

The teardrop is actually painted on, not an actual tattoo! It's for the show.

