Agate (NPC)



2 years, 10 months ago


AGE10 years
RANKRoyal guard


Profile template by Circlejourney
Edits by AnonSpice
Design and character by AnonSpice

Girfugol is a gryphon based RP/ARPG group with aspects of medieval mythology and magic; hosted on discord and deviantart.

Character type:
Admin/Plot NPC
Agate can be seen anywhere around Preyma, or with high-ranking Mountain Kingdom characters as required by his job as a royal guard. While hot-headed and eager to stomp on anyone who trifles with the people he's guarding, Agate will only scowl and toss his head menacingly unless instructed otherwise.
May be used as a fellow soldier or student. Feel free to ping me in the girfugol discord if you want to discuss anything you're unsure would be in character!
If hell freezes over and I leave the group, please keep him as a group NPC c:

- Dedicated
- Capable
- Daring

- Dry
- Dutiful
- Unwavering

- Hot headed
- Blunt
- Violent

- Ruthlessly efficient fighter. With sharp hooves, antlers, talons and teeth to boot, Agate is a terror on the battlefield
- Horizontal pupils and eyes on the side of his head. His only blind spot is if you plan to dive directly onto his antlers (they will gore you, don't do that)
- Long, quick legs. While he's not astonishing in the air, few can outspeed Agate on foot

- Maneuvering through dense forest and small doorways from Summer-Fall. Seriously, his antlers are so big
- Has to be careful of his legs in a fight, as breaking one is basically a death sentence
- No social grace. Agate is hot headed and always speaks his mind, few are willing to put up with him


27/7/21 (ages up 1 year every Jul & Feb 27th)
Name origin
A type of rock
Pan asexual
Plot death
Absolutely yes
Cause of death (if no plots available)
Tried to fight 10 soldiers at once. Definitely did not win

Purchased traits/items
Scars: Two scars across snout, two large scars on right shoulder, two small scars on left cannon
Armour: Fullbody padded armour, bronze helmet, breastplate, pauldrons and talon extensions.
Size class
Weight class
Agate is a brick wall on stilts. One would think being gored on his impressive antlers would be the main concern, but it’s actually his taloned hooves and teeth. His thick brows rarely raise from their perpetual scowl, and his sharp yellow eyes are always alert. Always ready for a fight. This russet dromaeus is not to be trifled with.


Agate was born a sole child in a small village near the border of the Mountain Kingdom. From a young age, he learned life could be lost in an instant.
His father, a proud soldier, died in battle before he'd even cracked the shell of his egg. In his village, there were many like him. Missing parents, siblings, friends. Everyone had lost someone to the war. It was just the way things were.
His mother, who remained home to raise her only child to his schooling years, didn't get to stay long. When a hippus raid targeted the village, his mother joined the ranks to fend them off, or at least buy the others time to retreat deeper into Mountain territory. She too never returned from battle. 

With the aid of emergency relief forces, Agate, his aunt Merula, and what remained of his village were escorted to the capital for safe harbor. This was his first encounter with Queen Zinnia. Enthralled by the steely determination of the monarch amidst the chaos and terror, this was the moment Agate knew he wanted to be a soldier. To protect others like the Queen and her soldiers, if nothing else.

Though the loss of his mother and hometown shook him to his core, Agate spared little time for it. Instead, he threw himself into his training. He barely passed most of his classes, but when it came to combat, the young roo had a drive few rivaled. It quickly became apparent that he was a ferocious fighter, and after kicking a few of his classmates a little too hard, he was promptly removed from regular battle training and sent to spar with the adults instead. It was tough going, fighting against actual soldiers, but Agate took it as a promotion. Almost every week, the young dromaeus would ask if he could join the forces early, and each time he would be denied outright. Something about not wanting to loose more soldiers. But he was ready he was sure!
Then one day, after months of asking, someone said yes. Well, more or less. In secret, one of his sparring instructors pulled him aside. She was one of the younger sergeants, less respected by her peers, like him. Those were her words, of course. Agate didn't care about recognition, he just wanted to make a difference, to protect young avus and their families. Regardless, he jumped at the offer to join her squadron in secret. It took a few weeks to make all the necessary arrangements and excuses, but finally, he left Preyma for the battlefield.

Battle was very different from class, and he wasn't sure whether that was good or bad. It was nice to finally be making a difference, and I was nice to go all out, not pulling his blows, but the death and bloodshed… he finally understood how it left a mark on everyone that saw it. Despite this, his first battle was a resounding success. With his long legs and budding antlers, Agate was a confusing enemy for hippus and harpies in the heat of battle. Confusion he and his squadmates used to their full advantage as they cut through the enemy ranks.
Unfortunately for him, the Queen and her forces arrived at the end of the battle. As soon as she spied the young roo it was over. Zinnia never forgot a face, especially those of her citizens. She knew he was barely halfway through school, and she was having none of it. "This kingdom has no use for soldiers who can't follow orders." His sergeant was demoted on the spot, and he was to return home and complete his schooling, with no chance of regaining his rank until Zinnia herself reviewed his progress. Defeated, Agate returned home and trudged through the rest of his education.

Luckily for Agate, the Queen wasn't as harsh as she had seemed in their last encounter. After having completed his schooling without further incident, he was granted an audience and permitted to rejoin the ranks of the soldiers on the grounds that he followed orders. "You're a promising soldier. Act like it."
Agate didn't need to be told twice. Though the reckless young soldier often voiced his displeasure with his superiors, he followed orders even if it was through gritted teeth at times. They were the commanders, they knew how to run a battle better than he did. One day, his squadron was flagged down on their way to the front lines. Hippus were raiding a small village near the border of the kingdom. He was born for this. 
Despite his eagerness to crush the enemy, Agate, the youngest of the squadron, was instructed to stay with the retreating civilians. Bitterly, he obeyed. It felt cowardly, but at least he could reassure the shaken citizens. However, it wasn't that simple. A handful of enemy soldiers had split off from the main group and circled around to cut the retreating avus off and steal what little supplies they had with them. He threw himself at the enemy without a second thought. This wouldn't be another sad story about a village wiped off the map in a raid. With the aid of a few desperate townspeople, the enemy didn't make it far, the majority meeting their end under his hooves and antlers despite how outnumbered he was. The civilians made it to safety with barely a scratch on them. This was what he was born for.

Agate received ample praise for his actions that day, from the townspeople and his superiors alike. He'd walked away with many scars, but he returned to the capital to heal with his head held high and a fire in his belly. Having recently lost a guard in the battle that took her partner, and impressed by his skill and willingness to put his life on the line for others, it didn't take long for Zinnia to decide who to promote to royal guard. While he would miss being in the thick of battle, Agate supposed that the Queen's life was the best he could protect, especially as the war died down.



Father (NPC)Deceased; never met
Aquila (NPC)Mother, deceased; loved
Shear (NPC)Uncle, deceased; loved
MerulaAunt; loves


Queen ZinniaCommander; respects
General RepriseCommander; admires her strength
Prince Vengeance (personal NPC)Fallow drags him along to babysit sometimes
Fallow (group NPC)Co-worker; respects, friendly rivalry (onesided)


  • Winning fights
  • Praise, from anyone, at any time


  • Shedding his antlers. He feels naked without them
  • Tight quarters. He can cut his way through flesh and bone easily enough, but small doorways and low hanging branches are his true enemy
  • Not being allowed to trample avus bothering whoever he's guarding


  • Winter: No antlers. Spring: growing antlers, sheds velvet late spring. Summer+ Autumn: Full head of antlers
  • He can somewhat oppose the talons on his front hooves to grasp objects
