could I get a slot? 

absolutely!! please fill out the form whenever

Character Link: ic; ref in tabs ^^

Details (pose, expression, other): doing that sorta rawr pose with their paws!! u can google 4 reference :'3

Method of Payment (PayPal/points): points

AHHH I'm so so sorry for the late response, this message got absolutely buried in my notifs AGAIN omg ;;___; I'd love to take this!! my dA is , please send the points whenever you can! <3

yeah don't worry!! sent the points

Got them!! Thank you so much for commissioning ^v^ I'll have yours done whenever I can!

This user is not visible to guests.

yess!! Feel free to send the form whenever ^.^

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AHAHH it's evil expression time!! (jk) please send the points to my dA when you can <3 thank you so much!

This user is not visible to guests.

Sorry for the late response!! I totally missed this gyah X___X I can definitely ping you + here is your finished comm! ):3c

1 Replies
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YA absolutely!! (:<

thank you toyhouse user Raccoony

Character Link:
Details (pose, expression, other): maybe like she's contemplating something... and could u add those formulas that surround people's heads when they are processing something (like this one) in the background
Character Link:
Details (pose, expression, other): something cute and sweet - can you put yolk somewhere in the frame?
Method of Payment (PayPal/points): points

actually can i order a 3rd one? its ok if no

yes! feel free to send the form anytime :-)

Character Link: Details (pose, expression, other): happy and with her pet bunny mallow in the frame :> Method of Payment (PayPal/points): points

omg I love number 3.1415926535897932384626433832

I'd love to draw them!! c: please send the points to my dA whenever you're able - thank you so much!

WTF IS THAT 😭😭😭 三点一四一五九二六五三

sounds good! i shall send the points after u verify my 3rd order

AHAH my friend introduced me to it and we've spent our time blasting it in vc ever since!! and yes, I can def draw milky - she's so cute! ^.^ my dA is here - please send the points over when you can!

5 Replies

Headshot commissions are open again! >:3c

PINGLIST: Shinyu cafecat hestiq @ghostgrim cosmical @Edo_ PurpleHxze softenced Galazzyx chikenzi @foggylilies duckii @asphalt calicocafe thewizardoz noxllite Bubbli-bird rainfell IvyFW eggnormous DR3AMZ_TV E0NBREAK redwoods MURDERTELUU connorthecanoe garlixc -BABI mistieko Claine0210 Piwo-adopts

Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed! I withdrew the names of everyone who grabbed a commission last time, but I kept everyone who didn't get to order ^.^ thank you all for the interest!!

Note that if your username has been changed, the ping will not go through properly T . T I'm sorry!!

oop missed this again PFF if it's not a bother, could you ping me again if you ever open them? TuT thank you so much!!!

of course!! I actually placed a notice a few comments up (- which, now that I think of it, definitely got buried HHF I'm so sorry for my poor organization T^T) that states you're free to place an order currently if you'd like (if you're still interested ofc!) c: I'd feel terrible if you missed an opening twice AAH

it's totally fine!! and WHAT thank you so much- akdksejsgdl that is so nice of you >:'O 

it's ok though, i can wait for the next opening if there is one!! you must have a lot to do right now, I wouldn't want to add more to your plate X3 I really appreciate the offer though!! ;∆;

no of course!! Feel free to come back whenever (note the price might increase a tiny bit for next time, but I'll charge you the price as of now if you catch an opening! ><) and thank you sm for the interest ^.^<3

This user is not visible to guests.

totally! I've added you to the list c:

May I be pinged??

Ahh, you appear to already be on the pinglist! T^T I'll definitely ping you though, tysm for the interest!! =)

ah ok! Thank you ^^

Waaa I would like to get ping list pls!

Added you! >:3c

Thank u wawaaa. Really excited for it! <33

hihi can i be added to the ping list :O

absolutely! ^.^

This user is not visible to guests.

Sure thing!! =)

Could you please ping me? :3c

sure!! ^.^

hii could i be pinged?

yes! ^.^

I'd love to be pinged :D! I finally have enough paypal in my wallet so I dont have to worry about the giftcard being wonky

AAH I'm so so sorry, I somehow missed this comment - yes definitely!! ;___;❤️

sweet! tysm :D (and no worries!)

This user's account has been closed.

will do! c:

could I be pinged when these open again?


may I be pinged when these open again ? :0

of course!! :3c

Can you ping me when these open again??

Definitely! ^-^

please ping me whenever you open again.. :3



I just wanted to ask if I can be pinged next time so I can commission you again!! Also $8 for the icon was really cheap, so next time when I have more money I’ll tip you!! I’m really in love with your style and the finished commission <3

of course!! added you to the list + AHH I'm so flattered you think that way, I appreciate it so so much T . T I might actually raise the price a teensy bit again (up to $10) due to the INSANE amount of interest that came with the orders, but I wanted to let you know that I'm incredibly grateful for the support - thank you so much!! :'3

Ty and that’s great!! $10 is a good price but at your quality I’d definitely think about 15 :)

I’ll be commissioning again when the next open!! 

AWJ I'm so happy you think so X____X I'd like the price increase to be more gradual over several courses of improvement/refining my style, but thank you so much for the feedback and the support - I'll take it into consideration, it's extremely incredibly appreciated!! TT

could I be pinged for the next opening?

AH yes of course! <3

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Of course! :3c

This user is not visible to guests.

AHH omg wait my apologies, I forgot to add the watermark ;___;; here's the fixed version! (& flipped the canvas because it was partially obstructing the artpiece, I hope that's ok LOL)

This user is not visible to guests.

thank you for understanding AAHH I forget this too often for my own good, I'm sorry X___X I can do that! ty sm for the interest <33

This user is not visible to guests.

Closed now (again)!
That's a lot of orders to work through man, I was not expecting this level of support U__U If perhaps you'd be interested in catching another opening, leave me a comment/message if you'd like to be pinged <3
As for my pinglist, I neglected to ask whether people would like to be re-pinged in my last comment so I'll just be reusing the list from last time OTL. Please leave a reply to this message if you'd like to be taken off the pinglist! ^.^

Character Link:

Details: Smile, one paw in frame with paw pad showing! (Since she doesn’t have a ref, I just quickly drew what her paws look like, should be in her images, one of the first ones!).

Method of Payment: PayPal 

I can definitely draw them!! Please send the $8 in USD to [email protected] , thank you so much! c:


I love it sm!! She looks so good thank you! 

also i forgot to mention but the paw pads do have honey comb pattern, basically exactly like the ear! I forgot it aaa;;; I’ll update the photo rn! Just to let you know though :,)

That's fine! I'll keep it in mind ^-^ thank you!!

This user is not visible to guests.

I'd love to draw her!! My Paypal is [email protected] , please send the $8 in USD whenever! <3

This user is not visible to guests.

Received fine! Thank you so much ^^

This user is not visible to guests.

Character Link:
Details (pose, expression, other): A big cheerful grin would be gr8! Anything else is up to you : D
Method of payment (PayPal/points): PayPal ^^

oh their design looks so fun -- I'd love to draw them!! My Paypal is [email protected] , please send the $8 in USD when you can! :3c

Sent! Tysm : D

He's so cute in your style, tysm! I love it <3

AH I'm happy that you like it -- thank you so much for commissioning!! ;___;

This user is not visible to guests.

I'm assuming you'd like the character on the left drawn - in that case, I'd love to accept your order! c: My PayPal is [email protected] , please send the $8 in USD - thank you so much!!

This user is not visible to guests.

Perfect! Received fine, thank you so much >:3c I'll have your commission done whenever I'm able!

PayPal payments are STILL OPEN - feel free to place your order!
Commissions for point payments from this message forward are closed - for those of you that commented/messaged beforehand, I'll get to you ASAP c: thank you so much for the support!!

Edit: still taking your orders, I have to be out the door for a bit but I'll get back to you as soon as I can ;___; thank you all!!

Character Link: IC :>

Details (pose, expression, other): anything that comes to mind; but if you want any ideas, maybe like focused? or like an unbothered look?

Method of Payment (PayPal/points): points!!

I can draw them!! Please send the points to (I'm ashamed of the typo I made of your username; the letter W is nowhere near the letter U on the keyboard HFHPFH)

I'll send the pts after my classes (so in a few hours)!! (and it's fine my user is based off of clouds anyway xD)


Received, thank you so much for your support! c:

np!! i love your stuff!!

1 Replies
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AHW I love her design sm!! I'd love to draw her Q__Q my dA is if you'd like to send, thank you so much!

This user is not visible to guests.

Received fine!! Thank you so much > . < I'll be back with your headshot as soon as I can!

Finished! (click) I hope you enjoy c: thank you so much for commissioning!!

This user is not visible to guests.

AWAH whatt thank you sm, that means so much to me Q__Q<3 I'm so happy to hear that, ty for your support and commissioning!!!

any pose works fine, and for the pose you could make her look really sad? With lots of tears If you can possibly 👀 if not then just pissed off or neutral 


I'd love to draw them!! Extreme expressions obsession, that's me U__U<3 my paypal is [email protected] - please send the $16 whenever!! (please remember to send in USD, or the CAD equivalent if the currency is automatically converted)

Do you mean 8$ or did you change the prices? (idm if you did just confused)

$8 USD is what you send, but if PayPal automatically converts it to my country's currency (CAD) it would be 10 Canadian dollars!! incredibly sorry for the mixup HGHR

It wouldn’t go through, I’m using a gift card (Paypal accepted it so idk) so might be that, I don’t have enough in my normal balance and I can’t take money off the card and into my balance aa

That's okay! Thank you for the interest nevertheless, it is highly appreciated ^-^

1 Replies

would you be ok with me claiming 6 slots? :0cc
also!! can you do griffons by any chance? :]c its not written on the yes and no part so thought id ask snmqwswnq

edit: if you arent with that ammount of slots for one person its ok!! i can claim just one ^^

AH I might be able to! I can give it a shot and let you know if I'm having too much difficulty with the process ^.^

& I gave it a thought, and I decided I'd only be able to take three per person for now T__T was not expecting the overflow of orders haha!! I can save you three slots for after I'm done with the current commissions in case you're interested by then - for now, you can just fill out three forms c:

Alright!! <3 so you can lmk so i can change the character if you find it too dificult

and its ok!! id love that if you could!! <33
tysm for the opportunity!!

Character Link:
Details (pose, expression, other): happyb!! like :D

Character Link:
Details (pose, expression, other): ecstatic!! verry happy :]]i also saw you drawing the hands in some icons, so maybe you can draw her holdinga phone or agaming console or smthing?? not needed if you dont want to tho!! just an idea :]

Character Link:
Details (pose, expression, other): a shy smile??
Basically all 3 happy snjmsSMQW i like smile faces,,
Method of Payment (PayPal/points): all pts!!! total 2400 ?

oh yes I can do that!! my DA is , please send whenever you can - thank you so much! <3

pts sent!!

Finished!! I hope you like them >:3c

one two three

also - I'm so sorry but I'm not sure I'd be able to take three more slots at this time ; __ ; I can absolutely ping you upon the next opening if you're interested however!! Thank you so much for your support and commissioning me regardless <33

16 Replies

can i claim one i will comment form soon

yes absolutely, go ahead!!

thx :D

Character Link:
Details (pose, expression, other): do what u would like
Method of Payment (PayPal/points): points

(if you're willing to take 2 from the same person i would be interested in ordering one of ! but if not that's fine c:)

I can do two!! Feel free to fill out a second form + payment together :{D

Character Link:

Details (pose, expression, other): something fun :D and maybe a ghost friend in the frame
also her eyes are raspberry purple

Method of Payment (PayPal/points): points

I'd love to draw them!! >:3c please send the points to - I'll have the headshots done as soon as I'm able!

5 Replies
This user is not visible to guests.

AWH I can draw her!! Please send the points to whenever you can c:

This user is not visible to guests.

of course!! Thank you so so much ;____; I appreciate the support, I'll be onto your commission as soon as I'm able!

This user is not visible to guests. !! I don't usually draw cows but I gave it my best shot, I hope it looks ok! TT

2 Replies

Character Link:

Details (pose, expression, other): Happy

Method of Payment (PayPal/points): points

OH they're so cute!! I'd love to draw them :3c please send the points to whenever you're ready!

Sent thank you

Thank you so much!

Headshot commissions are open again! ^.^

PINGLIST: Shinyu cafecat @cloudiiot kurohariko hestiq ghostgrim cosmical Edo_ PurpleHxze softenced Galazzyx chikenzi foggylilies duckii asphalt calicocafe trashkid Lati-Waffles thewizardoz
I admit I didn't actually write this pinglist down prior to reopening, resulting in all the manual typing I had to do just now. I have learned my lesson.

Ping!! clowdiiot spelled your username wrong, my apologies OTL

LMAO it's fine it happens so often xD

aw missed it TwT thank you for pinging me though!! :D

AHH I'm sorry, point headshots got snatched up QUICK X__X thank you for the interest nonetheless, hope you catch one next opening! :"O


HGRF I'm sorry, these closed up so so fast omg Q___Q Hope you get a chance next time!!

i will embrace sonic and comment so fast next time

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ofcourse!! Added you to the list c:

This user is not visible to guests.

no of course not - I'll add you! ^.^

Please ping me when these open again ;D

AH I will :3 !!

please ping me when these open again !!

yes ofc >: 3c

can i be pinged if these open :00

yes!! c:



AAH yes I will! TY T v T

could i be pinged? :0

For sure!! :'3

This user is not visible to guests.

yes I'll add you to the list!!

This user is not visible to guests.

could i get pinged when they reopen? ^^

yes absolutely! / v \

This user's account has been closed.

Will do!!

Can I be pinged please, these are super cute! : 0

absolutely! c:;

HII can i be pinged?

of course!! ;u;

May I be pinged please? :'0

Sure thing! =)

tysm! :"D

can i get pinged :0

Yes! :3c

This user is not visible to guests.

For sure ^.^

This user is not visible to guests.

added to the list!! 

id like the ping of the pong :)

The pong is yours :{D

could you please ping me when they reopen? :]

yes definitely!! <3

thank you so much!! <3

Ping me when they reopen please! 

Will do! c:


Closed now!
If perhaps you'd be interested in catching another opening, leave me a comment/message if you'd like to be pinged <3

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I'd love to draw them!! My PayPal is [email protected] , please send whenever possible ^.^

This user is not visible to guests.

Sorry for the late reply - all received! TY :3c I'll get back to you with the comm as soon as possible!

This user is not visible to guests.

I've started on the lineart for Vivian/Finner but I'm not all the way through yet, so if they're the character you're looking to change, feel free! c: however if they're not the character in question that you'd like to switch, you're also clear to swap out any of the others =)

13 Replies

could I get two? :0

Character Link:

Details (pose, expression, other): very happy

Method of Payment (PayPal/points): Paypal!

Character Link:

Details (pose, expression, other): excited/determined 

Method of Payment (PayPal/points): Paypal!

yes absolutely!! My PayPal is [email protected] - please send the $14 whenever c:

Just sent it over! ^^

Received fine, thank you so much! ;W; your comm will be delivered over as soon as I can <3

They do, thank you! Could I request a small marking you missed for ? If that's too much of hassle, then it's fine!

WAH I missed one? Q__Q please let me know what it is - if it's fixable I'll definitely get that added!

3 Replies

omg 816436069552881675.png
Character Link:
Details (pose, expression, other): anything
Method of Payment (PayPal/points): points

anddd if you're not comfortable drawing them i can change the character 

they are too pretty </3 I'd love to draw them - my dA is !! send them, Egg

i sent the points, Raccoon

i am eggcited to see it 


oh now that's just going to the EGGSTREME   


I loved drawing your character SO MUCH their colours are so delicious ,':{D

I LOVEGG IT🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


TY FOR COMMISSIONING MEgg EGG <3 816436069552881675.png

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they're so cute WAH ;;__; I'd love to! please send the points to whenever

This user is not visible to guests.

Points received!! :3c TY I'll get the headshot to you as soon as possible

This user is not visible to guests.

WRHJEGTW YES another xiao ping guo lover - embrace it FULLY

BUT TY ty SM his design was so pleasing to draw ;____; I appreciate it A BUNCH more than you would know, thank you so much again for commissioning me <33


This user is not visible to guests.

THEY'R SO PRETTY I love ireu (ixyi) art
I can draw them! Please send the points to whenever you can ;W;

hey! just checking in - are you still interested? ^.^

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all g!! Received the points, thank you so much! I'll get the commission back to you as soon as possible :3c

This user is not visible to guests.

sorry for such a late reply!! I still have a few other headshots to finish before I get to yours (I'm going in a general order of times payment is sent) but I'll be complete with them as soon as is possible c:

I'll be away from my computer for the next week, so alas I won't be able to draw for a while - but here's a WIP of your commission that I will complete as soon as I'm able to again! <3

1 Replies


Character Link:
Details (pose, expression, other): do what you would like :D
Method of Payment (PayPal/points): points plz

edit: can i commission more than one? :o i understand if not!

AWH they're so cute ;u;; feel free to send points to , gift option, whenever ready!
or if you'd like to add on another order, fill in the form and once I give you clearance you can send them then! c:

alright! thank you and i sent the points!

is it alright if i can hold the other slot for now? i have 200 points offered to me for something, once i have those i should be able to get a second one :0

that's fine!! :{{D I'll be waiting for your order!

thank you :> i have the points now 

Character Link:
Details (pose, expression, other): again you can decide!
Method of Payment (PayPal/points): point

sorry for the late reply!! I'd love to draw them TvT please send the points here as before and I'll get started as soon as I'm able :'O!

3 Replies

:0 i love it! the way you drew the bandana and sprout is so cool aah, dino looks great here! thank you :D

no worries, i don't mind! it looks really pretty, i can reupload the image :]

Character Link: Ambershade on Toyhouse

Details (pose, expression, other): happy/smiling

Method of Payment (PayPal/points): points

yes!! I can draw them <3 my dA is , please send the points through the gift option! :3c

sent, thank you!

received! thank you so much ^.^ I'll get the finished comm to you as soon as I can!!

OK if you saw that last file no you didn't ;: u ; I forgot to add the leaves SOBS
here's the actual thing

idk why it didnt send it as a reply, anwyays i cannot use discord/click on the link as of rn (i have to request websites individually so ee) do you think you could submit the image directly to the character?

No worries, I saw the reply! :{D transfer sent, thank you so much for commissioning <3 the support means the world

1 Replies