Jinzavur (Jin)



3 years, 1 month ago


A normal dragon but also a dragonborn depending on what I wanna draw
he's a teacher who just wants to find an apprentice worthy of him and magic but everyone is so fuckin dumb so he's an alcoholic


powerful | jaded | tired


  1. Biography
  2. Personality
  3. Trivia
  4. Playlist
  5. Design Notes


Jinzavur was born in a high-ranked clan of dragonborn to extremely distant parents. It bothered him that all the other dragonborn kids in the clan - including his friends - had parents who loved them and cared, or at the very least acknowledged them. His parents seemed more content to pretend he didn't exist. He longed for more, and he desperately read any book about magic he could get his hands on in an attempt to distract himself.

Despite everything, and truly only thanks to his friends' parents raising him, Jin became a fully-functioning young adult. Jin made the very, very difficult decision to leave his clan in search of the knowledge of magic that he had begun to crave. Of course, leaving your clan was a grave offense to dragonborns, so those who didn't know him or didn't understand were shocked. All of Jin's true parents said their goodbyes and well-wishes, but his biological parents clutched their pearls and shunned him. Jin knew it was just the fact that their image was being tarnished, and he really didn't care. This was almost no different from how he'd been treated by them his whole life, so he shrugged and off he went.

A few years went by and Jin mastered his craft and became a wizard. He learned how to summon a familiar and used him to keep in touch with his friends and parental figures. He lovingly named him Tonic. At this point and at the encouragement of his parents, Jin decided to become a magic professor and began training any willing younger people. This got him quite the good reputation in the city he settled in and he became locally famous. At first Jin was excited and happy to share his love of magic with others, but as the years went on he grew jaded and tired of the foolish youth wanting it for the wrong reasons. This pushed Jin to seek out a potential apprentice, someone who'd be different, someone who'd respect magic. When one didn't come to him, Jin took the small fortune he'd earned from his years working with the undeserving and set off to find them. The older he got, the more cynical he became, and he numbed his frustrations with alcohol.

Jin began going on adventures to fund his travels and alcoholism. He was no longer optimistic, but Jin still searched for an apprentice regardless. He considered it his main purpose even when his kind heart lead him toward those in trouble.

Unfortunately, one day it wasn't someone in trouble that lead Jin on a fateful adventure. Jin joined up with a party of other adventurers to explore a land mass that had appeared and apparently had five points of power on it. They went to the island and discovered a village that Jin proceeded to fall in love with. After a few mishaps, Jin was approached by a mysterious figure in his dreams. She offered him power to protect the people of the village if Jin would just do something for her. Jin knew she was bad news but accepted anyway. The temporary power she gave him allowed him to do a lot of damage to enemy forces attacking the village, and it made him a little more tempted to follow along with her demands.

As of now, Jin is unsure what she wants of him.

Jin wasn't sure exactly what she wanted from him, but he recognized her as the goddess Tiamat, queen of chromatic dragons, which was obviously sort of a big deal to Jin, a chromatic dragon. He went along with what she wanted only because he wanted to be able to protect the things he loved from harm and she could give him that power.

And so, after him and his party defeated a necromancer and stumbled upon a small brass dragon named Barnaby, Tiamat's intentions became clearer.

Jin adored Barnaby. When Barnaby showed Jin his 'home' - a large magical lantern - and the familiar voice in his head told him to take it, he muttered "Fuck" under his breath and did as he was told, using the Plane Shift spell Tiamat had granted him earlier.

Jin really didn't want to upset Barnaby, but orders were orders. He was separated from the party he was just growing to like, and he began to think he was in over his head.

This was proven when he came face to face with Tiamat, a goddess, mother of his kind and a being that no other dragonborn had come face to face with oh god, upon Plane Shifting. At first she was pleased, but then she reacted almost violently to the lantern. As it turned out, the lantern was not what Jin was meant to grab. The node of power she wanted had been Barnaby.

Jin felt a sudden, immense regret for going along with this whole thing, but then he steeled himself by reminding himself why he was doing this. She could offer him great things, opportunities he would never get again. He would carry on and he would do as she asked, as long as he got the power to save people from themselves.

"A quote, or song lyrics!"


Jin, deep down, is kind. He wants to do good things for the people who deserve it. Jin would thrive in a small community and has a leadership streak in him. He wants to keep people safe and part of him believes that he's the only one that knows what's good for them. He's neutral good.

Outwardly, Jin is a grumpy old man. He's introverted and tends to dislike people upon first meeting them. Doing something he perceives as stupid will result in a lasting grudge that, to his credit, is very mild. Jin is snappy and extremely jaded and does not often see the good in people.


  • Jin's familiar, Tonic, prefers to be an owl
  • Jin is an evocation wizard!
  • Jin's design is based on the Ender Dragon. I wanted to be able to make jokes, lmao.
  • Jin and Tonic have an understanding - Tonic regularly risks his life for Jin because Tonic knows he can respawn and Jin can't.


some design notes
about your character
you can put anything here
and it should look p nice!
(if i do say so

Name Jinzavur, Jin
Gender Male, he/him
Species Dragonborn
Age 53 in human years
Height 7 ft