


2 years, 9 months ago


Obtained Purchased for 42USD (adopt+sketch commission combined price) / Bought from original buyer | Adopt Page


Name Marissa
Designer Anatnem
Gender Female
ObtainedPurchased for 42USD 
Rules None given
Species Human

role tba

Design Notes

  • Lost her eye in an accident, the same one that caused her husband to lose a wing.
  • From the Kingdom of Gold/Wealth
  • Had no magic ability/blessing

Graceful and Resilient- Marissa has an air about her that commands respect. In her youth, Marissa was hell-bent on breaking the rules in her strict country. Causing trouble where she could and sticking it to 'the dragon' that trapped their nation within a bubble. She later joined a rebellion that would send out their members in hopes of breaking the curse that plagued them.

She has a strong sense of justice and believes the people should always get a say, and should never be ruled into silence. She can be loud and sing songy when drinking or excited and loves a bar environment. 


  • Doesn't understand the whole 'dedicate your life to the gods' thing but she respects it, when her Husband and Daughter start fanning over their moon god, she just stays out of it.
  • Had met the actual moon god (who is dating her daughter) and just treats her like a regular person.
  • Can be seen sleeping against her husband at bars if they stay up late, just sleeping against his arm or against his side while he loudly talks and drinks- completely unphased.
  • Can sleep anywhere in general
  • Grew up near gunfire and cannon fire- probably why her husband's loud voice doesn't bother her

Comes from a kingdom of gold and riches- but is ruled by a greedy dragon. He sought out to become a god and closed off her kingdom before leaving to achieve this mission... in the process he cut them off from supplies and trades. The people of her kingdom were able to leave the barrier but not return... Her island nation became divided when the dragon took over, she heard tales of how it use to be a free and glorious nation whose poor even had enough wealth to take care of themselves. But once the dragon took over and the wealth had nowhere to go (via trading) the divide began.

Through generations, the divide grew deeper and stronger. One group thought they simply needed to appease the dragon that trapped their nation, that if they prayed enough and sacrificed enough of their wealth the dragon would eventually release them. Another group were the ones that thought this was all for the better, who needs the help of the other nations when they have the ocean to feed them and could keep all their wealth to themselves?

And of course, there were the rebels- Who held resentment to the dragon that took their freedom and did everything in their power to fight against him- But that was hard given his absence... So instead of fighting the dragon physically, they tried fighting against his wishes, his desire to keep their nation blocked off from the rest of the world. Marissa was a part of this group, her family stayed neutral mainly (just sitting and waiting for things to resolve on their own)

She was sent out from her nation in hopes of finding a way to break the curse, it was through this journey that she met her husband Flint. She had gone from nation to nation asking for help- but was turned out repeatedly till she went to Flint's small moon nation, Pealania. With tales from afar he caught her attention, his heart went out to her people and vowed to help her.

Together they achieved Marissa's goal, the barrier came down and her people were free to come and go and open up trades again. Returning with Flint, they had fallen in love during their journey. She settled down with him and together they had their daughter Eliana, her little sunlight in their dark nation. (She had a tough time adjusting to being nocturnal like her husband)

They had years of peace before word was received- her nation was once again locked behind a barrier. Together with her husband, they left again, leaving Eliana in charge while they tried to free her home nation again. This time however they failed, and when word of a god killer started to spread- They rushed home to be with their daughter and protect their home nation.

Marissa feels a lot of guilt for leaving her home, family, and people to suffer while she lived a peaceful life... she hopes to find a way to permanently break this curse.


  • Parties / festivals 
  • Her husband happy
  • The smell of gun powder
  • The ocean/water (home was an island)

  • Those greedy for power
  • Dragons
  • Her hair in a mess
  • Why's the rum gone

Flint Husband

Her dear husband. What started out as a partnership on a journey to free her nation- turned into marriage and a child. She loves him dearly, his booming voice use to give her headaches and now she can sleep through his yelling...that says something. 

Eliana Daughter

Her sweet little sunlight. Marissa raised her daughter to be just as strong and educated as she was. Though her daughter grew up well behaved she kinda wishes she'd have a trouble-making phase so she could relive her own childhood. Like her husband she fiercely protects their daughter and will do anything for her.

Dassault Father

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tba tba

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.