

2 years, 8 months ago


terms of service

please read through the terms carefully.

these terms were last updated 8, 18, 2022.


  • Steal or trace any characthers and stories
  • Heavily isnpire from the characthers i own, stories i make and ideas i use, nobody owns colors but if the colors nad design way looks very close to mine i will report you, pls be respectfull on this matter
  • Pls and i cant stress this enough dont offer on anyone only if they are in a sale folder you may ask about being pinged if i ever decide to sell but is gonna be a less chance of me waiting to sell, please be respectfull on this mattter.
  • DO NOT delete the characthers i give you, just to make sure they wont go to blacklisted people(sorry but i dont want who is blacklisted get what i owned)

Page warnings

  • There be a lot of angst stories and heavy things containing around my characthers please be aware of this while looking around!
  • There gonna be nsfw and nsfw related things please be aware of it(those tho be marked if anything!)
  • A lot of characther trauma, we do love to do that to our own characthers dont we :3
  • A lot of bloody scenes or blood related things, gore of any sort of matter and other things that may trigger please be aware of it
  • A lot of violence as writting and art, social discrimination(in writting stories) and more things of this matter
  • There may be some phobias in and there am sorry if you see around ill try to tag things corectly as art!

You may

  • Come and start a chat with me, im unsocial and quite around but always love to talk about something! either be fandom or something about chacathers! i enjoy to make stuff and memes of this matter!.
  • With my permission if you ask to draw my ocs, i dont bite and always love to see what other come with my characthers.
  • Role Play, i dont do it a lot and i may not be the best of it but i always try my best!
  • Ask me/DM me if you are unsure on something, i always open to asnwer on stuff!
  • Change the design i give you slightly or still be close to it, if you want to turn as exemple a skeleton into a furry is fine by me! just please firstly contact me about it please and thank you owo/


  • Racist, hobophobic, use religion to shove things down others throats(im tired of that)
  • Any type of nsfw with minors, let them GET TO BE WITHOUT ANY SHIT 18!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, its wrong and can effect the people in lots of ways
  • Use any mental discorders as an excuse, others have it as well or worse so dont be karen and own it up is simple it wont cuase more things then you dont want to
  • I dont like incest of any sort the matter but i dont want to cause drama to anyone, if you ship it(in fandoms such as undertale) you do you, i personally just dont like it but i dont wanna stern things and give people a bad day on that regard. I aint a violent person even if some people may said i aint really, you can do your stuff in your own circle and please be respectfull on this matter!
  • a zoophile, please for the love of word block me or whatever idc. Zoophilia is very VERY bad, sickening. Go and get help about this if you are.


  • With undertale and its existing aus dont belong to me and belong to their respectfull owners
  • Please read tags well, not everything skeleton related is UNDERTALE related since i seen a lot being seen as undertale and as a person who uses a lot of things outside of fandom doesnt help me at all :'3
  • I dont speak well english is a self tought language even tho i got it in school and stuff, im still bad at it but i try my best. Im sorry if you see any misstypes of that matter!
  • I am very speedy when it comes to art and can manage to do more then 15 pieaces in 7 days so please be aware of art spam on this matter.
  • I like to draw and create its my comfort thing, I may have a lot of characthers becuase i generally just love the ocs i get/create, it helps me around.
  • Im a self-shipper since it helps with my emotions and enjoy it which makes me happy. So PLEASE be aware of seeing self insert art of canon ocs with my sonas