◊ Peksy Zubarevich ◊



3 years, 13 days ago


◊ Henkley (Peksy) Zubarevich ◊

◊ AGE ◊

19 (July 2nd, 2008)


dog/goat racvine


male (he/him)


grayromantic gay



◊ SIGN ◊

☉ Cancer


5 ft 2 in | 156 cm


152 lbs | 69 kg


car mechanic

◊ ROLE ◊

one of the main characters




Since I was a child, I dreamed of taking revenge on you! I thought that when I grow up, I would kill you and everyone you cherish! - Peksy to Mehit while fighting with her.

Peksy is a mix of dog and goat racvine of short height and stubby, rounded build, his limbs are a bit short and massive. His palms are wide and large, with dark brown fingers, red claws and paw pads. There are red hooves on his rear legs. Peksy's body is covered with creamy white fur that is quite long, especially on his cheeks, tail, elbow, and feet area. Two big dark brown spots cover his face like a mask, and there is also a big spot on his back that shifts to the base of the tail. Smaller spots cover his limbs, as well as little freckles on his face. Peksy has light brown fur on his underbelly, and a lush yet stiff brown mane that covers his neck and shifts into a small, mohawk-like haircut on the head. Long brown fur can also be seen on his stomach. Triangular red markings are also located on his stomach, three on each side. Peksy has thick goat-like red horns on his head, and a smaller horn near his red nose, four red spikes grow out of his tail. There are three red gems under each of his eye, beige markings on the cheeks and eyebrows. His eyes are red, narrow, he sometimes wears black eyeliner. His maw and tongue are also red, he has overgrown lower canines that stick out even with his maw closed. Peksy has a prosthesis on his left arm since he lost it in a fight. He is also missing his right ear, and has some scars on his body: one on the left eye, on the right arm, on the left leg and also on his back. Peksy usually wears a white vest and jeans with a belt.





stubby, overweight, short strong limbs


  • All of his red body parts glow when he uses fire powers.
  • He has harsh body language and often looks pissed off becuase of his narrow eyes and upturned eyebrows.
  • He has little dark freckles around on his snout.
  • Peksy has polydactlty (one small extra finger on each hand after the pinky)









Peksy appears as aggressive, short-tempered, and very stubborn, but is actually really sensitive and worried deep inside, his anger is driven by fear, he's afraid to seem weak and vulnerable. Peksy hides a lot of anxiety, covering it up with an assertive shell, trying to seem strong to impress his mom and intimidate others. Sophia raised him in a very permissive and overprotective environment, and when she was no longer protecting him from the dangerous world, he felt lost and scared. But Peksy is still pretty strong both physically, he can also easily adapt to the new environment and has a sharp mind. Peksy isn't easy to fool, and he rarely trusts anyone, he's reticent and reserved, he doesn't want to share his secrets with others. Peksy also struggles with showing feelings, he most likely will hide them and won't cry publicly. Yet, he can easily manipulate others and show fake emotions to get what he wants. Pesky is smart, actually. He's calculating, sarcastic, and easily think of a witty joke. Since he still has psychopathy, he often acts selfishly, and also quite unpredictable, lashing out at others with rude insults and attacks as a defensive mechanism, sometimes lacking empathy. Peksy genuinely wants to be a better person someday and is actively working on his mental health.

TYPOLOGY: ◊ ISTP 6w5 sp/sx 683 RLUEN LFEV choleric dominant ◊

  • videogames
  • cooking
  • hoarding unique stones
  • staying up late
  • being alone
  • crowds
  • cleaning
  • being cute
  • hot weather
  • walnuts
◊ Childhood years: an overprotective upbringing which led to awful aftermath ◊

Peksy is Sophia's youngest son and Daisy's sibling, born from Alex. Although he was weak and sick from birth, he was loved in his family. Sophia had always wanted a canine son, and his genetic mutations only made him more special to his mother. This has developed into an irresponsible, permissive upbringing. Over time, Alex began to notice how detrimental the wrong upbringing of Sophia is, which is why he began to love his son less. Peksy showed signs of psychopathy since childhood, which were only intensified by the type of upbringing. He sympathized poorly, could call others names and behave shamelessly, but the kid got away with everything, because he is special, as well as a future strong man. After Sophia's quarrel with Alex and moving to another city, a serious feud broke out between Mehit and Peksy due to their competition for maternal recognition. Peksy could just breathe and exist, but be the favorite child, and Mehit felt forgotten, considering that she also defended Sophia during the quarrel, but couldn't tell her because of the taboo on talking about that time. Peksy always found a reason to blame Mehit for something and put her in an awkward position. Life in the rented house reconciled the brother and sister for a moment, but Peksy, remembering something bad, got angry and tripped Mekhit, because of which she then walked with a sore paw and tried to force Peksy to apologize.

◊ Teen years: facing the reality and realizing past mistakes ◊

After Sophia moved to Greece for work, Peksy had to live with her grandfather Gena, with whom they quickly found a common language. Peksy began to realize that he was behaving badly and needed to do something about it. During his life with his grandfather, he learned independence. When Sophia was still able to buy her son a ticket after the end of quarantine and the opening of borders, Peksy has since tried to change for the better. At the same time, psychopathy interfered with him, he was aware of his behavior, but there was nothing he could do about it. He tried to take medication and somehow fight it, but a strong hit to the head during the battle with King Zumbra worsened the symptoms. Peksy began to break down more often and could not control his anger, and at one point he was overtaken by the idea of poisoning Mehit, as he was jealous of her love relationship with Shinx. Having poisoned Abas by mistake, Peksy didn't give up and was only more driven by his impulses to get rid of his sister, which forced him to arrange a scene with villains in an abandoned factory where he planned to kill Mehit. At night, he pushed the barrel and ran to Mehit in a hurry to report the villains at the factory, but she knew he was lying. Peksy hit Mehit in the eye with an iron rod and thus started a fight. Mehit and Peksy cursed each other and spoke out while fighting. The turning point was an unreliably fixed gas pipeline, which fell straight on Peksy and provoked an explosion at the factory. After Mehit quarreled with Daisy and ran away to the mountains, Peksy was taken to the hospital. He was alive, but he lost his left arm. When Peksy recovered, he returned home and confessed to Sophia everything he had done and vowed to get rid of his illness for the well-being of his family. A week later, Mehit and Shinx returned. Peksy had to reconcile with her sister, which wasn't easy for both of them, but visiting a therapist and long hours of conversations helped them improve their relationship.

  • Peksy has been diagnosed with psychopathy and is currently taking his meds and visiting therapy to make it easier for others to communicate and build relationships with him.
  • His name resembles a word "pesky" which refers to his negative personality.
  • Peksy was inspired by our dog who has similar pelt colors and a bit selfish personality.
  • His nationality is a mix of Ukrainian and Belarusian.

Sophia (mother)

Raising him as a little prince who's the mommy's favorite one, Peksy is extremely attached to his mom. She was the person who protected him from dangers, and now he learns how to live on his own. Confessing about his bad deeds made the relationship only healthier.

Alex (father)

Their relationship was quite decent when Peksy was little, looking similar to his dad, Peksy got a plenty of attention and love even through he was a weak pup with weak immunity. Since that quarrel between Sophia and Alex, Peksy hasn't seen or talked to Alex. Peksy doesn't really miss him nor hate him.

Gena (grandfather)

Living with Gena after Sophia got a job in Greece taught Peksy many things. He learnt how to fix things, be more confident and fend for himself. Peksy loves his grandfather dearly.

Mehit (older step-sister)

Their lifelasting battle for the status of Sophia's favorite child led to a dire fight on the abandoned factory where Peksy still tried to kill Mehit after poisoning Abas instead of her. After almost dying on that day, Peksy and Mehit finally ended their enmity.

Daisy (sister)

Ignoring Daisy for most of the time and not listening to her attemps to help him get better, their relationship is rather distant. But Peksy doesn't really hold grudges against her as much as he did towards Mehit.

Grey (acquaintance)

They used to hate each other since the day Grey came to Sophia's house, but Peksy began to work on himself as he got older, improving his relationship with Grey. Now they are more like chill pals who sometimes like to drink together and watch sports live video channels.

Adonis (potential boyfriend)

An unexpected meeting while planning a murder of his sister on a factory turned into a further relationship, it was the feeling Peksy never used to get before, and it was the time for him to get on the softer side and change to maintain it.

code by icecreampizzer
art by xxVexus06xx