Dakota Palladino



2 years, 9 months ago




Dakota Palladino








Native American(Sioux)/Italian




Scrapyard builder/scavenger









Voice Claim

Ashley Burch-Chloe(Life is Strange)

"Welcome to the real world, your highness."

Bold, determined, tough and resourceful.. When you have to survive in an unforgiving world alone, you tend to put on a thick shell. Dakota lives out in the vast expansive junkyards and wastelands, building all kinds of machines, tools and weapons.


Dakota is a no nonsense woman. she doesn’t believe in trickery, deception or sweet lies. She's honest without a filter and could care less if it hurts someone's feelings. The truth hurts after all. This isn't to say she's heartless though, she's incredibly loyal and fiercely protective. If anyone breaks this trust or hurts those she loves, then she'll rain the fury of hell upon them. Outside of those circumstances however, she has an extremely blase attitude. Keeping a cool head in even the most exciting situations. She isn't easily impressed either, not by compliments, gifts or promises. Only true, honest, genuine gestures will have major impact.


  • Making things
  • Coffee
  • Honesty
  • Rain


  • Traveling
  • Trickery
  • Owls
  • Parties



Duis a neque enim. Nulla quis malesuada neque. Sed gravida non elit eu gravida. Morbi finibus ex mi, vel elementum magna posuere non. Donec sed orci erat. Aliquam vitae semper tortor. Maecenas vestibulum, tellus a accumsan lacinia, sem velit varius libero, at mollis mauris urna vitae arcu.


Aenean ullamcorper massa vel libero hendrerit, eu bibendum diam sagittis. Aliquam vel consequat tellus. Mauris et sapien magna. Quisque mi nisl, aliquet quis suscipit non, sollicitudin id arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc a nulla purus. Quisque leo leo, rutrum rhoncus ullamcorper vitae, pulvinar quis ipsum.

Suspendisse nec imperdiet est, et venenatis leo. Quisque sed tortor in felis viverra consectetur quis sit amet neque. Maecenas dignissim scelerisque hendrerit. Aenean blandit vitae enim id convallis. Fusce pellentesque, enim vel efficitur consequat, orci elit porttitor mi, quis interdum neque metus et dui. Phasellus quis consequat nulla.


Maecenas odio dui, egestas in cursus non, congue sit amet nulla. Vestibulum pulvinar venenatis dapibus. Donec in massa nec augue pretium aliquet. In dolor risus, gravida sed consequat eu, vestibulum quis tortor. Vestibulum laoreet nisl ut mauris vulputate vulputate. Phasellus ac ipsum mi. Quisque enim leo, facilisis consequat eros nec, lacinia consequat velit. Cras porta quam vel blandit egestas. Praesent elementum tortor porttitor, pulvinar nunc eget, condimentum massa. Suspendisse a mollis ligula. Praesent mollis eleifend tellus a pharetra. Ut vestibulum diam vitae magna ullamcorper scelerisque.



  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Nullam nec augue in elit convallis tempor id et turpis.
  • Vestibulum vel massa commodo, placerat nibh quis, ultricies massa.
  • Phasellus vel massa vitae sapien suscipit congue.


  • Close Combat: Dakota is a deadly combatant in close combat. Throwing powerful, swift blows with her deadly bladed gauntlets.
  • Weapon Making:Dakota is able to use the various modules, metals and other disposed junk in the scrapyards to make and sell dangerous weapons.
  • Hyper Athletic: Living in a junk filled wasteland forces one to learn to climb, leap and crawl to navigate efficiently. As a result, Dakota is incredibly agile.
  • Stats

    Strength 75

    Dexterity 35

    Constitution 80

    Intelligence 60

    Wisdom 15

    Charisma 5



Suspendisse nec luctus libero. Morbi sed dolor at ipsum tempus viverra. Proin ac diam ac sem interdum sollicitudin. Nunc ac ante vel risus iaculis malesuada. Morbi pharetra luctus blandit. Phasellus convallis, ligula quis pulvinar tristique, lectus lorem bibendum nunc, quis pretium est neque id orci. Integer porttitor nulla libero, in placerat turpis ullamcorper ut. Cras elementum imperdiet turpis, eget laoreet purus venenatis eu. Mauris bibendum eu quam quis consequat. Maecenas diam ante, dignissim scelerisque sem quis, facilisis accumsan odio.


Nulla at odio tempus, mattis nisi eget, fringilla leo. Vestibulum congue bibendum massa, vel blandit turpis condimentum ut. Suspendisse a ornare ex. Aliquam sodales egestas finibus. Vestibulum consequat velit at metus dictum facilisis. Curabitur hendrerit, odio id ultrices blandit, enim nisl placerat lacus, dignissim semper erat purus at lacus. Curabitur felis diam, molestie a neque sed, ultricies auctor lorem. Sed viverra semper quam nec euismod. Aenean convallis vehicula dictum.


Serena Girlfriend

The two initially started out on rocky ground, with Dakota being annoyed by Serena's apparent lack of empathy or understanding. However, as time went on the two began to understand each other. They began to grow close and a romantic bond began to blossom. Dakota tried to ignore these feelings, knowing a romantic relationship was simply not possible. Serena on the other hand, embraced this new true love.

Vendetta(AU) Friends(with benefits)

The two first met at a bar. Dakota thought it would be nothing more then a quick one night stand, even expecting her fateful encounter to be departed before dawn. However she was surprised the find the mysterious woman still in her bed by morning. Of course, after this day she thought nothing more of the smooth talking assassin. However, Dakota was unaware that the serpent already had it's eyes on her, always watching. Dakota cares about Vendetta in her own way, but doesn't really put much emotional energy into their relationship. She knows Vendetta's type, smooth words and sweet lies. No actual substance underneath. So she isn't going to pretend like there's a true bond. However, when her dangerous friend drops once in a blue moon, she does enjoy their conversations and more.. After all, there is one thing Dakota will admit without shame.. Vendetta is hot as fuck.

Faith Ex Girlfriend

The two dated in their mid teens but they weren’t compatible. Their toxic relationship was destroying Dakota but unfortunately for Faith. It already destroyed her . Long after they've broken up Faith still harasses and obsesses over Dakota. Sending cryptic letters and occasionally lurking around. Watching.. Dakota doesn't know what Faith's plan is. Not yet.