


3 years, 1 month ago





Full Name Hunter (Ferret)
Gender Nonbinary (He/Her)
Age Adult
Sexuality Demirom/Ace
Birthday August 25th
Occupation Trinket shop
Residence Asira
Likes Cherries and bananas, Hoarding things, Mischief, Adventure shows/books, Giving gifts to friends
Dislikes Hoard thieves, Strict rule followers, Live action movies, Sour things, Hoarders that don't share
Partner Trinket
Parents Unnamed
Friends Wesley, Frost, Hope, Quincy
Enemies N/A

"How about trading that neat thing you got there?"


Hunter is a cunning ferret, and uses his knowledge to get the things he wants in life. He knows how to achive his goals, and likes trying to finish new tasks he sets out for himself. He loves discovering new things about pretty much anything, even if he gets into a little trouble finding something out. He enjoys listening to friends and strangers ramble on about the latest thing they're into. When he's feeling mischevious, Hunter will often play dumb to hide exactly how smart he is to someone new just to baffle them later on. Playing stupid like this is something Hunter finds fun to do. Mostly to see how someone would react. He'll even do this to friends if he thinks they'd fall for it.

Hunter has a large hoard of things hidden away in one of the most secret places he could find around his home, and will only bring those he trusts to his hoard to show it off. He'll often steal a shiny or two to add to his hoard if he thinks someone isn't looking. It's a hard habit to break, but he's proud of himself for stealing less. If you give him something he'll love, Hunter will give you back something from his hoard that he thinks that you'd like. While he's gotten better at it, he has a hard time hearing the word no, and hates the fact that he has to accept that not everything will go his way. Hunter often doubts himself, and while he may seem hyperactive and happy, he can be quite the pessimist at times, often doubting himself and others. He finds it hard to open up, or even trust others, because of this.


Hunter is a tall ferret that stands at 6ft tall (20 inches feral). His favorite thing to wear is a bowtie, and he'll often be seen wearing a yellow one.


  • Will happily trade things from his hoard if you have something interesting
  • He will probably give you almost anything in his hoard for a banana smoothie
  • He knows how to flirt and smooth talk to get something he wants, but only uses it as a last resort for something he's desperate to add to his hoard
  • Doesn't care if you use male or female pronouns. Hunter's fine with either, but mostly uses male
  • Will often give Trinket cloth related items and gets shinies in return
  • He got his bowtie from Trinket
  • Love collecting bottlecaps!
  • Has some squishy banana plushies

Drawing Notes

  • Can be drawn feral or anthro
  • His tail can be colored with either 4 or 6 of the darker and lighter colors. Whichever works better!
  • Mask can be a sharper diamond shape if it suits your style better!
  • Bowtie is optional



Hunter considers Wesley his best friend! He likes listening to the jackalope's stories, and loves to vacation with him whenever he's invited.


Hunter loves Frost's confidence! He finds her fun to be around, and has learned the hard way not to steal from her hoard.


Hunter feels relaxed around Hope, and enjoys looking at her photography.


Hunter was born on the small island of Zemus, and lived in a small, forested town. While his home town didn't have a lot of residents, he loved playing dumb with the ones who were there, and found it fun to outsmart them later on. While it annoyed his parents when he tried the same with them, they didn't think too much of it, and thought he was a kid being a kid. The thing that did worry them was how greedy Hunter was. When they caught him trying to steal neat little things from others, they talked to him about why stealing was wrong. The only thing that managed to do was make Hunter more creative when he stole. He had a hoard tucked safely away from home so his parents wouldn't find it. As his hoard grew and Hunter grew up, he moved out and bought a place of his own. He didn't find it too hard surviving on his own, but did visit his parents when he could. Hunter soon decided that he wanted the largest hoard of neat things he could get! He'd often cheat others out of their things, or even go as far as stealing if he really wanted something to bring back home.

One day, he was surprised to see that someone had washed up on the beach. He was intrigued to find a jackalope had shipwrecked on his little island, and decided to stick around until the rabbit woke up. He kept himself entertained by collecting seashells and sea glass, and soon found out that the jackalope's name was Wesley, and how he was traveling all around Peluna. When asked questions about the island, Hunter played dumb. He pretended to not know what a beach was, and called it the outer bathtub when it was explained to him. Hunter even claimed that the sea glass he had found were colorful pieces of soap that came the outer bathtub! He didn't know why Wesley stuck around, but Hunter found the jackalope fun to be around.

Hunter was interested in all the stories that Wesley told him, and soon he wanted to get off the island and see some of these places. He made sure his hoard was secured, and only took some of his absolutely favorite things along with some necessities, then the two waited for a cargo ship to board and left the island. The two ended up on the dragon isles, Zaphiara. Hunter had never seen a dragon before! He quickly got new things for his hoard, and they both met one of the dragons named Frost. She gave them a tour after Wesley asked her. After a few weeks, Frost helped them off of Zaphiara and back to the main continent of Asira. Wesley bought Hunter a phone so they could all stay in contact, and went back home after saying goodbye.

Hunter and Frost continued on and checked out Asira. He eventually found a place he wanted to call home and settled there. He said goodbye to Frost before she left to check out what else Peluna has to offer. He quickly learned that he wouldn't be able to pull the same cheating stunts here that he did back home, and had a harder time finding things for his hoard. After a few months of living there, he met a dachshund named Hope who showed him how to be kinder. All he needed was a little help after living in such a small village for so many years! Hope was happy to do what she could to get Hunter use to living in such a big town.

After some time, Hunter became kinder and more generous, even if he still does slip up from time to time. He'd often trade things from his own hoard for things that he wanted. He and Hope still keep in touch, and Hunter even found himself a partner that he looks forward to seeing everyday!

Present Day

Hunter works with Trinket at the trinket shop

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