🎞 Quinn



2 years, 7 months ago


i am incapable of being human, i am incapable of being inhuman

QUINN has always struggled with their attachment to reality. the world around them has never felt true, and they've never felt comfortable in their humanity. they struggle to identify themself as human, and attempt to mimic those around them who seem to know how to be human. Unfortunately, they are not good at this. They've always been weird, flighty and simultaniously overly independent and isolating, and extremely dependent on others.

they are the newest pilot, at 19 years old, and one of the youngest too. Their partner, SAWYER, is more than happy to mentor them and the two quickly become very close. Quinn finds themselves to fit in somewhere for the first time in their life. Of course, despite this comfort being a pilot brings them, its also incredibly detrimental and painful.

quinn's delusions of individuality are validated by their experience as a pilot, and they feel encoraged by those around them who seem as sick as they are. Particularly, they find identity and solace in ANNE, their predecessor, who died before they ever met. They find themselves often compared to anne, and begin intentionally embodying her to become more "human," growing obsessed with finding out about her and turning into the perfect replacement.

this is, of course, a deeply strange thing to do. They never met anne, they dont truely know her, but they deify her into what they believe they should be. and at first, it works. but, as the true machinations of being a pilot become apparent, this framework, and everything quinn built to understand the world, comes crashing down.

they are a pilot of a mech, their mech is called pisces and they pilot it with sawyer. these mechs fight underwater and its unclear if they are fighting something real or not, either way they are funded by the government.

their story takes place in a post-post-apocalyptic world where civilisation has rebuilt after a great flood. there's a lot of ocean

they're a bit wall-eyed perpetually

they play the guitar ! they have an acoustic they got from their ex

beach life-in-death | car seat headrest

seaface | lowertown

simulation swarm | big thief

tire swing | kimya dawson
