The paint hero Chroma



2 years, 11 months ago


Name: kazuki

Height: 5’0

age: 18

3rd year

Her hair are the primary colors! And the white is the center of the mix :3


Quirk: Chromashift

Description: Chromashift allows the user to manipulate paint and pigments with their touch, and also transform parts of their body into various forms made of living paint.


1.Paint Manipulation: The user can control any paint or pigment within a certain radius. They can use it to create barriers, weapons, or distractions. The paint can also be hardened or softened at will.

2.Shape Shifting: By absorbing paint into their body, they can transform parts of themselves into living paint. For example, they could change their limbs into various shapes and tools.

3.Camouflage: By blending with the colors around them, they can become nearly invisible or disguise themselves within painted environments.

4.Paint Regeneration: Injuries can be healed by covering the wounds with paint and absorbing it back into their body, accelerating the healing process.


1.Vulnerability to Water: Excessive water can wash away the paint, weakening their abilities and potentially causing them to lose control over their shape shifting temporarily.

2.Limited Supply: They need access to paint or pigments to maintain their abilities. Running out of paint limits their power significantly.

3.Concentration: Manipulating complex shapes or multiple colors simultaneously requires a high level of focus and can be mentally exhausting.