


2 years, 7 months ago


This is wolf, their name is wolf which is pronounced volf 


Volf is a wolf. They could be classified as a shapeshifter but, instead of changing form completely, it's only the "species" appearance. Don't get it wrong, Volf is always still in technical terms a wolf. Volf goes from feral wolf form to anthro wolf form, to human form in which they appear more human-like with distinct wolf-like features. Volf is about to reach adulthood their interests are the world of psychology, astrology, music, ancient literature and history, and even the history of all mob related along with other "unusual" interests. Volf can often be found with her nose in a book, or screen whether it be the ancient past or the history of mobsters' sense of fashion even some drawing here and there. Volf is anxiety ridden at times, and overall talkative when spoken to. Not to forget the fact Volf is forgetful, more forgetful than she'd like to be. Still exploring the world around her, Volf is ever curious wanting to learn more and of course one up whoever she currently wants to impress.

Quotes: "I try" "eh?" "Morning!" "Want a hug? No? Too bad your getting one anyways" "Is that food I smell?" "I'm not mad, I'm just tired is all" "Sushi..." "Everyday with coffee is a good day" "How about you rephrase that question?" 


Human form: Hispanic with long natural curly hair, bright pink eyes that stare into your soul, a pair of fluffy ears, along with a big wolf tail and is sometimes caught holding a plushie of Boss whether hugging said plushie or holding it with her tail, sometimes just staring at it from afar

Feral form: Skinny long body type, has long curly purple hair, a bright pink eyes, looks different then the normal wolf, weirdly however their tail has turned white maybe this is to blend in more among other wolves who knows. 

Anthro form: Tall lean body type, long curly purple hair with slight pink, bright pink eyes, and a big purple tail. Standing on two legs is quite strange, it feels human yet.. the new heights one can reach have been extended. Long nails are evident although frequently trimmed.

Extra information

About 5'8 ft tall

Pink eyes aren't common and it's quite rare to appear naturally 

It's unknown where the Boss plushie is from or how she obtained it

All of Volf's forms are about the same height while standing typically ranging from 5'5-6'0

Volf's name is inspired by Wilhelm Wundt his name is Russian in Russian the w is different and therefore pronounced differently instead of saying "Wundt" it's said "Vundt" 

Volf is Bilingual speaking both English & Spanish, and working on learning French and certain Russian words

Volf has taken on new interests such as the law system, hoping to study it soon. While she'd like nothing more than to become trilingual it'll take a while for her to do so, given the current circumstances and how long that would take. Volf has become more cityfied if that makes sense, although she's spending her days in the county side more. She's begun the habit of not just collecting small trinkets like she always has but, plushies, and books for that matter... those big heavy school textbooks. Most days Volf is occupied with a book in hand or uh... paw accompanied by a mug of coffee. Ideally, if it were up to Volf she'd find a nice bay window to do her reading while looking out towards the city occasionally. Having to learn between splitting her desire for both the country side and city, compromises have to be made.

Last of all Volf wanted to say, remember everyone is loved and 100% valid