Commission - OPEN



2 years, 7 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)


Prices are in euros, usd is for reference
Do "view more" to see all the examples
Read the TOS to know what I can and cannot do, as well as commission infos


GREEN: open 
RED: closed 

Chibi 30€ (33$): character contained in a square, can be used as an icon, no shading 
Headshot 20€ (21$): two choices, symmetrical front view or three quarter view of a character's head, + minimum 5€ for shading
Halfbody 30€ (33$): stops at the hips of the character, + minimum 5€ for shading 
Fullbody 40€ (44$): name speaks for itself, + minimum 10€ for shading 
Reference sheet +55€ (+61$): An unshaded front and back view of a characters, + 2 close up shots and writting if needed. Additional views and details will increase the price
Sketches 15€ (17$): a halfbody or fullbody sketch of a character, no colors (excepted for the eyes if wanted) 
Animation +100€ (+110$): a 4 second animated headshot or halfbody of a character (will not animate details and paterns heavy characters). Price is really dependent of the complexity
Noodle Doodle 8€ (9$): extremely simplified and silly drawing
Customs +45€ (49$): examples and infos here
YCH: here
note: some examples have sketchy linework but you will receive a cleaner line
