Isagani Valmorida




Name: Isagani Gustavo A. Valmorida

Age: 29


Weight: 130 lbs

Birth Date: September 11th

Origins/previous place of living: Ilocos Region, Philippines

Sexuality: Homosexual

Relationship Status: Single

Zodiac: Virgo


Education: Somewhat moderate, mostly he learns about farming and gardening in general.

Occupation: Farmer(Former), Gardener

Personality: Isagani is a very relaxed and lazy person who always sit back and watch everyone, not actively participating in whatever shenanigans they're doing unless they said so. He is also a huge complainer, always nagging other people when being bothered to do things, he always say things such as "But that's too much work!! :sob: :sob: :sob:" or something related to that, but when he was forced to do things, he instantly becomes a bit grumpy but he quickly shrugs and do their stuffs. But when things gets too interesting, Isagani is a curious being who finds it so interesting to even discovered for, he can be also investigative if he had a chance to - If he found out that other people have discovered said things, He will always ask them a question in order to gain an answer and he will nonstop doing that until he gets what he wants - He also loves teasing them in the process.

Also did i mention teasing? That's right bitches. Isagani's a mischief person who loves to tease other people, he is also playful who likes to cause some mini shenanigans, such as creating a tricky and unfair question for the others just to shat on then, but doing much so which leads him to be insufferable, sometimes he had other different reactions other than that. Aside from that, Isagani is SECRETLY caring, even he refused to show it, he even follows/stalks the other person that he cares because he's worried that they might gonna get hurt or maybe is that he's lonely - and he hates it.

Likes: The Dark, Cute Things, Mangoes

Dislikes: Proper Manners, Dogs, Porkchops

Hobbies: Astrology, Woodworking, Stamp Collecting


- Lepidopterophobia [Fear of Butterflies]

- Autophobia [Fear of Being Alone]


- He likes studying plants and tobaccos.

- His favorite color is Chartreuse

- Other than just gardening, He loves Anime ever since childhood which he was passionate a bit about his favorite series called. In summary, he's a weeb.


"A kapre is a Philippine mythical creature that could be characterized as a tree giant. It is described as being a tall (7 to 9 ft), big, black, terrifying, hairy,[2] muscular creature. Kapres are normally described as having a strong smell that attracts human attention. They stay at a branch of a tree smoking." - from Wikipedia


Hallucination Pheromone: The user released a strong-smell pheromone, When smelled, It cause the enemy went to the state of hallucination (3 turns). However, the user was immuned to that.  

Dark Vision: When at night, the eyes of a Kapre turns into a soft glow of light allowing them to see through the darkness, they can also become more active during the night.


Strength: * * * * * * (*) * * * [7]

Defense: * * * * (*) * * * * * [5]

Agility: * * * * (*) * * * * * [7]

Perception: * * * * * * (*) * * * [7]

Charm: * * * * (*) * * * * * [5]

Intelligence: * * * * * (*) * * * * [6]


- Extreme Coldness >> Even Kapre have enough fur, They shiver and become vulnerable when reacted to the extreme level of coldness.

- Small Light >> Due to their dark vision activated, when it comes to dark places during the night, A light through their eyes cause eyestrain.

- Fire >> He's sensitive to fire.

Headcanons [and some cracks whether its canon by the creator or not]:

While Isagani is tending the garden he will end up falling asleep out in the flower patches on nice warm sunny days, and due to his lazy nature he could stay there for hours until someone came to get him. - ShadowOath [canon]

Isagani would probably have this kind of chill channel with poorly edited videos, small yet dedicated fanbase and mixed contet ranging from animal resque (the real type) to gardening tips and short vlogs.

In a nutshell, Very Wholesome. dandikix [canon, also sorry for pinging you - i was nervous.]