⚑️ EON 🌐



2 years, 7 months ago


EON BREAK - Nonbinary Boy (He/Him)
info - about
Nickname(s) Eon
Species Unknown
Age 17
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday February 8th
Playlist/Board Playlist and Board

Eon is my main mascot! They are incredibly dear to me, and I would recommend drawing them if you were to represent me anywhere.

As a short personality description (for those who don't want to read everything), Eon is gentle, oblivious, and kind-hearted. Though he is quite a dork, he is a very LOVEABLE dork and he is simply trying his best. Literally THE silly guy of all time.

Though he is my mascot + sona, he is also one of the protagonists of Masky Corp.'s story!

docx - story

Born inside the web, Eon has been separated from the real world his entire life. Though hesitant and shy at first glance, when you warm up to him, his real personality shines. Friendly, kind, and curious, Eon is prone to making new friends, even if it's hard for them to start the initial convo. Though he does suffer from a good deal of anxiety (both about the physical world and others), he still has a want to explore and learn. Most people could call him, well, a dork, as although he is oblivious, he has a a huge heart.

Adjusting to human life is difficult (as expected), and Eon has a hard time grasping social norms/concepts, often leading him to feel alien among regular society. Eon can come off as insensitive at times since they have a hard time really understanding the severity of others emotions and how to respond to them, though he apologizes profusely whenever he slips up. He greatly fears hurting others, mainly due to a fear of being alone again


As alluded to before, one of if not Eon's biggest fear is being alone. Before coming to the real world, Eon had lived inside the web in what was essentially a dark empty void for years until he got out into Masky Corp. He doesn't remember much of his life before then, but he is terrified everyday of going back to living the life he did before. Because of Eon's strange biology and absolutely perplexing reasoning for existence (as he is both an organic and non-organic being, AND does not properly classify as "mortal" or "eternal" for a plethora of factors), a LOT of people are out to find him to examine and experiment on him, which would isolate him from the people he loves. Eon is terrified of losing his connections, and will do anything to keep them with him. His friends are the most important thing to him, they're essentially his family, and losing them would be like losing himself.

Along with that, Eon is incredibly out of touch with reality, which although understandable given their circumstance, can lead to them falling into danger easily. They are notoriously oblivious and clumsy and zone out easily, though they do mean well, because of this they can end up coming off as ignorant to others. Eon is very hard on himself as a result, he believes that he has to prove his place in society by trying to be the best person he can be for others, even if it gets to an unhealthy standard. He is trying though, and each day he learns a little more about being human, with some erm… strange missteps along the way.

It is unknown how Eon was created or even what he really is, but what is known is that by all standards, Eon is a complete scientific anamoly. Bordering the line between "organic", "non-organic", "mortal" and "eternal", it has been near impossible to proper classify what if anything Eon could be. Even besides that, Eon's anatomy in general is confusing. Because Eon has non-organic "code" properties to his body, he can modify his body at the cost of a lot of his energy. For example, he can generate a mouth so he can eat, or change aspects about his apperance to ease dysphoria if needed. He can also regenerate (similar to how lizards and axolotls do, actually) albeit very slowly. He also lacks organs (excluding a heart, which seems to do all of what would be his other organs functions for him) and has blue blood despite it not really being used for much. Finally, Eon lacks a typical soul, and despite this is still able to enter The Aether. The most common theory for how this is possible is that Eon's heart is a solidified soul, which could explain why it defys so many rules.

Because of all these factors, Eon is highly wanted for experimentation by suspicious government officials and criminal organizations. Masky is doing their best to protect Eon from that, but unfortunately some people will do whatever it takes to get their hands on Eon. His strange biology leads to a lot of unfortunate objectification too, treating Eon more like a lab rat than a person.


Eon was born in and lived inside the web for most of his life before coming to Masky Corp. His life in the net was not as one would expect, as instead of having a bright, lively world to adventure in everyday, he would simply sit in the darkness, only illuminated by small lights and nothing else. Most of Eon's life in the net is a blur, but what he does remember he surely never wants to go back to. He's terrified of going back to that place in the web, so much so that Eon held off using his powers properly for a portion of time after coming to the real world BECAUSE of his fear of getting there again. Eon has the ability to go in and out of electronic devices, though it is possible for him to enter a non-internet connected device, it is much easier for him to enter one that is internet connected. Eon also has the ability to generate electricity, though he develops this later in Masky Corp's story.

How Eon got to Masky Corp exactly is...vague. He described the event as him seeing a "bright opening" from above, brighter than he had ever seen before. As Eon was curious and desperate for anything new, he investigated. Next thing he knew, Eon woke up in Masky Corp HQ. Although TERRIFIED at first for obvious reasons (as he had never interacted with like, anybody before), Masky was calm and reassuring and let him stay with them and the rest of the gang as long as he needed. Eon is forever greatful to Masky and all of Masky Corp for letting him stay, he essentially views them all as his family and would do anything to protect them, he loves all of them very much.Eon (thanks to the very clever bribing of Masky) is enlisted in a high school, he goes to Chameleon High. Only the principal of the school is aware of Eon’s situation(s), nobody else in the school knows as part of Masky’s agreement to keep Eon safe from potential targeted threats.

Info - trivia

They are based off and named after the song "Eon Break" by Virtual Self

Eon is heavily based off myself (obviously) and a lot of my own personal struggles. They are very personal to me as a result, more so than some of my other sonas.

He was originally going to have a black purple and blue color scheme instead of the white blue and yellow one he has now

Eon can purr like a regular cat would. When he does, heat and small amounts of electricity can build up (similar to how pikachu's cheeks work actually)

Despite being a cat, he's much more bunny-like personality wise

His current typology is MM-Ne/Fi-CP/S(B) #4 (ENFP) 7w6 792 so/sx though this could change

Eon's height is 5'6

gallery - aesthetic
contacts - relationships
Masky Best Friends

Eon views Masky like an older sibling. He is forever greatful to Masky for letting him stay, and views him like family. Even if Masky is reluctant to get close with people, Eon can still tell Masky reciprocates those feelings and would do anything to keep Eon safe.

The Spy Friends to Lovers

Best friends to boyfriends. Eon loves Spy more than anything. You can find more info on their relationship here!
