
2 years, 2 months ago


Am I Real? Or Someone Elses Dream?


[ name ] Eon Break
[ pronouns ] He/Him
[ birthday ] Feb 8
[ species ] Dreadnaut
[ height ] ???
[ job ] Works under Masky Corp
[ worth ] Priceless

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[ intellect ]
[ empathy ]
[ temper ]
[ charisma ]
[ humor ]

Living in the deep sea most of his life, Eon had always wanted something more; that chance came when a piece of technology from the real world fell down under, giving Eon a glimpse at what could lie above. Due to reasons the thing somehow worked under water and Eon had access to the internet; this is how they primarily learned about humans and their culture. Eventually, sick of being stuck under the sea, Eon decided to take matters into their own hands and go up on the surface...

Except not really, because the ride up was a complete disaster, and since this dumbass doesn't know anything about swimming up, he ended up passed out on a beach covered in sea weed, which, if you can't guess already, was pretty darn suspicious. Eventually, they were found by Masky washed up on the shore and tried VERY HARD to convince them he was totally a human being and not some sea cosmic horror, which prompted Masky to go "Lol Idiot I know you're a dreadnaut" which made Eon freak out. Luckily, though, Masky didn't plan on telling (or selling their pearls). They had their own secrets to keep after all. So instead of seeing a threat, Masky saw an opportunity. They asked Eon to come work with them around the boardwalk (doing small jobs and/or acting as a lifeguard if need be) in exchange to keep their true identity hidden, Eon agreed and the rest is history.

So now, they work besides this au's Masky Corp. around the beach, though there is room to wonder if Masky's got something more sinister going on... but ehhh, that's not important. Beach Time!


  • Eon's personality is basically the same in this au as he is in her canon variant...excluding some new quirks LOL
  • They use internet lingo in like...everyday conversation... They go up to random pedestrians and say shit like "LMAO" and "LOL" out loud thinking this is how humans normally talk (this isn't how humans normally talk), most people just pass it off as some awkward teen and walk away but it is...Something
  • When they're in water (and still in their like non-sea terror form), they flap their ears on instinct (because the ears are actually the sea terrors tail so LOL) this isn't important I just think this is funny
  • In this au, their monitor was meant to be a mimic of the top part of a lighthouse! It was one of the first lights they saw underwater (besides from like...the computer that fell down) so on their way up they mimicked it instinctively I suppose (probably because of all the "LETS FREAKING GOOOO" energy emitting from the fact this was it and they were actually going to see the surface), NEAT!
  • They're mixed between a beluga whale and an electric eel, meaning they exhibit some electric abilities + they can echolocate!
  • Eon has gills! Given they're mostly wearing short sleeved shirts + pants half the time it's the most evident piece of erm...Evidence that they're a sea creature LOL, and they get a lot of questions about it...the usual response though is just "Oh...they're just scars...I just...Fall A Lot" LMAO
  • MASTERLIST ENTRY (#144) (Slot Rarity: Decayed) (TRAITS: Mimic: object, animal, beluga whale x electric eel x cat; Shell Type: Softshell; Spots: 2 on head for the ears, 1 on the back for the tail, and 7 other ones are for the gills; Sea Terror: Single; Pearls: 6 (1 pair on ears, 1 on neck, 1 pair on the tail that look like eyes + 1 big pearl on it’s own)) (https://toyhou.se/15643825.myo-0144)

Eon is forever greatful to Masky for helping them the way they did, but he can't help but wonder if she's hiding something from him...

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