Momo (Twst version) (WIP)



2 years, 7 months ago


Momo Adeyemi

Momo Adeyemi
Technical Information
Twisted from
Name Meaning
Momo: a Gola name. In Ivory Coast it can be used as a slang word that means "to steal"
Adeyemi: "The crown befits me". It could also mean crown is meant for me
Other Name
-Barracuda (Floyd)
-Reine des hyène (Rook)
-Monster Woman (Faraji)
-Hyena demon (some NRC students)
Biographical Information
April 24
Beastman (Hyena)
165 cm
Eye Color
Hair Color
Afterglow Savanna
-Zubery Adeyemi (adoptive mother)
-Amani Adeyemi (adoptive sister)
-Faraji Adeyemi (adoptive brother)
Professional Status
NONE (Blanca Rosa School)
School Year
2nd Year
Rugby Club
Best Subject
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand
Favorite Food
Roast Beef, Spicy Food
Least Favorite Food
Fighting strong people, Jewelry and gold, Exploring, Dancing, Pranks
Strong smells (cologne, perfume, smog, etc), Technological devices (tolerates cellphones), Most of vegetables, Ghosts 
Collecting Jewelry
Finding ways to make money
Character Voice
Asami Tano

Momo Adeyemi is a second-year student of Blanca Rosa School, an all-girls school located in the Isle of Sages along with Night Raven College and Royal Sword Academy. She's a young savage hyena woman that takes pride of her tremendous physical strength, a free spirit with the determination to make her mother proud of her. Momo is also the reincarnation of an ancient pirate beastwoman, Jasiri


Momo is a young hyena woman with slightly tan skin and a slim athletic body. She has hyena ears and a little fluffy hyena tail. Her straight purple hair is very long and with a disheveled look, she wears her hair with a ponytail with some loose tufts of hair, the ponytail is also tied up 2 times. Her eyes are wine colored.

She has tunnels on both of her ears and on her left ear she also has a gold earring with the shape of a chain with a small ruby attached in the end, which was a gift from her childhood friends and lackeys.

Momo also has dark circles under her eyes and a birth mark in the area between her breasts and her stomach. After her brother Faraji overblots, Momo gets badly wounded and as a result she gets a big scar on her left arm.

No matter what she wears, Momo is always barefoot, she never wears shoes as she despises them.

She is usually seen wearing her Blanca Rosa School uniform, which she wears in a untidy way, wearing the shirt with no bow and slightly open, her jacket only covering her forearms, and thigh length stockings with no shoes. She also wears gold bracelets on her neck and on her right ankle, as she really likes jewelry, specially gold-made things.

Other outfits that she wears are a variant of the school sport uniform, which is a sport shirt, that she ties at stomach level, and shorts; in replace of shoes she wears bandages on her feet. 

The kind of clothes she likes to wear the most are tribal themed tops and shorts or leggings, usually wearing plenty of gold jewelry. She despises clothing that cover her way too much, stuffs like big jackets/coats, long pants, sweaters and in general way too much clothes annoy her and make her feel restricted; but she doesn't like skimpy clothing that are too impractical either, Momo's clothing style is mostly skimpy but comfortable.

Momo is not against wearing makeup, but since she sucks at it and she thinks it doesn's suit her "scary" face much she never does makeup by herself and is usually seen with her natural face. However she doesn't dislike when her friends want to try makeup on her and claims "I'm such a hotty!" when they make a good job. 


Nullam a imperdiet nunc, et dictum eros. Etiam porttitor tortor non aliquam iaculis. Pellentesque non lectus eu magna vehicula cursus quis in turpis. Mauris iaculis turpis nec enim efficitur porttitor. Aenean non dolor nunc. Aliquam sit amet tortor lectus. Ut finibus malesuada interdum. Maecenas eget metus sed purus tincidunt eleifend a at enim. Donec molestie malesuada volutpat. Sed vel tellus odio. Suspendisse finibus lacinia ex luctus rutrum. Donec convallis dictum mollis. Etiam lacinia mollis pretium. Fusce vel sem sit amet eros tincidunt tempor. Ut ipsum tellus, scelerisque pharetra vestibulum et, consequat a tellus. Duis iaculis rhoncus sodales.


Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

Unique Magic

"Bone Crusher"

Momo's unique magic allows her to increase her physical strength for a limited amount of time, the amount of weight she can lift, the force of her punches and kicks increase considerably according to the amount of magic she infuses on herself. However the more she increases her strength, the more she loses her rationality and becomes more feral, not to mention the amount of blot she accumulates increases. So far, the most she can increases her strenght with her unique magic is 10x times her normal strength, if she ever tries to surpass this limit she could either overblot immediately or lose any rationality she has left and become completely feral.  


CharacterMomo addresses them asMomo is addressed as
Yuui WatanabeYuui / DollfaceMomo / Senpai (at first)
Faraji AdeyemiFaraji / Big bro (Anii)Momo / Monster woman
Amani AdeyemiAmaniSis Momo (Momo-nee)
Nana ShishigamiNanaMomo-chan
Dalia FontanaDaliaMomo-san
Chloe FontanaChloeMomocchi
Jade LeechEel man / Jade (after getting close)Momo-san
Floyd LeechBaby eelBarracuda
Ruggie BucchiRuggieMomo-chan
Leona Kingscholar


  • Momo's character archtype is the Bancho/Sukeban. Therefore she's loud and speaks in a very brash/rude manner.

  • Momo likes to eat pieces of bones as snack and sometimes she carries around a plastic bag with bones. Except for her siblings and other hyenas (like Ruggie), those who watch her eating bones are usally either very creeped out or amused. 

  • When Momo was in middle school a boy she previously rejected was pestering her about going out, Amani then came up with the idea of telling the boy Momo only dates guys who can beat her in a fight. The boy challenged Momo and was quickly defeated, but because of this, the rumor about "Momo only will date the guy who can beat her" started to spread and nowadays Momo occasionaly gets challenged by guys who want to date her. As Momo loves to fight strong people, she doesn't feel troubled by this and actually enjoys it. 

  • She has a pretty loud laughter, which is described by others as a combination of creepy and silly. 

  • Momo is terrible with technological devices and often breaks them, which is why is very adviced to keep her far from PCs and similar devices. The only device she's able to use (and that hasn't broken so far) is her phone. 

  • She cannot stand ghosts. She fears them because, according to her own words, "you can't punch those bastards and they keep coming back". She also isn't good with occult stuff such as demonic entities or magic related to the spiritual realm (such as voodoo).

  • Ruggie describes Momo as the "cliché" of a female hyena, as she's strong, aggressive and always ready to fight. Female hyenas tend to be dominant, moody and generally stronger than the males, whereas male hyenas are more laid back in comparison to the females.

  • Momo is very good at anything involving sports or physical activities, whereas she struggles with the academics. Even though she's smart, she's not very good at sitting on a desk to study and tends to be slow at understanding complex terminologies. 

  • She has a birthmark in the area between her breasts and her stomach. This mark is inherited from her previous life and represents the "scar" left by the curse that killed her past incarnation.

Profile by Erandia