☆ Shayu



2 years, 7 months ago



Hi! I'm Raccoony and I like writing descriptions on most days! Today I feel like doing so, so I shall.
Here are some notes on this guy:


"It's not a phase!" He would loudly exclaim toward his sister every time she voiced her concerns over the various online purchases of clothing (all containing a style resemblant of entirely different eras) consistently arriving to the household's doorstep.

Shayu is an incredibly expressive individual - especially in his wardrobe choices! - though he typically defaults to the same comfortable attire that's carried him throughout the years, so much so that it's begun to shred and decay. He refuses to get a replacement, insisting upon their authenticity in the age.
Thanks to the unorthodox methods in which he outfits himself as well as the natural mutation that grants him a torn-to-the-bone tail, lots have mistaken him to be a far more intimidating person, but soon as they get close, ...baseless claims. He's a scaredy cat!

His one wish is to move out and away from his 'overbearing and judgmental sibling'. Everyone but him knows he can't handle it, however...

- Terribly afraid of sharks despite being partially shark. The irony!
- The cat-ghosts that tail him are aware of his easy-to-fright nature and easily jumpscare him at all times of the day
- Wants to be a model. Somebody hire him
