★ Calliope



2 years, 6 months ago


kuh · lai · uh · pee

cursed seraph and just mean woman
very efficient
just straight up rude sometimes. reigns it in for the boss but mostly shes there because shes the best at getting the job done and they probably would crumple without her help. she knows this
has like... everything in her desk drawer? literally so reliable in that sense if you can actually get her to hand it over. god forbid the office stapler goes missing.
shes not actually volatile or tempremental, shes just judgmental and kurt.
she does actually soften sometimes, if you appeal to her better self.
all of her possessions are either pearlescent or rose gold GOD
naturally blonde but she dyes her hair pink alot. it doesn't take to her hair well and washes out way too fast though
puts up with khalfani because like him she was fired from her previous job. shes equally as secretive about it, so she gets him. she still finds him agonisingly annoying though lol