


2 years, 7 months ago




"I'm on the run for murder."

Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Helen
    • Relationship Status Married
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Hunter
    • Religion N/A
    • Handedness Ambidextrous
    • Age One thousand nine hundred and four
    • Species Guardiona


    Helena is a fire Guardiona. Due to this, she has orange eyes and a shadowy entity that takes her form. It looks just like her, only encased in flames with blazing red eyes. It even shares a similar fire heart tattoo which she has going up her left arm. The only difference is that it is a creamy yellow instead of orange and has slightly more flames. Helena’s hair is long and wild, flowing down to her knees in snow-white strands. Since she lived on Aradia, she dresses in animal skin and leaves. Her sleeveless crop top and long skirt have tattered ends and are made from brown fur. She decorates her outfit with long leaves at the neckline and top of the skirt. Often, she walks around barefoot.


    • BUILD Robust and athletic

    • FOOD Honey
    • COLOUR Green & Red
    • ANIMAL Fire ants
    • SETTING Forests & Small villages
    • WEATHER Hot & dry
    • DRINK Sweetened water
    • NUMBER Twelve
    • GENRE Crime & Drama
    • ACTIVITY Helping her husband
    • TIME OF DAY Afternoon


    • Teasing & playing with her victims
    • Being by her husband's side
    • Fire and carnage


    • Wet, damp places or things
    • Letting her husband down
    • Not being able to get what she wants


    • Hunting
    • Archery
    • Crafting/Building things

    Helena is a fiercely idealist woman with a talent for crafting and boundless imagination. Beneath her creative exterior, however, lies a darker side. She can be mischievous and cruel, often succumbing to impulsive actions and a lack of self-control. Helena is fueled by the prospect of death and with the help of her Guardiona, enjoys burning down buildings and ending the lives of many, all in the name of her Reaper husband. This twisted woman gets pleasure from tormenting her victims before their demise, enjoying the act of teasing and playing with them. She's deeply devoted to her husband, clinging to him relentlessly, and revels in the chaos of fire and carnage.


    • Idealistic
    • Good with her hands
    • Creative/Imaginative


    • Mischievous and cruel
    • Lacks Self-Control
    • Impulsive


    Helena, as a woman who has been captured by the Elite Prism Force for her crimes and thrown in a high-security cell, has one main aspiration. All she really wants to do is escape and continue her life doing what she did before. She, along with the other inmates, are constantly plotting their escape, although it is proving to be difficult, even for the most skilled. Before being captured, she just wanted to create chaos and destruction on a grand scale, bringing about moments of intense carnage. After meeting her husband, her interest turned to him, as she became devoted to helping him collect as many souls as he desired.


    • Her husband dying
    • Losing everything


    • Torments her victims before killing them
    • Constantly clings to her husband


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Snarky and cold
    • COMMON STARTER “Quick or slow, what death do you prefer? I’ll make sure to do the opposite…”
    • SWEARS? Rarely
    • QUIRKS Has no filter/Says things as she sees them
  • Species

    [ Guardiona ] The Guardiona is a unique species, born with a birthmark similar to a heart shaped tattoo themed around an element. This element can be any of the main four, fire, water, air and terra. Celestial and Void are exceptionally rare, practically non existent. The tattoo represents the creature they are spiritually linked to, but is only activated after the Guardiona kills someone, whether accidental or not. If this happens, the Guardiona’s shadow changes to mimic their tattoos element, signalling the awakening of their ability. Within their shadow, lies their guardian, a powerful being representing their element. When the Guardiona calls upon them, this entity engulfs them, essentially taking over like an alter ego. They are, however, still in complete control of their actions, just a bit more wild.


    Helena is a Guardiona, who took her first life at a reasonably young age. This means that she has awakened her powers and can access the Guardiona linked to her shadow. As her family all possessed the fire element, Helena’s powers of flame manipulation are even greater, growing stronger with each generation that passes. She is so strong, with fire that is impossible to put out. Only she can extinguish her own flames. The real threat, however, is Helen, a nickname given to her fiery shadow. Helen is merciless and when in control, has been known to burn entire villages to the ground, just by staring. Everywhere she walks, leads a trail of flames and ash.

  • History

    This woman was originally from Aradia, born in Iron Rock Village in Endurance. She lived here as an orphan, her parents having died when she was still very young. Barely remembering them, she lived her life surviving on whatever she could. Independence was forced upon her, as she had to catch her own meals as soon as she could walk. In order to survive, she often stole from the equally unfortunate. At the age of five, she was cornered by an angry man. He was unforgiving, having no sympathy for a poor, hungry child. In self-defence, she picked up the nearest, sharpest object and stabbed him in the throat. This awakened her Guardiona, a fiery spirit lurking within her shadow. This entity was soon to become the thing she relied on most. Using it and her new powers, she burned houses to the ground. As she grew older, she named the fire entity Helen, similar to her own name, Helena. Together, the two became a fearsome team. Nothing was going to stop her from getting everything she wanted. At this point, all she wanted was to see the planet burn. An entire village went down in flames because of her. This mass death attracted a man, a Reaper named Kayel. The two had an immediate connection and began causing destruction together. Helena developed a sense of devotion to the Reaper and they pledged their loyalty to each other forever, until death tore them apart. Eventually, their reign of terror became so great, that even Geraldine, Aradia’s very own Goddess, was unable to stop them. This caught the attention of an intergalactic organisation. The Elite Prism Force was assigned their capture. It was not easy, even for such a well-trained team, but eventually, they were victorious and managed to capture them both. This is why they now find themselves locked up in the Grim Sector on Prism, where they currently plan their escape, along with all the other prisoners here.


    Helena was born on Aradia in Endurance, living in Iron Rock Village. This place is located in amongst the Soaranae Mountains. The mountains are harsh and home to many deadly creatures. It is due to this, that the people here are born strong or die young. The population is minimal, but those who survive are very capable, able to handle the mountains with ease, knowing its layout like the backs of their hands. Here, it is all about the survival of the village, no matter what, no matter the cost, these people will do whatever it is they have to, in the name of survival, which makes them deadly. Helena lived here as an orphan, her parents having died when she was still very young.

    Current Residence

    Nowadays, Helena lives on a planet called Prism, a place designed to be the universe's most advanced and secure prison, where they hold the worst of the worst. This psychotic woman was one step away from lighting the entire planet of Aradia in flames. She worked alongside Kayel, giving him all the souls he ever wanted. Their destruction was threatening the balance of the world. which was why Celiya and the Elite Prism force were assigned to find her and take her down. They were successful in their mission, so Helena now finds herself locked up in the Grim Sector of Prism.

  • Ancestry

    • Helena's lineage is marked by strength and adaptability
    • Her ancestors were among the early settlers of the isolated and perilous region of the Soaranae Mountains, where survival was paramount.
    • Helena’s parents’ untimely demise was the result of the same harsh conditions that have claimed many lives in the village over the years


    • Helena blames herself for the current situation she and her husband find themselves in, having been caught by the Elite Prism Force
    • She has a hidden agenda, one that involves amassing power, beyond what her husband is aware of.


    • Helena is right handed but her Guardiona, Helen, is left handed
    • As a Guardiona, she had to take the life of another in order to awaken her powers
    • Helena is married to Kayel, a bloodthirsty Reaper, who she helps by killing for him