Zebibyte (Human)



6 years, 11 months ago



Protective Hot-Headed Determind

"I really don't give two shits about what you have to say..."

Name || Zebibyte
Alias || Zebi, Byte, Zeb.
Gender || Male
Age || 20
Sign || Leo, 2nd of August.
Ethnicity || ...
Orientation || ...
Occupation || ...
Status || Talk to the hand. 
Theme || ...


This tough looking character is considerably sweet deep down it is only when you mess with his family or even someone undeserving that you get the teeth. He's cold and closed-off but for good reasons. For years Zebi blamed himself for letting his younger sister, Syretia, get kidnapped and despite being told otherwise by siblings, parents and even psychologist he continued to hold it against himself. If only he was paying more attention, maybe he could have been able to do something. Anything. 

In the seven years the Syretia was missing most, if not everyone thought she was long gone, that there was no hope but he refused to give up. This caused him to be...overprotective at times, especially with his other sisters, Reia and Vayna. In school he was known to most of the teachers as a violent troublemaker due to the number of kids he had threatened or even hit, however every time he thought his actions where well deserved. Bullies, perverts, and just down right spoiled brats often caught his attention and kids, both male and female, would gather around him finding his company to be safe from those unsavory kind.

When Syretia stumbled back into the lives by some miracle he wasn't exactly sure how to handle it. If course it was what he wanted, for her to be safe and back in their care but he was still guilt struck even if there was no guilt to go around. 


As a child Zebibyte was a bubbly and energetic kid however after his younger sister was kidnapped under his care he slowly shut down, He grew distant and protect, a little violent too. At first however he waited, hoping his sister would return wanted to wrap his head around the idea that she was just... gone. The investigation took a toll on him, like it did with everyone and sadly by the end of it he was blaming himself even though no one else did. 

Teachers called him trouble is school due to his outburst, causing them to call his parents in to take him home. Despite the justice he was trying to do it was of course no appropriate behavior for the school environment. But despite his track record of knocking any bullies teeth out he passed his classes with flying colours. He was smart, he just preferred to act rather them speak unlike his father, Rene. 

Time went on and Zebi grew up sneaking out of the house in search of his sister, refusing the accept the idea she was never going to return. He would visit questionable places for his age group but showed no fear in the face of the rough crowds he passed. His parents of course grew worried he was getting involved with these unsavory groups and nudged him towards doctors for help of course because he knew he wasn't doing anything wrong he went. Hoping it would calm them, of only a bit.

Now in his twenties, this young man is still a rough and tough looking character but deep down he is sweet and caring. Despite being quick to act he only resorted to violence when he believed it to be necessary but he never went as far as to get himself in trouble with the law. He's a risk taker but he's not stupid. Someone has to be around to protect his siblings...

Zebibyte doesn't actively talk to too many stranger, sticking to himself and often not being very trusting to strangers although even with family he doesn't enjoy talking about his issues but he still prefers their company over anyone else. But despite this you'll wanna stay on his good side no matter what because his temper can be a little...out there. Luckily he tends to regret his choices later when it comes to family, never meaning to yell or raise his voice, As for strangers, well, that can vary. He can flip like a coin sometimes, one wrong step and you might find yourself pushed aside or brushed off as if you weren't there to begin with. Of course this make it incredible hard to become his friend but he tends to avoid that for whatever reason. 


Family and Friends
Morning coffees
Road-trips on his bike
High places


Bullies and Assholes
Judgmental people
Being cramped inside
Being worried over
Feeling weak or powerless

Fashion Style - Pinterest Board


Zebibytes fashion leans toward that of cyber punk as he finds that apocalyptic twist on fashion rather pleasing to the eyes. Big collars, long coats layers, intentionally weathering and muted colours is where it at for this man and he loves it. It also adds to his tough guy act, making him seem much rougher then he is most of the time. He isn't always punch first, talk later. 

He does own a couple of shorter jackets as well, motorcycle jackets to be precise however he only pulls them out when he's out on his bike... most of the time. There are times were he cannot be bothered and merely grabs his helmet and drives. He takes good care of his equipment other then the couple of scuffs and marks they might have from his falling off of his bike. 

His choices in footwear doesn't vary to much as he enjoys boots, typically heavy and tall ones at that but he does have a couple of low boots and shoes too. Taller boots just means he can tuck his jean either over but mostly into the raised tops. These boots also add, at best, a couple of inches to his average height however unlike his older brother, Caelum, he doesn't care about it as much.

Accessories for him include long necklaces with simply charms often being copper frame wrapped around bright gems to contrast with his usual overall dull colour theme. The reason he prefers longer chains is because he doesn't have to fiddle with the tint clasps and instead just simply throw it over his head and around his neck. He also wear glasses which, much like his other accessories tend to be brighter, making them stand out from his darker features. 

Black isn't Zebi's natural hair colour, in fact it's muted brown tone so from time to time he has to touch up the colour. Unlike his father, Rene, who chose to dye their hair a pale blue Zebi chose the dark tone to match his muted colour scheme, although his natural colour worked perfectly fine. As for the length of his hair it's barely passes his neck, only trailing down his back a few inches before coming to a stop. He doesn't fuss about his hair like some others might as he enjoys the someone scruffy, untamed and natural look he gets. 

Story Summary

At the age of only thirteen, Zebibyte was closely involved in a police investigation surrounding the disappearance of his younger sister, Syretia.  He was the eldest child present that day at the park, turning his back to focus on his other sibling on the playground while she wondered of the side, unaware of the stranger that had approached her and for seven long years this sister of his was know where to be found, 

Life after that was never the same... always seeming like a roller coaster that he would have begged to get off of. Luckily he was never alone but he grew very protective of his siblings after that day. In school he would always stand up for his brothers and sister, Reia and Vanya especially. Zebi often told stories of Syretia to his youngest sister, Vanya, who was much to young at the time to remember her on her own. 

Years passed and eventually Syretia, by some miracle, showed up of course mentally scared from whatever hell those assholes put her through. Zebi was torn. On one hand he was relieved to just see that she was actually alive but on the other hand his blood boiled at the idea of those bastards getting away scotch free. Sadly not long after her reappearance the case fell cold. 

It was this injustice that drove Zebi go to a police academy and work hard to become an officer in hopes that he could bring some justice to someone, if not his sister somewhere along the line.

Not long after getting a position in the police force Zebi got into a rather serious accident. In frustration he zipped down a quiet country side street only to loose control on his bike and crash off on the side of the road, someone eventually passed him and noticed the crash, pulling of to the time to check on the situation. He was in and out of consciousness, a couple of bones broken and/or fractured, bruises and some scuffs but nothing that would be, in the long run, life threatening and before long he was taken to hospital to be taken care of properly. 

He was a pain to deal with while he was injured because he refused to settled and rest, often getting up and walking around outside, going on strolls and often keeping Reia company while they inevitably repaired his motorcycle. 



[ Father ]
One of two fathers involved the polygamous relationship known as their parents. Rene and Zebi's relationship isn't bad but it isn't the best either, he just worried far to much for his taste but slowly he has learned to tone it down, learning quickly that there were not too fond of his worry wart behaviors. However that aside they do spend some time together, sometimes taking slow ride together well...until Zebibyte decides that he is done going slow and shows off his need for speed. 


[ Father ]
Thana is the second father to Zebibyte and unlike Rene worries much less about how things are going for the quickly growing adult. Zebi has always been more on the independent side of things and Thana respects that while also tapping into that childish, adventurous and even prankster side of him. Zebi finds it much easier to talk to Thana, less dancing around the concerns and chatter and more straight to the issue. 


[ Mother ]
The mother, and the only currently present female parent in the polygamous ship. This character is still in the works so I have to wait on writing this section.


[ Brother ]
His only older brother, Caelum, is a rather interesting character. Always moving, always going higher, always doing...something. At times Zebi would stare at him with such confusion as they went off and did all sorts of strange and unique actives most normal people wouldn't even dare... but then again who cares about normal?


[ Brother ]
Just younger then him by two years is Felix, a fiery and surprisingly feisty young adult who, unlike him, struggles to open up at times. While Zebi down right refuses to talk about something Felix attempts to only to stumbles over his words before snapping in frustration. Despite this issue however they are considerately close. Though Felix often denies Zebi's help when it comes to kicking ass as he secretly looks up to him, finding is strength and Independence to be rather impressive in his eyes.


[ Brother ]
Fate, the twin brother of Karma, is rather quiet compared to some of the other, more active siblings but one thing they have in common is their love for causing trouble, together they plan pranks and plot hell for the siblings in the nicest way possible. Rather they be the classics such as a bucket propped over the door or something much more extreme and original this two will reek havoc on their unexpecting siblings. When they aren't raising hell in the house, Fate and Zebi will take trips to beach with their sister, Vanya, and just relax.


[ Sibing ]
On the other side of the spectrum is Karma, a loud, playful and energetic kid who doesn't let their illnesses get to them. Despite being sickly this ball of energy is trouble at times, in the good way. Zebi enjoys their company and will quietly listened to them ramble about all sorts, focusing on every word where most would being seeing stars dancing. He can be rather protective of his younger sibling, Karma, so I would be wise not to get on his bad side.


[ Sister ]
The light of his life, Reia, despite the age gap between this curious kid and Zebi they are as close as ever. Reia is one of the few people who could get him to talk seriously about what's on his mind without getting the shape side of the stick. He will do whatever is in his power to keep her safe and happy no matter the cost and any 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend' will quickly come to realize how protective he can be. They better pray to whatever deity they might not even believe in for protection if they make even one wrong move because he wouldn't hesitate to make then hurt if they dare hurt Reia in anyway. 


[ Sister ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar. Fusce a massa turpis. Maecenas eget urna vitae magna dapibus cursus. Praesent egestas lectus enim, a volutpat purus convallis eget. Nam iaculis dapibus purus sed sodales. Morbi eleifend dui vel placerat mollis. Integer ac orci porttitor, pellentesque purus id, porta sem. Morbi vestibulum at diam id suscipit. Donec vitae interdum tortor. Mauris volutpat orci odio, ut venenatis lorem commodo non. Nunc quis commodo lorem. Duis sit amet augue erat.


[ Sister ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar. Fusce a massa turpis. Maecenas eget urna vitae magna dapibus cursus. Praesent egestas lectus enim, a volutpat purus convallis eget. Nam iaculis dapibus purus sed sodales. Morbi eleifend dui vel placerat mollis. Integer ac orci porttitor, pellentesque purus id, porta sem. Morbi vestibulum at diam id suscipit. Donec vitae interdum tortor. Mauris volutpat orci odio, ut venenatis lorem commodo non. Nunc quis commodo lorem. Duis sit amet augue erat.

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