Hain Elysande



2 years, 6 months ago



Age 20
Pronouns she/her
Height 5'5
Species Human
fav. food Blueberry pancakes
Weapon Magic
Occupation Wanderer







Hain is the child of two esteemed scientists: Syril and Biserka Elysande. Although, despite her parents' prestige, current events have caused her to abandon her family name and seek out a new life instead. With both of her parents seemingly having disappeared or worse, are now considered criminals of the highest order, she prefers to not associate with them.

Hain is kind and open, accepting of others' differences to herself and she does her best to not judge when it comes to new things. Though she can be excitable and energetic, during downtime she is often quiet unless spoken to, and mostly sticks to doing her own thing unless others are around, in which she is mostly content to do anything from something loud and fun to peaceful and quiet with them.

Though she is quick to comfort others, Hain has a hard time extending that same kindness to herself, instead seeming to be overly-critical of herself at the worst of times, especially when she is weak. Even still, she is someone that always tries to see the best of things even if she can fall prey to insecurities or worming doubts. She is also naturally trusting in others, once again wanting to see the best of them, although this may prove a detriment to her as it can lead her to being deceived and manipulated by them, or even physically hurt. 

In addition, she is very confident, which while it could (and has) led her to overexerting herself, potentially bringing harm to herself and others, it is also an excellent asset as it pushes her to persevere where others might give up, to varying results. That being said, Hain can also be quite naive due to her living a rather free life as a child, while simultaneously being a bit sheltered at home. This leads her to not knowing how to do a few essential tasks, such as driving, cooking (aside for a few simple meals), handling finances, etc. Although, Hain is quick to adapt and learn new skills if she puts her mind towards it, always sticking by a growth mindset and being a good problem solver to the best of her ability in every situation. Hain's bright and open self also makes her appealing to many others, although it may prove to be stifling or intimidating to those who prefer the quieter side of life.

When things are settled down and she's on her own, Hain can usually be found playing games, going on walks, researching new skills, practicing her magic or doing strength training, spending time with her mount Rathis, relaxing on a pillow and reading, or drawing. Her skills as an artist are not very good, and she can be considered an amateur artist at best, but she enjoys her craft and sticks to making little doodles rather than complex drawings.

Suffering from amnesia, Hain woke up in a prison cell on Elyma's moon, Vaenia, about to be sentenced by the court to one hundred years in prison for the supposed murder of an entire town through extremely powerful magic, where she was found laying face-down and unconscious, covered in the blood of the townspeople. Though Hain was born without any magic at all, some event occurred in the year she cannot remember for her to gain this power. In turn, after Hain managed to escape her imprisonment and land on the earth below, then being discovered and given shelter by her mentor Alora, she began to hone this new magic power as she now seeks the truth of what happened and a way to prove her innocence.

This task takes her far and wide across the world of Elyma, evading the Vaenian government who have put out a reward for her capture, as well as other mysterious forces, including her own father, that seem interested in her power. She meets and bonds with many people along the way, making new allies while also finding plenty of enemies along the way. Though she does not know how far the path will take her, nor how long it will be, Hain is now along for the ride, ready to face whatever dangers she must in order to secure peace for herself and her friends, even if it means uncovering more than a few deeply dark secrets and facing nightmarish things along the way.



Childhood friend


